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A member registered Oct 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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I posted a prototype not too long ago, and wish to continue developing it. I used some AI placeholders for character portraits and wish to get rid of them to have actual art go with the game.  The plan is to built a short enough demo, and later pitch it to a game publisher to get funding for it. Details:

[2D] I'm looking for anime style, it doesn't need to be anything crazy since it's a prototype, but it needs to fit with the style of the game. Right now all is needed is three characters. Two will need 5 different emotions [only facial expression change], while the third is simply a dark silhouette.

[3D] Outside of the player character, I'm using CCO models from the internet, but wish to have actual assets that fit the game better. Knowing animation would be very helpful too, but I can delve into it myself since I've been making them for the prototype. I mostly need character models for enemies, but environmental assets would be welcomed too.

You can find the game here: it's a 2D action game focused on juggling your enemies and performing long attack strings by combining multiple specials.

I leave a gif from a current version [Inputs might look complicated, but that's just me mashing]:

Hello, thank you for trying out the game! I am interested in watching the video, so feel free to send me the link once it's posted.

Honestly, I have no complains to offer. I doubt I found all the anomalies in the game, but I did find 19 in the last one and they never felt obnoxious or unfair. Switching between normal and night vision is a good addition. The game looks good, sounds good, and it's a lot of fun to play. Great job, this is an excellent entry and can definitely do with more levels.

(1 edit)

Game has a nice look to it with the black and white cartoon style, and I think the music compliments it really well. The platforming works well, and offer a good challenge without feeling unfair. One thing I'm not sure if it's intended or not though is the momentum when you are in the air. If you let go of the movement key, Pouchi plummets straight down instead of keeping some forward momentum, which I'm not really used to in platformers. Other than that, I had a good time playing.

Simple, but it does the concept of endless runner well.  It could do with more variety of enemies, though it mixes things up with different speeds, making moving left and right important. There is no UI, but I'm not sure if it even needs anything other than the score. I guess maybe a best score in a corner and a pause screen. Anyway, nice entry.

Had a lot of fun with it. Well done!

Enjoyed every second of it. Responsive controls, good music and sound effects, art is simple but effective, and most importantly, the game is fun to play. A lot of room for more puzzles too, maybe even a reward system for completing in a certain amount of time, or killing every enemy.

Good work.

(1 edit)

Thank you, I'm glad to hear it was a good experience!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I loved it, it was pretty fun deciphering what the girl was saying, and the words kinda just came to me as I learned the letters. Really well done, I managed to get the fish in my first run.

Your game is beautiful! The presentation is amazing and so is the writing, as well as the little details with the UI and the menu. Well done!

A pretty sweet little story, it felt so short I had to read it twice! Excellent work on your submission, you've got great talent in art and writing!

Thanks! happy to hear it was a good experience for you.

I did, thanks for checking it out and for your help on making it! Hopefully it was decent enough since it was my first time writing a VN. 

Try the discord, plenty of people looking to help over there.


Hello, I need an artist that can make the sprite for the game I plan to participate with. Here's an example of what I'm looking for.
This is pretty much what I would need, just the outline of the character:

And this is how it should look in game once implemented:

If anyone is interested I leave my discord: cev2931
Or you can comment here too

I don't think jams restrict the way you want to publish it, but as far as I know web is preferable since it makes it easier for people to play. Could always have both as well.

Short but very enjoyable. The art is fantastic and the music fits perfectly, with a nice interpretation of the theme. I also like how you actually spin and move around the room during the dancing game, well done!

Excellent gameplay, very easy to get into it. The dual characters fit the theme nicely as well as being a fun change in gameplay since you can't defend yourself as Shlak. Another thing I  enjoyed was the setting, it reminded of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games.

Happy to hear you enjoyed it, I could only make one dungeon during the jam time so that's pretty much the end of the game.

Thank you for the feedback!

Had a lot of fun with it, got some great combinations going after picking up a few more cards. I don't know if this is supposed to happen cause it's the end of the game or something, but my character froze in place after defeating the golden knight.

Honestly, I am loving it. The game looks really good and while it is difficult that's not really  a problem for me personally, it would be even better if I had people to play with honestly.

Really fun to play, well done.

Thanks, hope you liked the game!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

Hey, thanks for playing the game!  Last dungeon was made in the last day so there was not much time to play test it, so yeah, a little bit of yikes on my part there.

Yo, thanks for playing the game. I missed the stream unfortunately since I was sleeping (Jam was tough), sorry you encountered a bug tho.

For the theme I thought of using the shooting mechanics to damage and heal as a "contrast between two concepts", might've fumbled it by misunderstanding the definition of duality, might've not. Still happy to have people play and test, thanks again!

Hey Briwal, tal vez podemos hablar un poco por discord y discutir una collaboracion? Dejo mi perfil si te interesa.

Discord: Cev#2931

Hello, I'm a fairly new godot dev. Only a few months of experience.

I will be making a game for the jam and thought about collaborating with other people for it. Not looking for high professionals of course, tho anyone is welcome to join. I've built quiet a few prototypes for different games, but want to learn more about development so I thought forming a team of newbies would be quiet the experience for the jam. I'm bad when it comes to art and music (like really bad) so even if you don't know godot at all or want to learn it or just want to get some experience in like me, you are welcome to hop in.