man, I loved the story! I GOTTA know what happens next
Recent community posts
Just wanted to know the hotkeys for this game, since they don't seem to be listed anywhere. Here's what I've figured out so far:
- Q,W,E,A,S,D,Z,C (and arrow keys): move
- X: Rest
- P: Plant
- R: Drop
- I: Inventory
- L: Inspect current item
- N: Nap
- Space: Context menu
- ESC: Options menu
- enter: Action/interact (basically "A" from the virtual gamepad)
REALLY enjoy the movement. I did notice that the tutorial says nothing about double-tapping to dash, but I assumed it was there given the game's inspirations. I have to echo the complaint about the AI (a lot of late game fights ended with them just walking off lol) and about instakills ending your runs early. Maybe the campaign needs a stock setting? I also feel like the parries are lacking - I didn't see a single one from neither me nor the CPUs pay off in an hour of playtime. All that said, the feedback for big hits is nailed DOWN. Watching a round end in seconds bc of a jumpkick sending my opponent flying off team-rocket-style is super satisfying. Can't wait to see where this goes! Wishlisting for sure!
Thanks... If anyone needs it, The fresh save file is just a .txt, so I'll post it below:
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This was a pretty good time!
A few notes: I noticed that in the later levels, the UI was obscuring some of the play field at the top. I also started getting confused between worlds when the elements would change appearance - Maybe the numbers could be color coded to stay consistent? The addition of flagging the landslides could also help some of the frustration; I noticed I was getting lazy towards the end because I didn't want to keep all the clues in my head. Other than that, this really scratched that "variety minesweeper" itch!
Is there any way to restrain guards once you knock them out? I found I could repeatedly drop them in a bed and attack them until they died, but their body stayed and was completely uninteractable. Also, I assume there's something intentional going on, but once I equipped two prisoners, they started fighting each other. Couldn't break out of the starting prison after multiple attempts
Not sure if this would be too far from your plan for this game, but I like the idea of opening cells being your energy source, and mines are possible self-damage?
That way, energy is more consistent (maybe directly related to the numbers on clues you find, and inflate energy values on everything to balance?), and also opens up possible self-damage builds. Sorry if this is a lot of ideas at once!
I'm so excited for this game! I did find some bugs, however, although it might be that I used the wrong version. The text cuts off at the bottom(Just dialog, I think?), and the menus don't seem to update quite right (The active pets list doesn't update correctly when reserving and bringing out pets, and the quantity numbers in the equip tab don't move with their items). Keep up the good work!