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Crazy duck games

A member registered Feb 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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It's okay, there isn't that much to do, anyways. I wasn't really able to finish everything. Though the town could be finished when I tested it. Maybe I need to have another look at it.

Have only played a little, but I really like the style. Reminds me most of the Gameboy dragon quest monsters games.

Fallen Legend Chronicles

Don't expect too much, though. It's only the starting town. More of a Demo you could say. But i hope you'll like it anyway. 

The .rar file that i downloaded can´t be opened. It says it can´t be opened as an archive. Any ideas what the problem might be?

After the Storm

After the Storm

I don´t know how anyone should even know if you use AI generated levels. Besides the fact you just told us. I know this whole AI thing is going to be more and more of a topic on here, there are several posts about it already. My opinion -and i guess that is all that anyone can give you- is that you can use as much or as little AI generated stuff as you want. Depending on what kind of AI program you use, of course. Some allow the use of generated stuff at least for non-commercial purpose, others may not. And contrary to popular belief, there are AI programs that are fed with free stuff, free pictures for example. But that is another topic, i guess. 

Thing is, even big companies are going to be using AI in the future, i´m pretty sure of it. Why should smaller, or even indie developers, not use it? We would have much more of a reason to. Less people, smaller budget(or non at all, if it´s just a hobby).

Since it is quasi-top down a background wouldn´t really make sense. But more ground details on the other hand might make a difference. Luckily its still a work in progress.

After the Storm

After the Storm

Hello everyone, i´m looking for black and white portraits to use in my game. Right now i´m using these free assets,

unfortunately they don´t have everything that i need. But these are the kind of style that the pictures would need to have.

Specifically, i need characters that look more post-apocalyptic, think a bit like Fallout or Wasteland. Besides that i need

portraits of dogs, too. If someone already has pics like these or is able to draw them, i´d like to hear an offer. It would be great

if the license would be in a way that i could re-use these assets, too, but that is not required. If i can only use them for one game,

then so be it.

After the Storm - no page yet


I think i was able to pinpoint this bug and fix it, but i´m not sure if this helps you in your playthrough, though. I´m very sorry, right now it feels like i´m never gonna weed out all the bugs and little flaws.

Thanks for the bug report. I was planning on making an after jam version anyways, so these bugs will be tackled then. And yes, the devourer is a bit strong, maybe I'll have to balance that out a bit. Or maybe more equipment with status protection.

No, that was definitely not the supposed end. I couldn't play test the whole game, just parts of it. Gonna have a look into that. Maybe, if I can find all the bugs, I'm gonna post a final version or something.

I'm sorry, but saying that an indie developer should have the strength to hire more people and make more stuff themselves is a bit unfair. I, for one, have a full time job, a family, and not a lot of free time. Still I want to make games, still I have story ideas that I want to make into games. What's wrong in using assets that are free to use? Where's the problem on giving the right credit? Most people don't realize that even big companies use assets from other sources from time to time. But we little developers should be able to live without?

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Both games have an end, the first games end can just be reached a bit earlier. I know the jam rules, but I don't recommend playing both versions, since they aren't that different for the most part. The updated version "just" has the missing stuff in the end game, two more dungeons and a side quest at the beginning. More stuff was planned, but at some point I had to decide how much more time I was willing to put into something that was just supposed to be a short jam game.

Hello there. It´s been some time since i bought this, so this is the first time i´ve really tried using it. Most of it is really self explanatory, but i´ve run into some problems. I´m trying to make an outside tile set. There´s A1, A2, A5a and A5b. But is there no A3 and A4? Without walls and buildings it´s a bit difficult making something. I´m pretty sure i´m just missing something obvious, but right now i´m a bit stumped.

Thanks for playing! Collision detection has been changed a little, maybe it is a bit less frustrating now.

Thanks, i have a game that was started for another jam, but i couldn´t finish it in  time. Since then it was pretty much on ice, but this would be a motivation to finish it.

Do i understand it right that the game does not need to adhere to the theme to be submitted?

Since I'm only making games as a hobby it is normal for me to jump from project to project, so I may not be very helpful on that end. But from a consumer point of view I have to say this (and please, don't be offended).: if you want to make a good impression you're going to be more careful with your game descriptions. It's not right grammatically and some words are wrong, too. English isn't my first language and even I can see that. For me as a consumer it might not be a problem, but if you want to get a job that way it could be a big obstacle.

Fallen  Legend

Making a choose your own adventure game like that is a pretty cool idea. So easy, but effective. 

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The idea with the gb camera is pure gold, nice  work!

I don´t want to hijack this thread, but i´ve got a related problem. I bought the bundle and my account tells me i´ve bought it, but every game  and software  tells me i still have to buy it if i click on it. Please don´t tell me i HAVE to go over the bundle link and install everything from there, it´s like.. 57  pages? I went through that and put everything i want to play in a collection, but then it tells me to buy it again..

Rooftops Settlement Simulator - Demo - Sim Jam entry

Project "Settlement"

Terry Balim and the Secret of the  Lake(formerly B.L.U.B.B.)

If you´re looking for genre-specific engines, there are also Adventure Game Studio and Visionaire Studio for Point and Click Adventure games. Personally, i was never able to get the hang of AGS. But i´m using Visionaire Studio right now, which works out better for me, so far.


My first game would have been Crazy Warehouse, but since it´s only one Level i don´t know if it really counts. The game that i consider as my first is Mr.Potato in Potatoland. It has a beginning, four levels and an  end and such it was the first time i really finished something  game design related.


I really like the overall aesthetic. It feels like a real game from the past. Unfortunately i wasn´t able to start a battle, the game doesn´t recognize my controller, though i know it is working.

While i see where you´re coming from, i think it would be difficult to just have, like, everybody being involved. The more people from even more places working together might sound nice but i guess from a logistically standpoint it would be a catastrophe.

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Cursed Forest

Rooftops - Part 1