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A member registered Mar 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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There are going to be more homosexual scenes yesy both gay and lesbian! :3 no gender change on the protag tho.

I'm sorry our plans did not change and will not change.

figuring that out is part of the quest ^^

Thank you!

In the Create-event of my object for water I set the sprite for the top of the water to live like so: sprite_set_live(spr_water_top, true);

The game starts when I run it and after a few seconds, the 9 slice gets stretched out instead of repeating like it does without live reload.

The sprite is setup as follows if that makes a difference for the bug: All guides are set to 0 and the center slice is set to tile mode "repeat".

I am referencing specific named instances in code.

After I do some changes in the code and restart the game, the instances cannot be found anymore.

Error I get: [GMLive][23.12.2023 10:26:38][ERROR] Runtime error: [error] ref instance 103612 (obj_some_obj) does not have a variable `inst_cutscene_move_target`.

I reload the game via game_restart()

Can confirm it also happens with the latest version. I also tried clearing the GM IDE Cache (both roaming and locallow) to check if it makes a difference. It only happens when AseSync is adding a completely new sprite. GameMaker wants to reload the project and when it is done, the Texture Groups are missing.

After running the tool and then loading my project, GameMaker said that all Texture Groups I had set up are missing and all sprites have been added back to the Default Texture Group.

I'm using IDE version 2023.2.1.75

AseSync community · Created a new topic Support for slices?

I don't know if this is still in active development, but it would be great to see support for slices... if you have an aseprite file with a big atlas of environmental assets, for instance, being able to update them in GameMaker with a single click would save so much time.

Yes, I will update it when the content that used to be in the demo is reworked and properly integrated. Else it might feel like a downgrade to people. ^^

Hello! We're currently rebuilding the levels from scratch with the new art and resolution in mind. Not all of the content we had in the old demo has been added back in yet.  Don't worry tho, we're getting there!. ^^

The newest version that came out last week does have a map again! ^^

At the moment there is a big difference, but also note that the game changed quite a bit. We're still working on a new public demo to better represent the patreon build. Lewd content wise everything is still the same except enemies don't grapple you anymore - instead the player initiates the lewds. There are quite a few new animations as well. The world itself is getting an overhaul as I hired an environment artist to help with the art needs and we upped the resolution and introduced new movement options.

Thank you !! :D

Thank you, that means so much!! :D

Haha sorry I wish I could do more, but it is a lot of hard work and I want to finish the game at some point ^^ If you are interested in a similar game with a male protag, please check out my friend's game:

It only just started development, but it is very promising!

You can leave the temple by following the path. In the room with the long fall with the water at the end, you can follow right, go through the doorway (into the backwall). If you follow that path you will get back to the lower temple levels. From there you can leave the temple the way you came in. ^^

I do want to ramp up the difficulty! The main path is never going to be brutal, but I want to make optional areas that are very challenging for players who enjoy that, with their own little rewards. ^^

I don't know what else you did so far! You could talk to the mason at the lower right corner of the village to see if the elevator is available. ^^

Unfortunately not sorry but that is very flattering somehow. xD

Are you making use of your healing ability? The tigers should be pretty easy if you wail on them and observe if they raise their paw to attack, dodge roll behind them. ^^

It could be that the laptop's graphics card is too old. I could look into making a version that uses less video memory. Are there similar modern platformers that your laptop can run without problems?

What are your PC specs? It looks like the engine cannot create a large enough texture in memory to load the graphics.

I didn't specifically try to make a 64 bit, but I will look if GameMaker lets you choose so I can make both versions!

Thanks! :D

Thank you!

We don’t have a definite release date for when we’re going to update the public demo, but our plan is to put one out this year, after we’ve added a certain level of polish to the overhaul.

If you compare the two versions right now, content-wise, the overhaul is kind of lagging behind. Meaning, we haven’t put everything back in yet, that was present in the old version. This is because we’re making the new levels and we have to add the CGs back in at their new “homes”.

Once everything is at a point where we feel like the overhaul represents what we’re going for with Kincaid going forward, we’ll put together a new public demo.

Yeah! She's been in the game for a very long time. ^w^

No specifics yet on mini-games but I was thinking of little things like races or tiny challenges you can find in other games such as Zelda or Shantae. ^^

As for people, yeah I mean different species. Not planning on adding humans to this game, tho. ^^

Hiya! ^^ We wanted to have a new demo out by now but covid and some other life things struck and threw our schedule out of whack. We want to put out a new demo when the overhaul is at a polished state. Right now we're redesigning the world using the new art and mechanics we implemented and add the actual story and stuff. When a good chunk of that is done, we will put out a demo, otherwise it would feel too much like a downgrade from the current demo. ^^

Please check the pinned post. ^^

Thank you !!!

There are going to be ^^ I had planned on releasing one, but due to me getting covid and other things in life throwing me curveballs, I didn't quite manage to stick to my planned schedule.

Hello! The second to last build should still work, but in the very newest version we started rebuilding the world so it won't be compatible for obvious reasons. ^^

I'm sorry this is a bug in the start screen. Have you played this before and rebound the keys? If so, try pressing the jump key you bound it to.

This seems to be a driver issue. It could be old hardware or outdated driver... try updating them and see if it loads. ^^

Thanks! xD

Good idea, noted for future scenes! ^w^ The next one will have breast fondling.

I wanted to have a public build out by now, but covid and other life things threw us a curveball. I'll write about it when I can give a realistic estimate.