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A member registered Feb 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Uwah, thanks so much for your kind words <3

Ledge grabs: easy to implement, and then, a continual source of bugs and noclips for at least a month afterwards.  I just caught a new wave of them this week <_>

I'm giving the tutorial stage an overview for my next version release, it's definitely way too hard for most people and kind of confusing in how it's structured, too.  Part of the problem is that im extremely good at these kinds of games so I don't even notice when things are hard ^_^;;

The textboxes were a big thing I've been working on the past two weeks to get additional features in, and while I was doing that I also didn't like how much the text moved around so I changed it while I was at it.

... I will fix that OS thing in my dashboard, I didn't realize, thanks >_<

Aww, thanks! I'm still determined to make the game beatable even by people who don't normally play this kind of game, but we'll see where I end up on that lol.

thanks! Im definitely still refining Rae, i think a big part of her issues is actually enemy design/placement for the first two rooms, though.  

 Stage 2 is done actually, just needs a bit of script, then to be ikea'd together :p

Yeah, I should probably make that section easier, lol.  I've nerfed it like 4 times already but its still a lot xD

I'm still fine-tuning the controls, Is there anything about them, that stuck out for you? :3

Hi! Thanks for your feedback <3

I am trying to make the game fairly easy to push through with aggressive checkpoint placement, (those floating crystal things) and the ability to talk your way through some combat segments.  Ideally, a no-death run of a stage would be tricky, but most players would just count on respawning a few times without really losing much time.

It's still a work in progress (Enough checkpoints? Do people even know the crystals are checkpoints? Gotta work on that)

That's an interesting suggestion for Tab'i's hover, I could try putting something like that in there.  I'll code it and test it out, maybe get it in there for


Development is ongoing, upon many different Axes.  The Demo contains the first stage - Tomb of Rhea Tralluru, and is fully playable.

I'll be updating this version with bugfixes over the next few weeks, there may well be a few.  Stage 2 is expected next month, along with feature expansions.

Still collecting a lot of feedback on this project, please let me know <3