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A member registered Jul 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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This game drove me C̷̖̆͊R̸̢̮̍Å̵̘̪̚Z̴͔̲̈́Ỳ̸̒ͅ too. Really cool!

It's in D major :)

Thanks! I wanted to make a game that would only make sense to play on a phone.

Thanks so much!

I appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks so much!

Wow! I'm really impressed with the movement in this game. It is a fun, simple and challenging mechanic to iterate around. I love the way that the difficulty is increased through level design. Great work!

Really nice game! It was a bit difficult to read everything before it went away. I think this was due to the bubbly text. The aesthetic is awesome however and I had a lot of fun with it.

Thanks for the feedback! You are supposed to press the button that the phone presses and then hit enter. Unfortunately the enter key does not seem to work on browser, so you can use the + or spacebar instead. If you pressed the right button the game will give you another to press. As you get further in, the game increases the number of buttons you have to mimic.