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A member registered Feb 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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If you're still stuck let me know!

You're just missing something! There's a puzzle that happens once Otenko's panel shows up in the first room of the theater.

Hey there! You can get the Lunar Knights passwords by beating the game on either Normal, Hard, or Nightmare Mode.

Hey there! Thanks for reporting on these issues. Number 1 has been patched. 2 and 3 may come in later fixes. Glad you enjoyed the game!

I'm so happy you enjoyed the game so far! Yeah WeatherSync is designed to work everywhere, there are only a select few places where the data may not be as accurate but most of the time it's fine. 

You can toggle through targets but the buttons to do so may not be clear, I'll put it on my list. I will also think about summons some more. Thank you for your feedback! 

Hey there! 

Super happy to hear you enjoyed the game, and thanks for stopping by on the Discord! If you continue to the 2nd immortal let me know what you think!

(1 edit)

Hi there! I'm really glad you enjoyed the game so far : )

If you purify an immortal (daytime) then Annie gains a new magic spell. If you assimilate an immortal (nighttime) then Emil gets a new weapon. 

The cutscenes overall will change depending on which immortals are purified vs assimilated. Even in this demo!

Thank you for the help! I'll add it to the bug list for next year's version

(1 edit)

Oh dear. Do you have a repro for this? (As in a way to trigger this bug?)

Ah, nevermind, I found the issue and will update immediately. In the meantime, you might be able to go through the exit by rubbing up against that wall if you haven't tried that already.

Oh no, sorry that happened to you, I'll look into it right now, do you happen to have a save file? (save.bok in Kura5 Data)

It unfortunately is not a retroactive fix. But you should still be able to complete the demo with the lower max hp.

It should have! The issue was that saving the game set emil's max life back to default instead of keeping it increased. Now when you purify an immortal, both characters should have their life increased.

Thank you so much for the kind words! I look forward to hearing about your playthrough.

Howdy howdy,

It plays like a mixture of both. You have two characters and some faster paced action like in Lunar Knights, but it keeps the stealth mechanics, coffin dragging, gun frame collecting, and the puzzles of boktai 1-3.

You can download the demo too if you want to see for yourself too.

Awesome, thank you! Looking forward to putting it out there.

Downloading this I was expecting a loose .zip of games. The front end of this is amazing and the games suck you in!

Thank you!

You may be excited to see some familiar faces in the game then ;)

Thank you so much!

Ok! I can't do much about Emil's sword combo, but the controls should have been tightened up a bit, and the frame swap issue fixed too.

Let me know if there's anything else you have in mind, thank you!

Thank you! 

You will get another character later on to help you at night. And I really appreciate you telling your friends! 

Oh gosh thank you so much! This is some great feedback.

Do you have any other examples of the characters feeling stiff? I can see about sending annie and emil to the chiropractor.

Thank you for the quick reply orange! 

I did notice the small tip in the rng. Early on you can get useful items like bear traps, small keys, and explosive vials. However, if you've already rummaged through most of the crates you have access to, then what happens is that you run into a situation where you are not given the means to dig yourself out of an unlucky battle. 

Having random items in each barrel is a lot of fun! RNG for finding loot makes sense, but I think the player needs a way to produce, say, worm juice if you had a bad run in with a maneba. I love the variety that the rng provides, and think the harshness is a good part of the atmosphere, but if a guard messes me up I should have the tools to do better next time, you know? 

The later parts of the game do also get a little bit better as by this point you have a full party equipped with more than basic weaponry and a horde of accumulated stuff. Bosses also get a little better here as there's a definite "right" answer to beating them. (No spoilers) 

You've probably gotten these points from a billion different angles though so for now how you tweak the game is up to you. Keep going and thank you!

Also with regards to ending A, does only the final phase of the boss have an OHKO attack?! Woof. 

Hey there! 

I played your game on a friend recommendation. I am leaving this review because Fear and Hunger has one of the best moody atmospheres I've seen in a game, and I only want to see this game grow and improve. You're doing a great job so far both with this game and listening to your community. 

I do appreciate the oppressive atmosphere of the game, and sometimes the coin toss can add a bit of intensity to places where life and death is at stake.

However, some of the placement of the rng and what the game is trying to do feels at odds with each other.

>>But as long as you learn from your mistakes, you can quickly find yourself at the deeper levels of the dungeon.

Where this vision starts to break down is that the game doesn't grant you a margin of error that will let you learn from your mistakes. You could know to, through trial and error, avoid all the guards, rub infected wounds with green herbs, cut off dark priest arms, etc etc. But due to the lack of a reliable save system, you could make a tiny error during a battle, or miss a single attack, or lose a coin flip and you have to start the game over again. Scripted events, intro, and all.

You could also get a status effect that's slowly killing your character. You failed the coin tosses previously to find the book on how to craft the item needed to cure your character. Your character dies slowly and there's no recovering from it short of scrambling to find a walkthrough.

Another situation I ran into was getting the crow mauler 4 times in a row trying to save on the bed, just so I didn't have to create my character and go through all of the scripted scenarios over and over again. Another situation was hacking off all of a guards limbs only for his tackle attack to have the same damage as his normal attacks. (How did cutting off the limbs increase my survivability here?)

Either the game wants me to use trial and error and I am allowed to recover and learn from my mistakes, or the game has the RNG act as a point of tension but a reliable enough save system that allows you to quickly get back on your feet. If you have both, the atmosphere cracks and the game begins to feel like a chore. You're discouraged from experimenting and being creative because one unlucky turn can spell doom. 

Personally I'm fine with the one-hit kills, but I think this game desperately needs a reliable save system (start off the game with one free book of enlightenment? No crow mauler in Basement 3?) and for players to be able to craft without rng generated recipe books. This way your knowledge of the game will always allow you to prepare for encounters instead of being at the mercy of finding a book. With the above in mind, being able to miss attacks doesn't help either. I can understand a knight not being able to reach a guard's head but if every turn matters then why have me lose turns? 

Thank you for the effort you are putting into the game, and I hope that this review helps the game improve. : )