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A member registered Apr 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi, I'm a somewhat intermediate music composer who wants to make a little money and/or expand my portfolio. I'll take paid or free offers depending on the complexity of the project. I'm also new to making a portfolio so it may seem wonky, sorry. My Portfolio:

Had to be the comments, feedback, and the different style I attempted while making my submission.

I appreciate all the great comments! Thank You!

Honestly, this comment amazes me because I didn't know what I was doing at all!! 😅 I literally just started throwing stuff together in both of the songs, but I do think Lucid Nightmares is subconsciously based on Hollow Knight. I really just went in blind using the theme as a guide which led me to the dreamy aspect I wanted to keep within each song, but I think I only really showed that off in You're Still Dreaming. I was actually so close to quitting this Jam since I was having trouble representing what I thought of the theme. Especially since Lucid Nightmares didn't really come out how I wanted it to but I still like the song.

Also, I'll try adding percussion to Lucid Nightmares and post it as an Extra on Bandcamp!

No problem, I replayed the game and realized you're supposed to run through the door, not just walk into the lock, which I did the first time. That also made me think there were multiple keys in one room so nothing wrong was done on your part, I was just overanalysing. 😭

Yeah, I think I missed some cause I tried that but it didn't work butI couldn't find anymore keys so I was confused. I'll play again just to check though.

Pretty fun game!

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This game has to be the greatest I've played so far!!! It reminds me so much of the game Autocraft, it's wonderful. Loved beating the game and playing around with the surplus of parts given after beating the 9th round. Had so much fun.

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Interesting game. Wasn't sure how to use the key, but good game concept.

Very good game, it was very enjoyable. Also, I don't know if there's a cooldown or something but sometimes when you eat you just bump into the food or fish.

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Not sure if I didn't make it far enough or something but I didn't notice anything changing size. Also, in my opinion, there are way too many enemies that spawn since you get cornered by all of them coming from each side simultaneously. The movement is a bit wierd since when you let go you hurl in the direction you let go in causing you to sometimes run directly into the boss or enemies. Also, for me, sometimes the boss becomes invincible when shooting fast at it. The game looks pretty good though, I did like the style.

Sorry, currently attempting to fix this bug, the .zip version should work fine though.


A very short and lovely game. Played the Steam version which seems to actually be a bit different from the Itch version.

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Pretty cool game! I loved finding all the endings.

Thank you! I never finished all of the drawings since I mostly worked on the story, but I'm still happy with how the game turned out.

This game was amazing! 👏

It's okay, thanks for volunteering though! I managed to finish the story and choices.

Do you have your Discord tag linked anywhere? I tried searching through your Linktree but I couldn't find it.

Gudday! Do you think you could compose some music for a simple visual novel game I'm working on for the Jam?

I actually have a story made already. All I need help with is the decisions. I can send you the story I have so far on Discord if you have that. TheNamesJack#9442

Well, I'm making a story about a couple going through a breakup, but I'm having a little trouble making the choices realistic.

Gudday! I'm looking for someone who can help me write a simple story for a visual novel I'm creating. I'm pretty new to making games so you don't have to be a professional or anything.

Thank you!

Yea, my bad. The footsteps are quite loud and repetitive.

Thank you! I was planning on adding save points but my friend said I should keep them out. It was also laziness since it was getting close to ending and I wanted to go to sleep. 😅

omg thanks bro! :

Gudday Everyone!

If you have any comments or recommendations of things I should add to differentiate "Mappings3D" from Minecraft, (including a different game name), please add them here! :)