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CornPop Games

A member registered Aug 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Go play it. It's good. (My little brother says anyways. )

I'm wondering how I should go about selling my game. On one hand, I wanna make money, on the other hand though, no one would care about my games unless they know it's good first. What should I do?

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Fun game. 7/10. Love the low poly graphics style.

Really good game. 7/10. I vibe with the graphics. 

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8/10. I feel like you really know how to creep out somebody. Really good for a first time horror game. The only thing I would change is to make it more clear what to do in the game.

Yeah. Here is my Discord.


Great game. Very short tho. Wish I could see more. 7/10

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Pretty good. Didn't get scared but still, spoopy. 8.5/10

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Great game. It was very funny and that is why I liked it. Pretty good for 3 days. Can't get past the first level. Very hard to control character mid air. :( 7/10 tho

Hey, you made it on the thumbnail. :D

My discord is RickyGAMMER#5187

You can join me if you'd like. My discord is RickyGAMMER#5187

I emailed you. But if you want, here is my Discord. RickyGAMMER#5187

I added you.

Or, if you want, here is my Discord 


You are a private investigator searching for evidence of a missing child being dead or alive. The last investigator never came back. The child's last known sighting was at Camp Eerie for a summer getaway trip. You go there, but little do you know that you are being hunted by someone or something.

Hello! I need a programmer, and maybe a storyteller. Would you like to be a part of my team? 

Alright. Well, have fun making your game. I wish you the best of luck.

Amazing. It'll be fun working with you. Here is my email: If you have google hangouts, that'll be amazing, if not, just email is fine. If you have fun working on this project, you always have the option of joining my company. I look forward to working with you!

Would you like to join my team? I need a story writer. :)

Can you make really realistic-looking models?

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Hello. This project is going to take a lot of work. I need a programmer (I can program, but this project is something that would be too hard for me. I need someone better than me, lol), a sound designer (composer too), a level designer (making the level feel as real as possible), a story writer (a good story that makes sense and without revealing too much gives off a creepy vibe, character development, what to do to progress through the game in a way that makes sense, and that stuff), a 3d modeler (models that look realistic, and enemies that look creepy and have creepy animations. ), a graphics designer(a person who is in charge of graphics, textures, and all that stuff). I will be in charge of putting the game elements all together, playtesting, and helping out with any errors and brick walls you might run into, and answering your questions. If you guys have fun making this short prototype, maybe you can consider joining my company. Anyway, if you fit any of the places I need, reply, please. :) 

PS We will be using Unity game engine.

I played your game in this video. Extremely well done. Loved the graphics, sound, story, everything. The only real complaint was that the text moved a little slow and the voice recognition thingy wasn't working at one point. Other than that, 9/10

I played your game in this video. Good game. Like the gameplay and graphics. Couldn't throw the sword though. And the controls were a little weird. Other than that, 7/10.

I played your game in this video. It was an okay game. Needs work. I also got stuck on it, it might've been a glitch. 6/10

I played your game in this video. Great game. 7/10

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Played your game in this video.

Pretty decent. Couldn't really play it because my computer is not made for gaming, but pretty good. 6/10

Can we use pre-made assets?

I cheesed the game. For anyone who is stuck on this game, fall between two trains that are connecting and just sit there for the 3 minutes. The enemies will not get you and the rocks will not spawn in your spot. 

This game was pretty fun. The sound, the graphics, and the gameplay were amazing.

My personal best was 600.6687

Couldn't really understand the goal. The movement of the ball and the camera was wonky. However, for a game jam, it's ok.