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A member registered Mar 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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We are planning to fix both of those things in a later update. The bus size was tied to its physics, so we decided to keep it this way. Thank you so much for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

That's a bug right now. You can fix it by playing in fullscreen mode.

Thank you so much for the feedback! While playtesting, we definitely agreed that the pickup points need to be more visible on the minimap, but we didn't have time to implement a fix. This is definitely on our update todo-list.

Thank you so much! Our audio person really did a good job haha

Thanks! Our modeling person really carried the art lol

I hear driving buses builds character ❤️

Thanks for the feedback! I guess crashing is a part of life.

Hey, I'd love to play your game, but when I click space once the level starts,  a white circle increases in size and then freezes. I can't exit or take any actions after that, so I'm not sure what's going on. Nice music and art so far though!

Thank you so much! I'm sure you were a great bus driver haha

It should exit the tutorial if you press escape. I'll add a back button instead because that definitely isn't ideal.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

I'm glad that you enjoyed it! To be fair, level 11 was supposed to be level 20 something. But, I didn't have enough time to make levels exploring the mechanic. The last 3 levels are what I initially drew on paper during the brainstorm phase :)

Haha, this is like the better version of my game. I had a similar concept but wasn't able to fully execute it. Your version is very clean, fun to play, and enjoyable! Excellent job!

Great job! I did a quick run-through and found a couple of places to provide feedback. I like the aesthetic! Definitely a really cool spinoff of a "space invaders" type style.

- "how to play" menu explaining the controls. it took me ~1min to figure out controls.
- I found a bug (i think) regarding movement that prevents you from dying sometimes. If you keep clicking far below the spaceship, it will go off-screen and you can just click at the top of the screen. I think adding death boundaries at the top and bottom would fix it (or make it cycle as it does for the horizontal boundaries).
- I would probably make the death sound quieter or play loud background music as well. 

Other than that, nice game!

totally agree with the graphics - they definitely need a ton of work

< ?  > in the top right of the main menu. I know that it is small. Thank you for your feedback!

Great job with your game, especially as it being your first game. Keep it up and don't give up!

I agree with the tutorial. Thank you for your feedback!

In the top-right corner of the main menu, there is a little < ? > help icon that has instructions. I probably should've made this more obvious. Nevertheless, thank you so much for the feedback!

Thank you for your feedback! - Completely agree that there needs to be more balancing and playtesting.

Thank you for the advice. I was planning to add in-game descriptions for the first level, and I completely understand the dash indicator.  The constructive criticism is much appreciated; it pushes me to be better. Thanks again.

I was going to make a ant-man like character, but just ran out of time. That would've been cool though (you can see the resemblance). Thanks again everyone for all your feedback.

Thank you. Same to you!

Thanks. That means a lot. I was thinking about that when creating the levels, but at the end I just didn't have time :).

Absolutely amazing! Could you try out mine? - definitely not as good as this :)

I really like the art style and the curved computer screen effect. The animations are really nice. Overall, great game! - here is mine, definitely not as good as this.

Great job! Really fun game to play. Could you check out mine? - mine definitely is not as good

Great game! You should definitely add more levels. Very satisfying to play.

A lot like Dani's Karlson (wishlist on steam). Great Job!!!
- I had an error uploading at the last minute. Kindly use this github link for the project. So sorry for the inconvenience. I hope I can still participate in the Jam.