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A member registered Oct 14, 2023

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the game is cool but so far my main issue is the animations. these really need to be a lot more snappy, and in some places honestly there shouldnt be any animations at all (like the chips for example)

also, generally i do think everything is just too simple. same screw type, same chips, and same wires. little to no variation in anything here and lack of depth in many things.

i dont know if it should be super advanced or similar to actually tinkering around with these things irl (though, that would be fire) but it definitely needs just like... more. lol.

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i mean none of my suggestions really hurt the reloading system, just make it feel less jank and switch around the binds. if anything it makes it more manual with the "not stopping reload on click" suggestion

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btw i think you should make a discord server. ok gonna try to stop spamming my own comment with stuff that could be edited in now

lol with how the itch io page looks you can barely see the bold. oh well

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this game was awesome but a few complaints. highlighted stuff in bold for better skim reading but its best to read all the light yapping

for one the reloading system is baller and made for some really tense moments (reminds me a bit of outlaws too), but i think the button to load should be switched to LMB. also, it shouldnt put the gun outside of the reload mode after pressing a mouse button when you cannot load anything, just maybe play some error sound and shake the gun or something... though for the shotgun it would be funny if the character attempts to load a shell but completely fails and drops the shell he has lol

also, i think pressing RMB to pump the shotgun is a bit goofy. it should just happen by pressing LMB again after firing, would feel alot cleaner

only complaints other than that is the animations are a bit boring and undetailed, there was a few times i got stuck in a corner from an enemy, etc. nitpicky stuff

theres serious potential for this weapon system though, like this would work great for a resident evil style survival horror! or a action horror w/ survival elements more similar to resident evil 4/dead space! ... can you tell i like resident evil💀

seriously tho, you are cooking. keep cooking more. 4/5

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im gonna be honest i didnt think of counting cards at all. special cards def need a buff tho if most of them are completely useless

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meh, i think this is too rng based. didnt really have that much fun tbh. dont really see use in the special cards


brother its on the wall where you get your first weapon and the itchio page images. CUT OFF THEIR LIMBS.

dont know what happened but it was cool

cant believe this game is still on popular lmao wth

also pls make sequel called "stab the vince" where its cookie clicker but everytime u click u stab vince in the eye

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story? good. dialogue? good. gameplay? ... uhhh...

see bold for each part of review

(side-note, if anyones reading this before playing the game, save on multiple slots, use tip jar during early-game for the free money. and use cologne mid to late-game. doing these things will make getting other endings a lot easier)

ill start with the upgrades system. I love upgrades, progression systems, etc... this one sucks. I never really felt any need to use anything but the roller-skates, cologne, or the tip jar. most of the upgrades were incredibly situational and weren't really required. 

it would help a lot if I could use more than one upgrade. thats really my main issue with the system, a lot of the upgrades (trash can in particular) should be just permanent upgrades that don't have to be equipped. I think a good compromise is to make some items equippable, and make others permanent upgrades.

also why isn't there an upgrade for maximum orders being cooked and chefs cooking speed???

on a different topic, the game is very particular on where you can interact. want to talk to the customer? go behind his chair. want to grab the plates on the table? go to the back side of the table.

this gets pretty annoying when you have to micro-manage like 8 different customers late game. (cologne on top)

final big issue... kinda just got very boring after day 4. thats it. story/dialogue kept me playing though. i have a few nitpicks/other small issues but these are just the main ones dont wanna bloat the comment too much more

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nevermind theres multiple endings

crisis averted

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love how this is the top comment so me scrolling down to the download button spoiled the entire game

maybe could of added a few extra lines inbetween the spoiler warning and spoiler lol

this gam is literly epical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

cant wait to show this to my 5 year old brother, hes gonna love this

one of my favorites now. really hope that this game is expanded upon, whether its a sequel or an update

was going to happen eventually, lol

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it is definitely going to be taken down, but its never leaving us now! it'll always be online... somewhere. no scrubbing this one off.

boy didnt expect me to use firefox EZ win

it isnt lore thats just the main plot of the game dude. it was hinted at in both endings. 

anyway... yea no its a psychological horror game and the subject matter was done tastefully.

... also, use spoiler tags.