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A member registered Sep 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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wow this is so lovely to listen to, you did a great job! I can't imagine composing in notation software, I really respect you for that!

omg c418 is literally the first artist I thought of when I first heard rmcc, this is really really beautiful and well made!

thank you so much for your input! it is actually a wip so yeah the ending is pretty abrupt atm. I struggled a lot in the beginning to but it came the most natural to me, practice is key.

Thank you! I appreciate your honesty, that is definitely something I will work on in the future!

Thank you so much for your input! I do think the reverb is a bit much, but it was mainly because I was really inspired by Skyrim which is reverb heavy. I just haven't mastered how to match the ambience yet.