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A member registered Jun 11, 2023

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Looking forward to more!

A few notes: Every now and again the screen goes black during combat, and then it stays black. Also, the gun doesn't seem to work. Lastly, some of the names go <insert name> when dialogue comes up.

either way, love the noire detective vibe.

My only complain is that Bibi doesn't get bigger.
Let her be BEEEG

This latest update is incredible! So much to do! So many paths to take! This is something to be proud of, and I can't wait to see more! Pat yourself on the back, and treat yourself!

So, not sure what's going on, but once in the lab I can't leave. Even when my health goes to 0% I'm stuck there.

Still can't run the .quest file.
Is there a program that will allow me to run the .quest file?

I did

Yeah. I can't run the .quest file type. Is there a certain program that is needed in order to run it?

Is there a reason why it won't run on windows?

I think the biggest issue (for early game) is that the game over comes quick, and with no explanation as to why. If it said "not enough food" or "not enough gold" other than "you have failed" then that would help players learn from mistakes.

It's kind of in an unplayable state. The game crashes locks up after the first encounter, unable to proceed. There's a lot of potential here though.

I've gotten stuck on the corners of ledges. Not sure how to unstuck myself without closing out of the game, but it's happened a couple of times.
I love the style, and the main character is charming. Just this one bug is making it difficult to progress.

I'd be more than happy to playtest this!

I will say that this is pretty good. The art style is cute, and seeing the girls with various sizes is fantastic.
The only two gripes I have is that the hit box on the bubbles seem to be more squares than actual circles; the detection seems bigger than it should thus latching onto a spot that doesn't really align all the well.
Also, a few times a bubble just up and vanishes when you launch it, which has lead to a lot of early endings for me. 
Can't wait to see more places around the world.

So... After testing things around. Start the day but eating one fatty food, one salad, water, then fill up the rest by whatever you feel like. Then by the end of the day, so long as you go the gym once during that day, finish by having something fatty, a salad, and water (or just water if you don't have any room). It's crucial that you don't end the day being stuffed to the point you can't eat any more. once I started this pattern, i've been consistently gaining.

(1 edit)

I like the idea, but I think there's an issue.
The moment it says "you have lost weight" at the end of the day, every day after that it's the only thing that happens even though I make sure to fill up the meter to at least 3/4. I have tried the three difficulty houses but it all ends up the same: "You have lost weight" until i'm indefinitely in the hospital. Any help to get around this?

Please tell me there's gonna be more to this soon! I've loved every second of this!