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A member registered Aug 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot for the feedback! I’ll look into fixing most of the bugs you’ve reported, and I’ll add some things you suggested! I’ll go over your points and try to answer to all of them:

1.) Thanks, I fixed it now.

2.) I tried using butler for this patch, but I was too lazy to set it up. I’ll look into it for the next one. I think I’ll get rid of the installer, as I think it’s unnecessary and I suspect it might be the culprit to why saving doesn’t work.

3.) Glad to hear that. I was randomly messing around with audio filters and fell in love with them haha.

4.) Fixed. Thanks for that. I didn’t notice it before. It should be at the same or at least a very similar volume now.

5.) I think this is a very good idea. Making the tutorial interactive will remove any potential confusion in case I explained something wrong/not clearly enough. I’ll add it in some bigger update later, probably after this next one.

7.) I thought it would be neat for the player to see how many times they’ve clicked throughout the game. Although it should be noted that the amount of clicks doesn’t equal to the amount of points you currently have. I’m embarrased at how long I thought the stat was wrong and bugged because of this. I didn’t count pausing to be playtime because; Does being paused really count as playing the game?

8.) I guess this is semi-intentional. It’s definitely unsatisfying to see the kicking happen slower than your clicks, but I think making the animation very fast or just reset instantly every time you click would look strange.

10.) More L O R E is coming soon! I’ll maybe add a bit in the next update, and a lot more in the very big upcoming update!

11.) No, multipliers don’t stack. Thanks for the tip though, I’ve added it into the shop guide now.

12.) I think I** won’t add any more upgrades** to Raidy’s shop, but I will add something to sweeten the gameplay and reduce the frustration while grinding.

13.) It’s an ‘x’. I didn’t even know a ‘×’ symbol existed. I won’t change it though, as I don’t think the font the game uses even supports it and it’s not that noticeable.

14.) Strange. I thought only the deactivate button on the 100x multiplier was acting up. I’ll look into fixing that, or I might just remove the option to deactivate them entirely.

15.) Well, the way I made it is that you kick the heater by pressing an invisible button, and if you have the 2x multiplier - for example -, it increases the amount of points by 1 after the button has been clicked, leaving you with two points. I hope it’s not annoying or anything.

16.) No, I didn’t even know that pressing space worked. I later found out it’s a Unity thing and the purpose of it is to be able to press buttons in case you only have a keyboard. I removed it and you shouldn’t be able to click with space anymore after the next update. Hopefully.

17.) Again, I didn’t know about it. Please don’t use the space bar while playing the game, it’s an oversight and something might not work because of it.

18.) Gaining points in other tabs is a bug, but I decided to keep it in because I thought it was nice. Beware though, as it *always gives you one point less if you have a multiplier. * 19.) It is somewhat intended, but I didn’t realise how long it takes to obtain it. That’s karma for me, I shouldn’t use a third-party autoclicker to test the game.

20.)* I’ll change up the balancing of shop prices in the next update.*

22.) I think that playtime should be significantly reduced after I lower the shop prices. The game doesn’t have nearly enough content and interesting things to take a full hour to beat.

23.) If you get really tired, you can always use an autoclicker ;)

24.) Well the achievements for just visiting the shop and boss room are both inside jokes. I know that the player didn’t achieve anything by just clicking a button. In the upcoming big update, achievements will have a** way bigger meaning** and will be very useful!

25.) Thanks for the suggestion! I was really struggling with coming up with things to make the game less boring and grindy, and this helps a lot!

26.) I have no idea how I didn’t see that. I’m literally hitting my head against my table at my stupidity. I removed it now, there’s a Quit button instead.

27.) That’s very odd. I tested Saving on my PC and it worked. I suspect that maybe the installer could be messing this up. If not, then I guess*** Unity is having trouble finding the User’s data path***. I hope it’s not that, because I have no idea how to fix that. I’ll also change the file extension name on the save files, as I suspect that antivirus software may be deleting it since the file name is “save.haha”, which your antivirus software could detect as a potential virus. Changing the file extension name will wipe everyone’s saves, but not many people have played this version yet so nobody should be mad. *Hopefully. *

29.) I think that’s another cool suggestion. Chaning the colour of the sparks could make you feel like you’re progressing, and it will freshen up the gameplay a bit.

30.) I am aware of this, and I’ll fix it.

31.) This is also strange, as I could’ve sworn it worked for me. Maybe some data corrupted when the game was uploaded to the installer?

32.) I need to make references to other things than the rick roll. I do that far too much. Together forever is amazing too!

33.) I feel so sorry to hear that. Again, I could’ve sworn it worked for me. I have no clue why it doesn’t work in the published version.

34.) It took me about 10 minutes to reach the boss target with both the AutoKicker and the 100x multiplier. Again, I need to stop using an autoclicker for testing.

35.) I recommend playing the game* all the way to the boss fight.* Just** don’t save** and don’t deactivate anything. Since the shop prices are so poorly balanced, I recommend downloading a third-party autoclicker and using that to get to the boss fight. Although I should warn you just in case -** turn it off before you click on any tab.** It shouldn’t do anything, but just in case, so you don’t encounter any ***game-breaking bug. ***

Thank you so much for the feedback, it helped me out a lot. I’ll get working on fixing all of the bugs you’ve reported as well as adding*** more content*** so the first phase of the game isn’t so incredibly boring and grindy.

Have a lovely day, ChorcheKork

Well I have to admit, when it comes to royalties, Unity is like a vulture with how much money it takes compared to other engines. In my opinion, recent events with Unity have been very strange, with the merging with IronSource or the fact that the CEO called indie devs stupid idiots or something like that. I was actually considering switching to Unreal, but I’m not yet sure. I’m really trying to live by caring for a game’s community and it’s feedback.

Your game sounds really cool! Let me know when even just a demo is available, I’d love to check it out.

Game boy is a really cool console! I’d love to get my hands on it one day, but where I come from, shipping tends to cost 80 times more than the actual product. I think it’s a shame that older consoles are getting harder to get, because the games on them were great and so nostalgic.

Larry is just an inside joke. I am one of those people that instead of naming their character models things like “NPC_Town_01”, I name them random names like Jeff, Jeremy, Larry, Barry…

Hello everyone! Patch v1.0.0.1 is out, with many Quality of Life improvements, Balancing Rework, a Save System and some bug fixes. Read here for detailed Patch Notes.

The most significant addition in this update is the brand new Saving System. You can start a New Game or Continue where you left off from the Main Menu. The game Autosaves every minute, but - just to be safe - make sure to click on ‘Save’ in the Pause menu before quitting the game. Losing or Winning the Heatlord boss fight will not result in a reset of progression.

That’s it for the new patch. If you’re interested in Heater Kicker and would like to see more, make sure to leave a comment, rating and share the game with your friends! If you find any bugs, balancing issues or any other problem, be sure to let me know via the comments section.

Want to know more about Heater Kicker? You can find more info here.

thank you


Click! Upgrade! Fight! You have a big responsibility, and that is the very large threat of radiators, which have recently started rising up. Start out in a room with nothing but a Heater in it, and kick your way to the end game boss! The fate of the world is in your hands.

The main goal is to Kick the Heater, which gives you points. You can spend these points in Raidy’s Shop to buy Upgrades which can help a LOT when clicking. Once you’ve gained enough points, you can stop by Major’s Base and summon Heatlord - the game’s Final Boss. You can also unlock Achievements throughout the game, which are very fun and mysterious to unlock, as you aren’t told how to unlock them before you actually acomplish them.

I made this game over the course of three weeks. I would love to keep adding content and updates to it, so if you find yourself enjoying it, consider leaving feedback and sharing it with your friends. I highly appreciate it. There are a few known bugs, such as multipliers not working, and I will get to work on fixing them ASAP.

You can play the game here:

Hey! How are you doing? I’m sorry for reaching out through here, itch doesn’t have a messaging system. How are your projects coming along? I’ve just released a new game that I’ve worked on for a few weeks and I was wondering if you would be interested in checking it out?

There are a few known bugs I’ve found through other players, one of which includes multipliers not working (seriously recommend an AutoClicker because of this) and I will get to work on fixing them ASAP.

Yeah I ragequitted PLAT Inc. But it was fun though. 

I wish you good luck on Terminal, sounds like a cool game. I'm not an expert so my recommendations should not really be a thing you should listen to, but I think Unity is a great engine for 2D games, if that's what your puzzle game is.  Godot is pretty good as well but I've heard it's not as polished as Unity or Unreal (which makes sense given that it's the newest one of them all). My project might be available as a demo or as a full game in the future, but I'm currently struggling with my toxic relationship with Unity's animation system.

I will definitely keep competing in Jams, I think it's really fun. By Gameboy, do you mean the legendary old console or...? 

I'm glad to see you managed to finish the game. Also I can't really make out what that timer/clock on that photo is, but if that's a speedrun timer then I salute you! 


Larry is love, Larry is life.

I am very upset that I didn't play as many games as I would like this jam, I would also play them all if I could! I appreciate people like you a lot, since such a detailed review and feedback helps MASSIVELY. I don't know if I'll return to the games I missed this jam, I'm quite not in the "jamming mood" anymore and I'm busy working on other projects.

Yeah, you really can't compare anything when participating in a jam. I thought there's not even a single chance this game would win, yet somehow - it did. I didn't even go into the jam with the mindset of ,,I must win!", I just wanted to participate and challenge myself. I am a bit mad though that people tend to troll on the jam and give every game a bad rating, so theirs would win or so that it has a lower chance of winning. I was shocked to see all the cool games that were so much better than mine  being placed on like 780th place. I also feel kind of upset that I won my first jam, because it just doesn't feel normal (I'm weird I know XD).

Yeah, it sucks you can't even make it into a Brackeys video anymore, but I do respect their decision and wish them well in whatever they decided to do. They don't even say who won on their community tab anymore, which sucks. But I don't care, as stated above, I didn't go into this for winning or fame, I went into this for fun. I still don't believe for even a second that my game is good, but thank you.

I'm still not sure if I want to make a sequel to Introvert yet or not, but I am currently working on another game. Not decided yet if I'm going to release it or not, but the development is going really well so far!

I also wish you all the best and I hope to see you on another jam some day.

wow thank you so much Lemon boi <3

Yeah I am eternally grateful for that, thank you so much!

I also regret not rating and playing many games on this jam, I only played about 40.

I still can't believe it. This is like the fourth game I ever made and all of my previous ones were just asset flips. And it's my first jam too! It's just so strange to me how the game could win the theme category, I just can't believe what I'm seeing.

I really owe you for that last vote, I'll get you like an 8-bit beer or something haha

Thanks a lot again for playing and voting on my game!

I'm definitely going to look into the AZERTY integration in my next games, thanks a lot for that.

Oh, I get what you meant by the portrait now, yeah I shrunk some of the images a little bit so they could fit in the frame properly. Which I now realise I could've just made the frame bigger, but whatever.

As for the doors, yes while it may be realistic for doors to open one way, it isn't very realistic when they push you behind them and get you stuck for all eternity.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion in graph theory, I'll definitely look into it! The binding of Isaac has still the best procedural generation imo. Sadly I do not speak french, but I intend to learn it at some point!

Conclusion: I am glad you're glad I'm glad (I couldn't resist)

To answer your question, yes the game shows an ending screen after you beat level 3 with some high quality written lore.

thanks a lot man :)

Wow! The game got #1 in theme!!! I don't know what to say. Thanks a lot everyone for playing and rating my game, I highly appreciate it!! The jam was genuinely so much fun and everyone was so kind and helpful! Thank you all SO much for playing and voting for it!

Wow. Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Thanks a lot for voting on the game, I really appreciate it!

I'm glad you really liked the menu and level selector.

I appreciate the critique on the music, and yes, it was designed to depict the nightmare of the game's lore.

As for the credits, I didn't even notice the spelling mistake lol.

Sorry the controls were hell for you. I'm going to be honest, I wasn't even aware an AZERTY keyboard exists. I learned about that much much later on in the jam, and I'm going to make sure to make the controls proper in my upcoming games.

I'm glad the tutorial was understandable and explained everything correctly, I didn't playtest the game thoroughly, so I wasn't sure if everything was clear.

I'm very glad to hear you liked the headbobbing. I heard that a lot of people don't like headbobbing in games, but I thought it simulated the character's panic really well, plus I just really like it so I would add it anyway. I would definitely add more camera movement to the game, but I ran out of time and needed to move on to other things.

Anxiety doesn't increase faster when other characters are around. In the game, the characters were supposed to be literally everywhere, but I designed the levels first and added the characters later, and they just wouldn't fit in the hallways. I really wanted to expand upon the whole anxiety meter, but most of the things I had planned for it I either couldn't get to work, or didn't have time to add anymore.

Glad you liked the post-processing effects and disorientation when the anxiety bar goes low.

Glad you liked the level design! I designed the first level to be hard, but completable, so the player gets an idea of the game's difficulty. I have put a few easter eggs in the game, including the paintings. All the paintings should have the images in correctly. If the one you saw was horizontally, it is most likely an oversight by me.

The second level I wanted to be hard, but I think I accidentally made it a bit too hard. I was kinda messing around with the maze and then I looked at it from bird's eye view and I was like: Oh no. But it was too late to change it so I just kept the level impossible. And yes, the second level is massive.

The doors needed to stay open so the player doesn't get extremely lost when running around. The game would be literally impossible if they closed on the player. The nightmare mode is a great suggestion!

The doors opening the wrong way are caused by two hallways from different directions being connected. I sadly had no clue how to code the doors to open based on where the player is. It's quite bad because a lot of people (including me) kept getting stuck behind them.

I'm glad you liked the die-and-retry rage game aspect of the game, and understood the strategy aspect of it.

The third level is actually not even that big. In fact, i think it's smaller than the first one. I just designed it to have every room look the same, which made it very disorientating, and even I sometimes couldn't find the exit when I was testing haha.

I'm so  happy you liked the concept of the game! No, the levels were not randomly generated and didn't use any algorithm. I was actually kind of mad when I was making the game because I really wanted to make them randomly generated, as it would make the game design process a lot faster and easier as well as the gameplay. However I am quite new to game dev and had no idea how procedural generation works. Really glad you liked the fast paced labyrinth crashing, it's very appreciated! I don't know if the game is really original, but thanks a lot for the high praise! Really glad you like the level design and the graphics. I was going for a PS1 style for them, but they ended up being just a regular low poly style. Thanks a lot for this great comment, it massively helped! I'm definitely going to take a lot of your feedback and use it if I ever make a remake of this game!

PS: Don't count how many times I said glad in this entire comment section.

Thank you! I'm glad you thought the game was difficult, because I wasn't sure if it's actually hard or not. Glad you liked the models and the environment. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks a lot! I'm really glad you liked the overall style of the game and the music! Sorry to hear the exit was so hard to find.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the models and enjoyed the game!

The exit door is meant to be hard to find but I really hope you were able to find it! I am aware of the door opening weirdly and it is my fault as I knew about that bug and didn't do anything about it.

Thanks for playing my game!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm really glad you like the size of the levels, I tried making them very big and also very confusing. The first level isn't even that big. It just looks like that because every single room looks the same and makes you feel like it's the same thing over and over again. At least I hope!

If you thought the first level was massive, just wait until you see the second one haha!

Thanks again for the feedback, it's really appreciated!

Thanks a lot! :D

No, there was a platform that was too far to the side and not in front of the player I got stuck on    :(

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! Hope the game wasn't extremely hard haha. Good to hear you found the people dancing too close to the player funny, as that was somewhat intentional. Really happy you liked the graphics, I was going for a sort of PS1 style with them, and wasn't sure if they looked right. Same thing with the audio, really glad you liked it! I tried making it sound extremely serious and overlay it over the seemingly peaceful graphics.

Thanks for playing my game, I really appreciate it!

Very fun game! The graphics are really cool and the particles look amazing! The music feels very slick and cool. The gameplay is really fun and very enjoyable! The game is very replayable.

It was quite difficult though, but that just made it more fun.

Great job! :D

Fantastic game! The story was really good and engaging, the artstyle is amazing, the voice acting is really good. The game reminds me a bit of P. T.

Altough I must say I was very dissapointed with how short the game was. :(

Absolutely beautiful game! The artstyle looks FANTASTIC. Definitely one of the best looking games in the Jam! The music and audio in general is really good and very satisfying! The puzzles are fun and challenging. The game is a lot of fun and very atmospheric!

Good job with this game. Keep it up!

A very cool game! Love the puzzle elements and the crayon child drawing artstyle! The music is very nice and relaxing. Good job!

A really fun and short game! The artstyle was very cute and the audio was very satisfying!

It's a shame there aren't more levels, but the game is very good!

Wow. This game is actually amazing. I really love the artstyle and the retro music.  The animations are amazing and I absolutely love the automatic shooting animation!

The game is really hard which I LOVE and it was a lot of fun figuring out what I was supposed to do to progress in certain parts on the go. You nailed it with this game.

Fantastic job!

Pretty fun platformer, sadly I got stuck on the very first level as there was a platform I was unable to jump on.

Pretty interesting concept for the game! I really like the art and the character is really cute. The gameplay is very interesting and fun and I really enjoyed it!

Very intersting concept! Love the cute and very proffesional artstyle and cyberpunkish music! The game is very fun and satisfying to play and gets very difficult as more corn starts popping.

The only thing I don't like is the corn popping sound. It was just a bit too loud and uncomfortable to listen to and I had to put my PC's audio down by a lot.

But the game is really good, keep it up!

Thanks for playing my game! The feedback is very appreciated! I tried making the first level hard but not very hard, I hope you were able to finish it. I'm sorry to hear you kept getting stuck. That's entirely my fault as I didn't playtest the game enough and didn't even check any places that look like the player could get stuck in them.

I also really wanted to make a feature in the game where being in an empty room would replenish your Anxiety bar, but unfortunately I just couldn't seem to get it to work and needed to move on to other things.

I am aware that the text in the tutorial overlaps and that is also my fault as I knew about that bug since day 1 and didn't fix it.

Glad you liked the idea and the art!

Thanks again for playing the game and for the feedback!

Fantastic game! It was genuinely very scary and the creatures are nightmare fuel. The artstyle is really cool and looks amazing and the sound design is terrifying! I like the whole system with collecting organs to become stronger and the accurate depiction of what Detroit is actually like. My uncle actually fights off loan beasts on the daily and has more organs in his body than humanly possible.

In all seriousness though, great game, it was a lot of fun to play!

A really cool take on the theme! I really like that you turned the theme into a dating game and I really like the typing game aspect of it. The gameplay is very fun and the graphics are cute! Good job!

Amazing game. The concept and idea is so unique and great! I've never played a game where the audio is the most important part of the whole gameplay. It's way scarier than a normal horror game when you can't see anything and have to purely rely on sounds around you. 

Definitely one of the best games I've played on this Jam yet! Good job!

Really amazing game! The art and sound design really tied together the whole isolated feel of the bunker and the story was really good and interesting!

Thanks a lot! I'll check it out later!

Thanks for your feedback! Glad you liked the idea of the game and the aesthetics.

I will admit the gameplay is very simple and repetitive, I tried adding other features to make it more interesting and spice things up, but unfortunately I couldn't get them to work and didn't have enough time to add them in later.

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it. I'm glad you liked the gameplay, even if it is a bit buggy.

That's really funny, and I like that the game was memorable enough for you to race for a drink haha. Also I'm really glad you played the game for so long!

Thanks a lot! I'm glad the game is actually hard, because I didn't really playtest it and I know the exact path to the exit on every level, so I couldn't ever know how hard it was to get to it.

But thanks again for playing my game!

Thanks a lot! I didn't properly playtest the game so I'm still unsure about how hard it actually is haha. I tried making it very hard but I really hope it's not impossible! Glad you liked the bursting through doors, I thought it would be really cool to have in the game instead of implementing a complicated door system.

The doors sometimes opening the wrong way is my fault, as I could've easily fixed that issue, but didn't. I am aware that the doors opening the wrong way can get you stuck, however I've found that if you sort of wiggle around you'll eventually get unstuck.

Thanks a lot for playing my game, it means a lot!