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A member registered Dec 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Guess what? You are one of a few game devs in the world that are brave enough to accept this challenge... now it's time to put your money where your mouth is 😱 

Lucky for you, you're not alone! Join the crew on Discord: https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Here are some FAQS: 

 Do I need to work on a team?

Nope, it's up to you. A lot of people go solo for game-a-week. This jam is about trying new experiences, not about practicing things you are already good at.

Is it ranked?

Nope, we focus on effort not outcome. In fact, it's more important to write about you experience making a game rather than celebrate the final product. It's all about your journey, not the destination...

What do I need to do to participate?

1. Turn in a game at the end of the week by Sunday midnight! It doesn't matter if it even runs! Just turn in a zipped up project file or broken binary!

2. Write about your experience! Take a look at my previous games and their info pages for a template: https://csfrontieres.itch.io/

3. Leave feedback to your fellow Game-A-Weekers! Being able to coach others without ego builds the skillset of being able to direct and lead your own team. Build good habits while making games and after making games!  

4. Do it again next week! This is a lifestyle, not a one and doner. You're a real game developer... aren't ya? 🤔

*If you have any other questions, DM me on the Discord!


"Stay low. Stay humble."

JOIN GAME-A-WEEK:  https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Guess what? You are one of a few game devs in the world that are brave enough to accept this challenge... now it's time to put your money where your mouth is 😱 

Lucky for you, you're not alone! Join the crew on Discord: https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Here are some FAQS: 

 Do I need to work on a team?

Nope, it's up to you. A lot of people go solo for game-a-week. This jam is about trying new experiences, not about practicing things you are already good at.

Is it ranked?

Nope, we focus on effort not outcome. In fact, it's more important to write about you experience making a game rather than celebrate the final product. It's all about your journey, not the destination...

What do I need to do to participate?

1. Turn in a game at the end of the week by Sunday midnight! It doesn't matter if it even runs! Just turn in a zipped up project file or broken binary!

2. Write about your experience! Take a look at my previous games and their info pages for a template: https://csfrontieres.itch.io/

3. Leave feedback to your fellow Game-A-Weekers! Being able to coach others without ego builds the skillset of being able to direct and lead your own team. Build good habits while making games and after making games!  

4. Do it again next week! This is a lifestyle, not a one and doner. You're a real game developer... aren't ya? 🤔

*If you have any other questions, DM me on the Discord!


"Stay low. Stay humble."

JOIN GAME-A-WEEK:  https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Guess what? You are one of a few game devs in the world that are brave enough to accept this challenge... now it's time to put your money where your mouth is 😱 

Lucky for you, you're not alone! Join the crew on Discord: https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Here are some FAQS: 

 Do I need to work on a team?

Nope, it's up to you. A lot of people go solo for game-a-week. This jam is about trying new experiences, not about practicing things you are already good at.

Is it ranked?

Nope, we focus on effort not outcome. In fact, it's more important to write about you experience making a game rather than celebrate the final product. It's all about your journey, not the destination...

What do I need to do to participate?

1. Turn in a game at the end of the week by Sunday midnight! It doesn't matter if it even runs! Just turn in a zipped up project file or broken binary!

2. Write about your experience! Take a look at my previous games and their info pages for a template: https://csfrontieres.itch.io/

3. Leave feedback to your fellow Game-A-Weekers! Being able to coach others without ego builds the skillset of being able to direct and lead your own team. Build good habits while making games and after making games!  

4. Do it again next week! This is a lifestyle, not a one and doner. You're a real game developer... aren't ya? 🤔

*If you have any other questions, DM me on the Discord!


"Stay low. Stay humble."

JOIN GAME-A-WEEK:  https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Guess what? You are one of a few game devs in the world that are brave enough to accept this challenge... now it's time to put your money where your mouth is 😱 

Lucky for you, you're not alone! Join the crew on Discord: https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Here are some FAQS: 

 Do I need to work on a team?

Nope, it's up to you. A lot of people go solo for game-a-week. This jam is about trying new experiences, not about practicing things you are already good at.

Is it ranked?

Nope, we focus on effort not outcome. In fact, it's more important to write about you experience making a game rather than celebrate the final product. It's all about your journey, not the destination...

What do I need to do to participate?

1. Turn in a game at the end of the week by Sunday midnight! It doesn't matter if it even runs! Just turn in a zipped up project file or broken binary!

2. Write about your experience! Take a look at my previous games and their info pages for a template: https://csfrontieres.itch.io/

3. Leave feedback to your fellow Game-A-Weekers! Being able to coach others without ego builds the skillset of being able to direct and lead your own team. Build good habits while making games and after making games!  

4. Do it again next week! This is a lifestyle, not a one and doner. You're a real game developer... aren't ya? 🤔

*If you have any other questions, DM me on the Discord!


"Stay low. Stay humble."

JOIN GAME-A-WEEK:  https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Guess what? You are one of a few game devs in the world that are brave enough to accept this challenge... now it's time to put your money where your mouth is 😱 

Lucky for you, you're not alone! Join the crew on Discord: https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Here are some FAQS: 

 Do I need to work on a team?

Nope, it's up to you. A lot of people go solo for game-a-week. This jam is about trying new experiences, not about practicing things you are already good at.

Is it ranked?

Nope, we focus on effort not outcome. In fact, it's more important to write about you experience making a game rather than celebrate the final product. It's all about your journey, not the destination...

What do I need to do to participate?

1. Turn in a game at the end of the week by Sunday midnight! It doesn't matter if it even runs! Just turn in a zipped up project file or broken binary!

2. Write about your experience! Take a look at my previous games and their info pages for a template: https://csfrontieres.itch.io/

3. Leave feedback to your fellow Game-A-Weekers! Being able to coach others without ego builds the skillset of being able to direct and lead your own team. Build good habits while making games and after making games!  

4. Do it again next week! This is a lifestyle, not a one and doner. You're a real game developer... aren't ya? 🤔

*If you have any other questions, DM me on the Discord!


"Stay low. Stay humble."

JOIN GAME-A-WEEK:  https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

This was strangely immersive for me.. maybe it's because I've always wanted to be like a cat? 

The levels were laid out logically and the tutorial section taught me everything I needed to know to play the game. I'm not sure what engine this was made in, but it reminds me of the Shadow of the Colossus rendering with the texturing and bloom setup. 

The camera cutscene for the rocket was pretty sick and I think this game fits the theme pretty well! We might all end up living on the moon eventually haha 

Good work! I'd continue exploring 3D and it's depth of art. I can see good practices at play with the levels you made, and I encourage to continue developing those techniques over time. Animations, camera framing and level design can always be improved, and 3D will always have a wealth of areas of improvement for all artists.

If this was your first game, I think you guys did a great job! 3D is always tricky and taking that on for a first project is always a challenge.

For this game, I'd increase the size of the ocean and change the garbage spawning to face one direction so the player can focus on one side of the screen. Besides that, adding SFX and BGM will greatly enhance the user experience.

Keep up the good work! I think you covered a lot of bases for making your first game, and I hope you continue building new experiences. Also kudos for integrating the theme

This was a lot of fun! I genuinely think there's a lot of neat ideas here.

The only feedback to give is to include SFX and a music track to the game. The gameplay is pretty fun as is, and a catchy beat with good SFX will keep the players going for another round.

Also this game fits the theme perfectly! I think you had the best entry in the jam, good work!

This seems like a mix of several minigames that don't quite work. It's got a good collection of good art, but there's no cohesion and some of the experiences are broken.

I was unable to load the game page... let me know if it's fixed and I'll review your game

Wow, you've got a whole level here! It's great to see some design work on these short term projects. A lot of the time, I'm always focused on mechanics and I never get a chance to do any level design.

I can see here that the platforming and camera implementation are flaky, and time was spent on the art and design of the experience. There's a natural progression to the level design and I can see what you were shooting for. The diversity of the enemies also add some texture to the experience.

I think what you have here is really good given the constraints. I'd encourage you to continue honing your implementation skills, and find new opportunities to flex your design muscle. If you can keep that up, I think you have great potential to be a  game designer. 

I like this one! Infinite runners were my first game projects too, they're simple and fun to make.

The hand drawn graphics are a nice touch, and the music selection fits the theme. There was attention paid to switching the music for the different states and it does add a lot to the vibe of the game.

My suggestion is to modify the speed of the player over time to make the difficulty ramp up as time progresses. Right now, it's a game with a flat difficulty curve, so players might find the experience redundant after they notice that nothing is changing in terms of their stress.

With a little tweaking, you can either increase the player speed, increase the obstacles, and while you're at it, increase the pitch of the music to add stress to the experience so the player feels the heat.

This was a cool entry! I'll try to snap some photos during the event

This was a fun, straight forward game to play! I like simple games and what you have here does exactly what's on the box.

There aren't too many complaints about the implementation, everything is laid out simply and there's not too much to be confused about. My suggestion is for you to try to scale a simple design like this towards the end of the dev cycle. Once you figure out a game loop, the challenge becomes creating content with your mechanics. For example, it's possible to create different levels with various level sizes, layouts, and time restrictions to add diversity. 

Keep up the good work! I hope you stick with Game-A-Week!

It sounds like you  were taking quite a bit this week! My suggestion is for Game-A-Week is to start simple and go up from there. Because of the strict deadlines, it will force you to handle other aspects of game dev like polish and deployment which is generally neglected for games with longer dev cycles.

Once you have a pipeline in place for deploying builds, it becomes a lot easier to focus on execution for ideas since the boring technical stuff has been resolved.

I hope you stick with Game-A-Week! There's always a lot to learn and it sounds like you got quality experience on this attempt.

(8 edits)

Guess what? You are one of a few game devs in the world that are brave enough to accept this challenge... now it's time to put your money where your mouth is 😱 

Lucky for you, you're not alone! Join the crew on Discord: https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Here are some FAQS: 

 Do I need to work on a team?

Nope, it's up to you. A lot of people go solo for game-a-week. This jam is about trying new experiences, not about practicing things you are already good at.

Is it ranked?

Nope, we focus on effort not outcome. In fact, it's more important to write about you experience making a game rather than celebrate the final product. It's all about your journey, not the destination...

What do I need to do to participate?

1. Turn in a game at the end of the week by Sunday midnight! It doesn't matter if it even runs! Just turn in a zipped up project file or broken binary!

2. Write about your experience! Take a look at my previous games and their info pages for a template: https://csfrontieres.itch.io/

3. Leave feedback to your fellow Game-A-Weekers! Being able to coach others without ego builds the skillset of being able to direct and lead your own team. Build good habits while making games and after making games!  

4. Do it again next week! This is a lifestyle, not a one and doner. You're a real game developer... aren't ya? 🤔

*If you have any other questions, DM me on the Discord!


"Stay low. Stay humble."

JOIN GAME-A-WEEK:  https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

(1 edit)

Guess what? You are one of a few game devs in the world that are brave enough to accept this challenge... now it's time to put your money where your mouth is 😱 

Lucky for you, you're not alone! Join the crew on Discord: https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

Here are some FAQS: 

 Do I need to work on a team?

Nope, it's up to you. A lot of people go solo for game-a-week. This jam is about trying new experiences, not about practicing things you are already good at.

Is it ranked?

Nope, we focus on effort not outcome. In fact, it's more important to write about you experience making a game rather than celebrate the final product. It's all about your journey, not the destination...

What do I need to do to participate?

1. Turn in a game at the end of the week by Sunday midnight! It doesn't matter if it even runs! Just turn in a zipped up project file or broken binary!

2. Write about your experience! Take a look at my previous games and their info pages for a template: https://csfrontieres.itch.io/

3. Leave feedback to your fellow Game-A-Weekers! Being able to coach others without ego builds the skillset of being able to direct and lead your own team. Build good habits while making games and after making games!  

4. Do it again next week! This is a lifestyle, not a one and doner. You're a real game developer, aren't ya? 🤔

*If you have any other questions, DM me on the Discord!


"Stay low. Stay humble."

JOIN GAME-A-WEEK:  https://discord.gg/j8QvpxzZZK

This is quite a piece of work!

The interaction systems are complex and enjoyable to watch unfold and there is a mastery of procedural systems at play here.

It's difficult to critique the work since it's at an early stage, what you have here is the basis of a concept that has a lot of possibilities. What's important is that the implementation is proven to work and you have a method to scale these systems if you wanted to.

I would take a step back and come up with solid theories on finding the fun of this system and focus on it with a razor sharp precision. There is a danger of working and working on this to no end since the systems are infinitely deep and complex. 

It will take careful design considerations to push this prototype to something truly special.

Amazing work, it's an achievement that you were able to execute on this within a week.

Good work! The DDR vibe really pops here. I'm seeing a lot of new techniques at play and it's great to see you experiment with new genres.

From the group, the feedback was to adjust the control scheme and to sync the music to the beats. For control mapping Valorie noted that there was an alternative control scheme where ZXNM were used for the arrows. That allowed each finger to line up with the arrows and you can use both hands to play. 

It's great you spent time practicing making your own art. I can see a unique start to emerge in your work... continue to practice it and see where it goes!

(1 edit)

The game runs well! Hole.io is a knock off of Donut County. Which means this is a knockoff of a knockoff.

The problem with this is it isn't better than Donut County OR Hole.io, it's actually worse. If you are going to copy something, you have to add something new to it, or evolve the design enough to be competitive. As it stands now, it doesn't have a place anywhere but the trash can.

From a design perspective, the levels don't have any logical composition, it's just a bunch of objects thrown about. If you study Katamari, there is a puzzle element where you have to roll into things in a certain order to progress. That type of level design allowed for flow and directed the player towards the critical path in the level design. Dynamicism makes for a better user experience and in this project, it was a missed opportunity.

If your goal is to make a unique product that will perform on the market, this is an example of exactly what not to do. This criticism is leveled towards the conversation we had about your business. Challenge yourself to think more critically about your designs. If you want to be competitive in the market, you have to be competitive yourself.

Come and join the discord, that's the best way to contact the devs:


This was fun! I’ve never played a survivor game before. 

Changing the color of the pickups depending on value would help the readability. Also the aiming controls should be retuned to point towards a cursor onscreen. It’s a little wonky as is. 

Great work! Godot is a good toolset to work with and I can see it becoming mainstream in the future.

I can see you slowly evolving your systems and putting them together in unique ways. For this tech demo, there are refinements on old systems that you developed that will come in handy later. 

Something to consider is using simple art styles to match the style of your RPG. Reducing colors and creating uniformity in the art can help create an identity and make production faster for animation and art assets.

I encourage you to continue exploring new art styles and building upon existing systems while experimenting with new ones

This game had a lot of heart. Did you make all the visuals yourself?

Most of the feedback involves noting technical issues that I'm sure you are aware of. The camera has a lot of jank and it's almost impossible to control on the second floor. I'd recommend looking into CineMachine and it's CameraCollider components. It will solve all of those problems. 

Everything here looks like it was authored originally. The animations and models all mesh together well. Also the screenshots for the game over screen and winning screen were a nice touch,

From a UX standpoint, there's no reason to have a sprint button since the ghost is faster than the walk speed. I would remove it outright since it's not utilized.

It's impressive that you went for a third person action game for your first entry! There is a lot of good work here.

1. Do not leave comments on the jam page submissions! Those comments are not saved on the main game page and it doesn't help with SEO on itch.io.

2. Do leave comments by clicking on VIEW GAME PAGE so that new players can see the comments. This will help your fellow colleagues receive exposure with itch.io's algorithm.

- Stay low. Stay humble

The name and visuals are all on point here 👌 

There isn't much to complain about the gameplay, it does everything that it needs to do. A lot of the problems you went over stem from the physics programming for the character which can cause certain types of bugs, Given the limitations, a key suggestion would be to think about adding parameters to your game to expand content. Changing the movement speed of the enemies, firerate, bullet size, etc can all be mapped to parameters in your code. You can expose these parameters to build more content for your experience without a ton of work. 

This was my favorite game you've made so far! Things are ramping up pretty quickly for you, good job


The visuals and game juice are really nice. Also the SFX and music match the theme. 

My feedback is to make the game discrete and forgo the continuous rts style. The rule set is more suited towards a game like plants vs zombies and I think the experience would have benefited from that. 

In terms of content I would come into the practice of expanding content with a rule set. I know there isn’t a ton of time, but expanding content from a ruleset is something that you can work on. 

Dripfeed mechanics to expand levels and content. It would serve as a tutorial and a way to facilitate flow 

It’s great that you were able to get this published on Google Play! That’s a big step forward.

This was a fun game! It's amazing you finished this project in six hours. 

Given the constraints, I'd recommend adding hazards to add more tension to the experience. Also the only sound byte missing was the landing sound animation. I would given an indication so that everyone knows that the jump had reset 

Good work! Pico8 is a fun platform to play around with

This game had a lot of heart. Did you make all the visuals yourself? 

Most of the feedback involves noting technical issues that I'm sure you are aware of. The camera has a lot of jank and it's almost impossible to control on the second floor. I'd recommend looking into CineMachine and it's CameraCollider components. It will solve all of those problems. 

Everything here looks like it was authored originally. The animations and models all mesh together well. Also the screenshots for the game over screen and winning screen were a nice touch, From a UX standpoint, there's no reason to have a sprint button since the ghost is faster than the walk speed. I would remove it outright since it's not utilized. 

It's impressive that you went for a third person action game for your first entry! There is a lot of good work here.

The name and visuals are all on point here 👌 

There isn't much to complain about the gameplay, it does everything that it needs to do. A lot of the problems you went over stem from the physics programming for the character which can cause certain types of bugs, Given the limitations, a key suggestion would be to think about adding parameters to your game to expand content. Changing the movement speed of the enemies, firerate, bullet size, etc can all be mapped to parameters in your code. You can expose these parameters to build more content for your experience without a ton of work. 

This was my favorite game you've made so far! Things are ramping up pretty quickly for you, good job

I've been a game dev for over 10 years working in the industry, I think the feedback is valuable  

I will personally write feedback for every submission for the game jam

there are no rules, it's an optional theme

OPTIONAL THEME OF THE WEEK: Make a game compatiable with a GamePad!

  • Unity's InputManager system can globalize controller input, give it a whirl!

Everything works! It’s impressive you got the entire rule set working in Godot in just a week.

My suggestion is to consider how to add features that improve the user experience that is unique to the digital realm. Adding indications for the players turn, changing the player’s pieces shapes/colors are all considerations to take when adapting a traditional board game to a new medium.

There are a lot of different directions to take this concept! What you have here works and is solid

Those new animations are pretty sweet!

RPGs are tough to make. It’s a logic problem with lots of visuals to attach to it. My suggestion is to isolate the development into the logic and visuals, then find a way to bind them later. Going from a text based RPG to a 2d turn based rpg is better than going right to the 2d rpg. There’s too much to solve and it can be overwhelming, I’ve suffered from the same problem.

Revisit this concept later! RPGs are a versatile genre and is worth exploring

It’s impressive that you adapted the sims core logic in such a period of time. That’s something will serve as a backbone to a lot of projects

Consider improving the flow of the user experience. There aren’t a ton of visual feedback for player actions and it’s hard to tell if clicking around is actually doing anything. Creating a help menu to explain the controls is a bare minimum and a cop out, but it’s better than nothing. If done correctly, a game’s UX will allow the player to teach themselves about the game, which is the best way to get people to continue pressing buttons.

If you choose to revisit this concept, expand on the user interface to make it more reactive.

Good work! This is a huge breakthrough

This was a fun concept! The game has a lot of content and it was enjoyable to chew through it.

A few points of feedback:
- Make sure the text is clear. Use a background to contrast the text so it's easy to read
- It would have been helpful to have an explanation for the cocktail section. A pop up or help button would be enough to explain the mechanics

It's great to see you working through different logic systems for your games, keep up the good work

It's great to see how well this project turned out! It's especially impressive with the scope of the city level.

In terms of level design, the length of the levels could be extended to allow more time for the mechanics to breathe.  Also, seeing the boat in the distance, made me want to explore the inside of it, and I think it was a missed opportunity.

Regardless, this is a huge step forward for getting something out that has a lot of polish, good work!

Good work! There's a lot going on here and I can see the systems you created.

My only suggestion for the game is to add a basket or paddle on top of the guys head so it's clear where players need to catch the cat/baby/dog. It's hard to tell where to line up the player to catch the object.

Also adding a drop shadow to the player character and falling objects would make it clearer where to position the player as well.

I've never played a 3D falling object game, so this was a cool idea 

This being your first game, I think you covered a lot of bases. Audio, particles, and 3D controllers are not simple to handle and you've implemented a lot of systems here.

This is a fun game! I wish the stock prices would randomize every once in a while to create some push and pull between playing the slot and swapping stocks.

It's great that everything is synced on PlayFab, I could see why slot games are so popular on mobile