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A member registered Jan 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the comment! The door is actually 4 blocks wide, and is always represented as that on the map! Also the map size varies from job to job and it is random when generated but the door spawns at the same spot every time!

Web is the worst thing in the world, we changed like 40 things to get it to work and it is still not working properly... thanks for the review!

Really cool idea, it works really well! I would love to play some more levels!

One thing i noticed is you can join dashes and jumps together if you time it right. I don't know if this was intentional, but i thnk it could be a cool feature

Loved the idea, it was fun to play, but the shooting mechanic was a bit unfair as it changes in a way that requires the player to keep focus on where the mouse is relative to the ship and that makes it a bit weird for me, would be better if it aimed at the mouse or maybe the mouse position relative the screen. 

Great game! Also art was fantastic!

This game was really nice, the concept is cool for a puzzle game! 

I think the game would benefit from improving a little bit the platforming mechanics, specially implementing a coyote time or something to improve the jumps, there was a "hard" jump on level two where you couldn't see the other side, and was almost at the limit of the jump distance, but in general really good!

So this is what a game jam is, gotcha! Nice work

Sorry to hear that! I would love to hear why you couldn't figure out how to play! It would be a really good feedback for us!

The main goal is to map the random level that is generated as you select a job, leave through the door to enter the dungeon and try to draw what you are seeing! When you think you are done, hand in the map to your boss, and they will tell you if you did it right. If so, you will be rewarded with some cash and you can start the loop over!

Thanks for playing and for leaving a comment! Again, we would love a more precise feedback, and that you gave it another  try later! 

Que raro, tenemos amigos que lo han jugado varias veces y no nos dijeron nada! Intentaremos revisarlo a ver si se colo algo en la última build! Me alegro que te gustara!

La verdad, yo tuve problemas para exportar y mi compi estaba en el trabajo y lo exportamos en el ultimo momento como quien dice, le echaremos un ojo a lo de HTML5, gracias!

Ahora mismo trabajamos con Godot, nos decidimos a usarlo por un proyecto que tenemos entre manos y nos encantó! Las últimas jams en las que participamos todas fueron con Godot!

Me alegro de que te gustara!

Gracias Du! Me alegro de que te gustara!

Me gusta mucho la interpretación del tema, además con un gato en casa puedo confirmar que esto es 100% real, enhorabuena!

Me encanto el juego! El arte es espectacular y la idea un 10/10. Enhorabuena!

Brutal! Me ha gustado mucho, y muy bien jugado con la intención del jugador... Sucios gatos, digo ratas

Wow, I liked the game a lot! Really nice work here! 

I didn't get what I was supposed to do at the beginning, after that the game was fun! Nice work

Game looks nice, but indeed very buggy! Was hard to play