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A member registered Jan 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your comment! The market mechanism is inspired by some board games, e.g., Acquire and Stockpile.

Thanks for your comment!

It is a decent action game with some touhou flavors (Danmaku and graces). I enjoy playing it.

By the way, does the button C also have some functionalities? I accidently pressed it, and Kasen seemed to get trapped in the floor.

I am not sure if I am the only person encountering this problem. There are no digits (e.g., progress and miss rates) displayed on my screen. Maybe it is just my computer's problem.

Apart from it, the game itself is an interesting rhythm game with several new ideas, although quite difficult for me. And the art looks cute.

The art style is really impressive to me. And I like how Kagerou and Raiko are connected to different legends. I just get a little confused about the gameplay. Is it a pure survival game or not? Should I shoot some objects in the scene to proceed? It would be good if there are some additional descriptions.

The game mechanism is concise while attractive. And the music is stylishly arranged. Though I am not good at this type of games, I still try to survive longer to hear the full audio.

Thank you for the feedback!

Thanks for your comment!

Thank you for such a detailed review! I failed to finish all sound effects on time, therefore some audio feedbacks are lacking.

Thanks! I am so bad at math that I did not find the problem. Now I uploaded a new version of the game with bugs fixed.