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A member registered Mar 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback.
Yeah, I am still having to learn a bunch of stuff regarding Unity and Game Development.
I always underestimate how hard it is to balance enemies and give good hit feedback/feeling for the weapon.

Thanks for your feedback.
Yeah, this Game Jam I did screw up the time management a bit (but I also tried out a bunch of new stuff).
I had to cut things  like the menu and sound to even finish the game in time :P

For the orientation at the start maybe a short delay before you can move would have helped a bit (but it would probably still be hard to know how you are orientated...). The mouse thing is a bit weird because I actually used 'Cursor.lockedState'. But because I had to often lock and unlock there could be a bug. Maybe it also has something to do with WebGL (if you played that version). I think that you have to click on the game every time to actually activate the locked state).
But thanks for sharing your feedback :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I also thought about some monologue at the beginning of the game to introduce back story.
The reason why I did no monologue is simply because I never did something like this before. I was afraid that it might have taken too long to finish it on time.
But did you even mean something like that? If not: do you have further ideas how I could add back story in a game like this?
Oh and yes you're right camera and character are pretty basic and a bit unsmooth.

Thanks for the feedback. It's the first time I made a game like this and in a future game I think I would change this completly by having the "interaction signal" based on the player (Screen Space) instead of on the object (World Space).
That probaply is also way easier to implement (It would only need one element).
I noticed that this is also what most other games with FPS camera do.