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Club Sandwich

A member registered Nov 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey! The project is very much alive and we found a publisher for the game! So the team has grown bigger and we're hard at work on the game, expect big news in 2024 for the game :) You can wishlist/follow our Steam page to get up-to-date info when we start communicating!

(don't forget to leave a rating on itch if you enjoyed the game!)

Thank you for your kind words! "More and Bigger" is definitely what I'll be working towards in the future, my end goal in terms of content is vastly superior to this haha.

About performances, they're quite abysmal, sorry about that! No time has been spent whatsoever in optimization for now, though keep in mind that despite looking pixel art, the environment itself is all 3D w/ expensive pixelation shader going on + real time effects (volumetric fog, etc). So that plays a role in making the perfs what they are (vs a purely 2D pixel art game), but that needs a lot of optimization! (also FYI you can turn the camera around with Q and E thanks to the environment being in 3D)

Thanks for playing! 🙏

Haha thank you so much for your feedback!

Being able to check your deck, draw pile and discard piles are all on the todo list. Also yeah, good catch, right now the sidekicks don't add cards to your deck but they will soon enough!

Just noticed I hadn't answered this thread! Thanks for all your feedback folks, lots of great ideas in there :) And thanks for taking the time for shooting a video Jack!

I updated the game a few times since then so hopefully most bugs and issues should be ironed out by now, thanks to your reports!

Thanks for your feedback! So yeah I think the camera rotation with Q and E will help a lot in what you said, lemme know when you've used it!

About the prize screen, that's good to know, thanks! I'll be adding bug analytics to the build soon so hopefully it'll be easier for me to troubleshoot this kind of issues. In the meanwhile if you can send me your log files in `%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Club Sandwich\Shuffle Tactics\Player.log` that'd be lovely!

Hey, quick message (before I write a bigger one), you can rotate the camera with Q and E keys on your keyboard! Maybe this is blocking you?

Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to write this!

Agreed on clicks triggering movement, some safeties need to be implemented to not move when you click on UI elements such as cards or summon button.

Upgrades art is placeholder for now, so it'll get swapped out!

For the Steam Deck, for some reason the game only runs in Proton Experimental compatibility mode for me. Then once it's ran, so far I've found that the mouse + keyboard config + rebinding bumpers to Q and E (for camera rotation) worked the best. We have partial controller support but it's subpar for now so I'd advise against using it. Weirs that the triggers for clicking isn't working for you, what's happening ? On my side with the default keyboard + mouse configuration it immediately works (and triggers work for mouse clicks).

The game is still poorly optimized so it does make fans blow hard, also the pixelation shader is accounting for the resolution which makes the environment too pixelated at low resolutions (such as the SD's res). This will all get fixed soon, same as the cards resolution!