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A member registered Jan 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing!
Yes, that's a bug I'm aware of, but didn't want to change anything during voting period. Fortunately it ended and I just uploaded version with fix :>

Sure! Already posted it :>
Didn't upload it before because I was sure all people will prefer playing in browser than downloading exe from the internet :D

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you liked it :>
I'm aware of the glitch, it's an easy fix, but completely forgot about it before submitting xD Will probably fix it after voting period ends

Ok, that's a really cool concept and done very well.

Very relaxing and comfy :>

Thank you! :>

Yeah, the score system was added in like 5 minutes and later completely forgotten. I even think that every enemy gives the same amount of score points..? I wanted to include a proper high score view, but well, not enough time. Maybe when I remake the game at some point :D