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A member registered May 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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I liked it! The gameplay was simple, creative and effective. It felt intuitive and the art style was nice. I think some audio could greatly enhance the game and make the rhythmic movement feel more natural and impactful. Great job overall!

I like the idea, and it was pretty fun bouncing around. However, the controls feel unintuitive and a little unreliable, and the ending was a little... anticlimatic. The music fit the gameplay perfectly and I enjoyed it despite it sounding pretty abrasive.

Yeah you can interpret it however you'd like.

I respect the hustle 

I would love to know which hellish pit you pulled the Casa music from lol

Damn. This was a really good game! The puzzles were good, the story was interesting, really impressed honestly! 

I like the visual style, very charming! A pretty enjoyable experience, but unfortunately the gameplay was a little dull and the raccoon doesn't control well. I also noticed a stray pixel in the second frame of the raccoon's animation. Regardless, a nice little experience. I hope you continue making games! 

I'm gonna be blunt; this game is pretty bad. The graphical style is generally unpleasant and unpolished, the mouse isn't locked to the center of the screen making navigation very annoying, the gameplay feels meaningless, and some sound would have been nice. Also as far as I can tell there aren't any instructions in the top right.  

Even if my personal experience with this game was negative, you shouldn't feel discouraged from continuing game development. It's fine if a game doesn't turn out well, especially when it's for a game jam. And judging from your other game, you definetely have potential. I'm sure this game and any potential future projects of yours will improve over time, so don't give up!

Good visuals, challenging but fun gameplay, cool jumpscare. The collisions were a bit janky, and the player moves much faster diagonally, but overall a very nice game!

Damn, this was strange but pretty enjoyable! The main part of the game  was pretty interesting, and makes you wonder how it's even a horror game, then the twist came and spiced things up! The font change was pretty neat (also i think the main font and color was pretty bad lol).  the twist was pretty solid. The impostor reminded me quite a bit of analog horror, especially The Mandela Catalogue, which is by no means bad, even though i personally find it very overdone and don't like the trope very much. The child jumpscare was pretty funny too!

Very strange. I fail to see what the stream has to do with anything in this game, but it was pretty entertaining. The axe is pretty fun.

Pretty good atmosphere, the snowmen were pretty cool and the game was fairly scary. However, the tornuktu did look a little goofy when he chased the protagonist, and personally most of my fear disappeared when it happened. Overall, good game.

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I hope your work on the full version goes well, cheers!

One of the games of all time, that's for sure!

very cool

Strange... I like it! Some checkpoints would be much appreciated however.

Neat! I'd prefer it if interacting when there's a dialogue box on screen instantly wrote out the text rather than skipping it all together, though.


That was certainly an... experience. Incredible story, groundbreaking surrealist art style, worth every dollar, exactly 0 dollars.

The snowman that followed me through the main part of the game wasn't able to kill me. Was this a bug or intentional? I kinda feel bad for him, like he's past his prime and too tired to do anything lol.

you press Z, you don't use the mouse at all in this game.

No problem, I'm happy that you found my feedback helpful! I hope to see more games from you in the future!

(1 edit)

Great game honestly! The atmosphere was well done and I love the foreshadowing of the moose appearing on the moon for a second whenever he leaves you. The story of the game was very interesting and the good ending was farily satisfying! I appreciate that it wasn't too hard to figure out how to get the evil ending if you've already gotten the good ending, and vice versa. The evil ending does admitedly feel slightly anti climatic, and kinda feels more like a fail-state than a true ending, I think it would have been interesting to see the evil ending expanded on, maybe showing what happened to Eli and showing the chaos Apacheon would have caused. I did unfortunately notice that there were some minor typos in the game, like the wrong use of "you're", but that really doesn't affect the game too much. The game starts to make a lot more sense on a second playthrough which I think is interesting, although the ending is a little heavy on exposition but that's fine. The moose being evil was pretty obvious but I don't think it hurts the experience too much. Overall this is a very cool, short game with an interesting and unexpected story. I recommend it!