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Cobalt Studio

A member registered Mar 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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No. It is in indefinite hiatus. Thanks for your patience.

Thanks for the kind words. Of course, most FVNs use CGs to communicate what you're looking for. We would like to have them, too, but they take time and effort to make. Please consider most of the sprite movement in these scenes to be a placeholder.

As for the Android build having a larger than normal dialog box, there should be a "hide" button on the GUI that conceals the dialog box temporarily. Hope that helps!

Thanks for the kind words! I know it's been a long wait for the next build, and I appreciate your patience. :o]

A morose vignette on depression and anhedonia. Short and to the point.

I admit, I'm a sucker for a Hetalia-like. Oi Kuntani Mun is exactly the kind of metamodern fourth-wall-breaking pulp fiction I needed in my life. I know nothing about Finnish politics, but centrist parties are the same everywhere and the unbridled greed of urban centers for their left-for-dead semi-rural neighboring municipalities has universal appeal.

Shout out to the amazing paint-over of the Three Smiths and the hilarious "I woke up in a black void" lampshade.

And fuck Matti Vanhanen, all my friends hate that guy.

Hey, thanks for dropping in. We're alright, just busy with real life. Hope you're having a good day. :3

We’re not a big team that can put out a new set of CGs every month. We’re two guys that do this in our spare time because we like the medium and the community.

That said, Dan is working on CGs. They’re just not ready yet.

Thanks for your patience. :o]

There's an optional flashback at the farmhouse the night after Year's Turn. In summary, it's about how Josiah convinced Thatcher to stay around after Abigail died.

Alma's shearing distracts him before he can have this flashback—or, if you prefer it when cause and effect happen in the right order, the kind of Thatcher that would burn down his own farm would never have flirted with Alma in the first place.

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Yep, not a bug. I believe Boris mentions that it was a rumor going around long before Year's Turn.

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This should be fixed in v0.3.1. Thanks for the bug report.

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Yeah, I had to reorganize his sprites. I thought I double-checked the first build but it looks like I didn't catch this. It'll be patched shortly. Sorry.

Pull up a stump, let’s hear all about it.

Yeah, you're not wrong. When I read your message yesterday, my first thought was, "Wait, didn't I post one?" but of course I hadn't. So it goes. :(

Even if we don't have the build done before 3/31 (and I think we will; I'm down to around four scenes that still need work), I promise I'll post a devlog.

We accidentally went on hiatus, I guess; we'll be back soon-ish. Sorry for the delay.

So glad you enjoyed it!

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Other than possibly fixing typos and bugs, Strokkur is done. We only ever meant for it to be a one and done thing.

We are planning a sequel, another stand-alone VN, sometime later this year. It'll take place several months after Stokkur, and feature Kevin and Jakob developing their relationship. There will be two new side characters, as well.

Glad you’re enjoying it!

I’ve been writing on and off for the last fifteen-ish years: mostly fantasy genre stuff like this, but also a little sci-fi and slice of life. My furry awakening was Beastars, which is probably embarrassingly obvious from the first hour or so of Anamnesis. That got me into writing Echo fanfic, and from there other FVN-adjacent stuff (my AO3 account is whaletheboar).

The things I have in mind when I’m writing are Avatar: the Last Airbender, Sanderson’s Mistborn series, and maybe some hints here and there of older stuff like Wheel of Time and Dune. People have compared this first act to the Shire scenes in Lord of the Rings, which in retrospect, yeah. 

In the FVN world I’m heavily indebted to Minotaur Hotel, Pervader, and above both of those, Shelter. Anamnesis wouldn’t exist without the way Shelter makes knots critical to the plot.

Anyway, sorry for the long answer. Thanks for reading!

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You weren't the only one, I promise! :3 It was really good advice.

Congratulations! So excited to read the whole thing!

No worries! :3

Hey, there's a typo at script.rpy:4633, CoffeeTalk should be CoffeeTalk1.

Really enjoyed the game! Keep up the good work.

I don’t know why your comment was removed, but I didn’t delete it.

I acknowledge your criticism, but that wasn’t the story we were interested in telling. Sorry to disappoint.

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It’s a hard balance to make between explaining too much and explaining not enough. This build in particular had to set up a lot of things that won’t pay off until later, so things might make more sense in context later. I should probably also make another edit on this build and try to be more explicit in a few places. I’m sure you’re not the only person with this experience.


As I mentioned in the devlog, there will be a lore appendix at some point, but I think it would be better if the vn was self-contained and didn’t require outside reading.

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Feel free to discuss build two spoilers in this thread. Thanks!

Our intention is to release the second build in mid-October, keeping a two month cycle. Real life is always a struggle for VN devs everywhere. :)

There’s no specific Anamnesis-only Patreon. If you’re feeling generous and would like to support our work, the easiest thing to do is subscribe to Danero’s, even if only for a month or two. But as of right now there’s no plans to make any Patreon-exclusive Anamnesis content.

Tim and Alma are the first two of what we might call “long-term relationships.” There will be other options as we go along.

As for Marcus and Boris specifically, that’s a bit of a spoiler now, innit? ;)

Colors represent choices with long-term consequences. The actual color is more or less arbitrary.

Thanks for the suggestion.

You’re more than welcome, mate. <3

Thanks for your patience; the Android build is now available.


Yep! Anamnesis is scheduled for late July; it’s a full-length epic fantasy VN. There’s some early character art on Twitter.

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Glad you enjoyed it, regardless.

Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈

Also Yoga Bear did downward dog so Strokkur could sukhasana, love your work and the short VN format.

Ah, sadly this is a complete story. We might return to Alswalden in some future to come, but there are no immediate plans.

Sorry, mate. We’re still working on the Android build. Give us a week or two to sort it out.

Yep! Just a short story, really. If you've played Yoga Bear, it's just a little bit longer than that.

I definitely concur with the reasons stated above for dedicated Straight and Bisexual tags. I'm producing a VN for release later this year with a cis male bisexual main character, but I hesitate to describe it as a "gay" VN specifically because I don't want potential players to be confused or annoyed when the female romances are initially presented. A bisexual tag would certainly help distinguish it from other games with queer content.