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A member registered Jan 28, 2024 · View creator page →

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great game, good gameplay, i had found an issue in the final level where the box wont always want to move when clicking e when under it, other than that it is a great and well made game. would love to see some animations for the player or removal of the black box surrounding it to make the game feel a bit more polished :D

cute game, hope to see this built upon in future! No errors or bugs seen as of present, good 1-2 minutes of fun. wish there was some music, and some more to do to increase the gameplay a little bit, also a tutorial would be a great addition to introduce the game mechanics :D

great game and love the story in it, only two problems ive seen is if a coworker steals from you they will do inside the crops or outside and there is no way to steal it back, and the alien can phase inside the building in turn killing you pretty early in the round, great job!

good idea for a game however there are a few bugs i noticed, even if you have the key you cannot open the office door, doors will literally come off their hinges and move about the space if opened when an alien is on the other side, there is a room absolutely stuffed with aliens which when one manages to move the door they will all kill you extremely quickly. outside of the bugs and inability to move on a stage, i love the sounds they add a lot of immersion to the game and the art is incredible, it is very detailed and well thought out, great job!

Love the story, and the art is amazing however at one point there was a few issues coming into entering homes where it wasnt working or saying someone was dead when they hadnt died till the day after, other than that the game is absolutely awesome!

good game, i love the story and how it looks, however there is a button game, where you click the buttons with the right colour and shape on to get to the end of it however after finally completing it there was nothing and felt like time wasted, not sure if that was intended? 

very well done game, would love to see more done with this, chills honestly!

it is very well written, would have loved to see images and sounds or something to make it feel more immersive, good job though!

awesome game play, the lights are so spooky once they show up, can be a bit difficult to find the battery at fist for their size but once you are aware the game is great, and very immersive, definitely a game that i would love to see worked on outside of the jam!

super cool game, i love the art and the enemies, movement can be a bit difficult at first as it is unusual however once learned the game is awesome not too hard but not too easy making for a decent length of gameplay. as a games designer i have to add the animations and art is so smoothly put together and is very well done, great job!

If i had to leave any comments on this game, it is an amazing original idea, however, you cannot change your name, even if you click woman it will say what was the mans name, there is no end to the game and any of the enemies when they move its very back and forth and jumpy, i would love to see this game polished an finished as it is not like anything i have seen before, good job!

yus now time to add our piggie