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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cool environment, tho idk if it's just my game but the camera is kinda close to the player, so the player takes up a lot of screen space

Maybe after the jam ends I'll add audio. Thanks!


Thank you!


Very unique and fun!

Very unique and fun!

Checkpoints would be nice (I didn't beat the game) but I do like how you can skip dialogue (nice on repeated tries). Great tie to the special object theme, and an interesting mini story.

Really funny game!

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Like everyone else has said it's pretty hard to engage in combat without taking a lot of damage, I found the best strategy was to circle the slimes while hitting them, the attack animation doesn't play but you still deal damage which you can tell from the slimes' deteriorating animation (which is great btw!) and avoid taking most damage. I liked the music, and the slimes' damaged sound is good feedback for combat too. Simple but good game. The character, slime, and environment designs are great too!

I love all the powerups!

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Feels like a great first few levels for a game, would love to see more!

Cute and fun game! The music is groovy, the artwork/character design is funny and likeable, the plot kept me playing, and the gameplay loop is fun. I wouldn't mind actually if the game kept you a bit busier with tasks in later days. The game feels really complete. I also like how the game sounds continue in the background after you finish the game, implying that you/other people are still working there.

I keep getting a bug though where an npc leaves, then reappears on my desk, and gets stuck there, preventing any other npcs from coming (including the boss at 5pm) and stopping me from progressing. Might have something to do with doing tasks while the npc is walking off screen but I'm not sure. Had to restart a few times because of this, still got both endings though!

Does the game continue after the flashing part? Anyways you probably would want to replace the flashing with some other kind of effect because it's a bit hard on the eyes. Also this is more of a bug but I didn't know the tool would let me open the locked folder, so I went back to the tool room with no way back out before I retried the game. Funny character though and good animation too!

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Super fun and unique! The levels have a really good difficulty curve and the gameplay is addictive. The controls are super simple but there's a lot you can do with those controls, and it's satisfying to learn new tricks.

Really cool! I found the difference between the reload/upload buttons a little confusing but that didn't stop me from beating the game, great game!

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How do I load files? The download button works and I can edit and save the text file, I'm assuming it's the reload icon loads the file in but it doesn't seem to do anything

Edit: Wait nvm, I just had to try clicking a few times

I beat the first three levels but the last one is too punishing for the amount of waiting you have to do for platforms and lasers. The game has cute graphics (I like the files in the background), the plot motivated me to keep playing, and the character feels good to control.  It was fun and satisfying making progress and beating levels, though I think if it was just less unforgiving and gameplay relied less on waiting for things to happen it would be even better!

Idk if this was intentional but I like how it seems like the enemies spawn on beat with the music!

Aw damn I was expecting you were gonna make a "normal" platformer for the theme was kinda interested

Thanks! We were planning to have a line of parents that would keep spawning in, but because of time constraints we went with having one that just changes appearance. (If you look closely the parent changes every time you find a kid! Also, all the kids don't actually disappear, they just hide behind the desk :P) That would've been a cute idea too!