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A member registered Dec 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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This is really cute! Simple and silly.

I'm really touched that you think so, it means a lot to me. Thank you for playing!

Thank you so much, that's kind of you to say! Sorry that the game couldn't be an escape for you haha.

I see, in that case I guess I'll try asking Itch support if anything can be done about it. The issue isn't urgent so I'll forego contacting the company directly for now but I'll keep the number on hand in case support goes nowhere. Thanks so much for your help, I appreciate it!

Unfortunately I don't know much about email servers and I don't know how I would be able to tell what the reason is, sorry.

The email I originally contacted was, which is the email listed in the tax interview FAQ, so I figured that it would've been updated if the address had changed.

For clarification, when I say that I contacted Itch support I mean that I then directed my original question to them instead, not that I asked for help regarding the bounced email. I tried looking but it's not a question that I can search up.

It was an automatic response from saying 'recipient address rejected: access denied'. I copy-pasted the email address and there were no typos, so I'd assume that it's an issue on their end. I sent the email to support instead because I thought that maybe they'd be able to help.

I've received a response from them before, but only after I posted about it on the forum. This question is about the tax interview and contacting the email listed on the page just resulted in "this email could not be delivered," so I was hoping support would be able to help.

(1 edit)

I know that I've posted here before about the same thing and that the forum isn't the right place for this, but this seems to be a recurring issue for me. I hope that I'm not being impatient, but I sent an email to almost two weeks ago and haven't received a response. My ticket ID is 188518.

Hi, I understand that I shouldn't be asking this here but it's my last resort. I've been trying to contact via the support email since mid-December but I haven't gotten any responses. It's just a quick question about the TOS and I didn't want it to be a big deal. My most recent ticket ID is 186529.