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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Super fun concept! The audio design in this was impeccable, from the music to the voice acting to the sound effects, it was all spectacular and incredibly high quality. I thought the art-style was super charming and having to navigate through while hiding in the shadows was surprisingly challenging.

Finding the guy without having the compass was very hard, so adding that was insanely helpful, but didn't make it a cake walk. I couldn't figure out how to use potions or if I could collect them. It also took me an embarrassingly long time to realize I had to press Enter to start the game. I also noticed the sprites jittering around the screen when moving which was a little off putting.

Overall though, I would love to see the concept fleshed out more, especially with more maps and mechanics. Some other ways to navigate the shadows would be really interesting to see but perhaps you have to be careful not to be spotted using them. Great job!

Thank you so much for the praise. The ramping tension and maximization was definitely planned on our part and getting the game feel right was important for us. 
I do agree that the shop can be really hit or miss, and while I think some randomness is good for the rogue-like formula, I agree bypassing that makes it more fun. We didn't have time to add re-rolls to the shop but I think that could help combat this a fair bit.

We do have plans of more features we could add and hope to polish this up some more!

I had a lot of fun playing this and ran into the trap of "Okay one more time", definitely quite challenging. It definitely forces you to have to collect minions and XP to level up as you slowly become more and more overwhelmed. Having to be careful about movement to not trap yourself was also difficult.
It took me a bit to understand how best to use the flag mechanic but I think it implemented well as a way to better control the minions.

I think a little more visual design when picking up gems or upgrading minions would be really helpful. I often found I couldn't tell if I had picked up a xp orb or not and the minions merging I didn't fully realise until I was saw they were bigger.

Overall great work!

Thank you so much for the feedback!
I am really glad that strategizing felt good, balancing the game feel was really important to us. I agree a lot with the feedback too (I also had a run where I accidentally bought a shop item from spamming to kill the last guy)

We have quite a few ideas about how to expand the game further and add more mechanics, especially branching a little more outside the potion theming.

I really appreciate you leaving a comment!

Love this concept of transmuting to solve puzzles, super nice use of the theme. The art style and music are super nice as well, awesome job.

This was such a charming game. The controls felt great, the art style is beautiful, all the sound design felt incredibly polished and overall a lovely little story. Amazing work