Getting the following error after updating GMLive to the latest version. My runtime is v2024.8.0.216 (One of the Betas for the release that just came out)
FATAL ERROR in Room Creation Code for room rm_blank
ds_map_find_value argument 1 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a ds_map
at gml_Script_live_room_loader_add_layer (line 13683) - var l_ql_depth=ds_map_find_value(l_ql, "depth");
gml_Script_live_room_loader_add_layer (line 13683)
gml_Script_live_room_loader_run_impl2 (line 14014) - live_room_loader_add_layer(ds_list_find_value(l_lrs,l_lrk));
gml_Script_live_room_start (line 14046) - live_room_loader_run_impl2(l_rm2);
gml_Room_rm_blank_Create (line 1) - live_room_start();