This was super duper cute! The ability to squish yourself down like a pancake was super nice. Gonna use this when prepping for my driving test. <3
A member registered Apr 13, 2022 · View creator page →
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In this 3D platformer, play as a piece of paper that can transform into different origami creations.
Quick twine game for class: You are hiring people to work for your company
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Hi Ethan, sorry to hear you're having trouble with Trello. In terms of formatting, what you have with backlog, in progress, in review and completed is good. If you're doing a weekly format, I'd recommend a to-do list between the backlog and in progress lists. This should contain items to do that week, but aren't yet put into progress by team members. You can assign specific cards to team members by dragging and dropping their icons to specify which team members are doing which task. If you're having trouble with formatting in a technical sense, a simple list should do for each section. Wishing you luck!