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A member registered Dec 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Couldn't finish this one since I was down to just the doctor and miner by floor 4(?) and I kept dying to stuff I couldn't even see. It was sometimes hard to tell I was taking damage, hence why I lost my soldier (Didn't see a bunch of mosquitoes behind me). Aside from that, the game was enjoyable with some interesting mechanics, and I really like how it looks.

I could probably get through it if I tried again, but it's late here at the time of writing this comment and there isn't much rating time left. :P

This was pretty good! The ambience works well, the visuals are really nice, and the battle system is simple but interesting. I don't have too much to say here, it's just pretty good and fun overall, I like it. I could see a full-scale game like this working really well. :)

I will say though, the game crashed on me once (No clue why), leading to me restarting from the beginning, but it wasn't that big a deal since I wasn't very far in and the game is pretty short anyway. I'd leave the error message just in case, but Itch won't let me leave screenshots in the comments (I know I could have just copied the text directly, idk why I didn't).

(Also, the ending text is funny. Lol)

Similar to Errance, my laptop sucks too much to run this (Even the music can't play properly for me), which is unfortunate cause I like the general vibe here from what I can see. Not leaving a rating, obviously, I'm just a bit disappointed cause this one seems good. Lol.

(3 edits)

Oh, noted. I might go back and try to find that then. :)

Edit: Yep, that was it. And that bumped me up to #9 on the HoF. Not even gonna try to get higher than this, cause honestly, it'd be a fool's errand. That and I'm satisfied with #9. Lol.

(Tried to put the HoF screenshot, but Itch said no...)

Yeee! I'm assuming the max discoveries are 83, judging by the highest HoF entries, and I'm assuming the one I missed has something to do with the trees in the forest area that I couldn't figure out how to deal with (As a result, it's the only floor I didn't 100%, stuck at an unsatisfying 99%. Lol).

Short and sweet, fairly simple. Art looks nice, too. I honestly don't have much else to say. Lol.

(1 edit)

Starting positively, I really like the visuals. You definitely had a certain vibe you were going for and you nailed it.

The game itself, though, didn't really capture me like it did others. Most of it is the auto-battles, which already aren't my thing (In other games, even if I'm just spamming Attack, at least it feels like I'm actively doing something. Definitely just a me thing), but there's also the lack of strafing and the long trek back whenever you need to go back to town, which you do a lot (I'm one to talk, my own entry has the same problem. Lol), though the fact that enemies are seemingly static encounters that don't respawn definitely helps. Side note, it's interesting that you can still move even while in combat.

Eventually, I stumbled into the wrong room, got party-wiped in an instant, and soft-locked. RIP.

All that being said, I still have the commercial version of this wishlisted, and I wish you success with it. :)

(4 edits)

My laptop sucks too  much to run this game (Seriously, it's a genuine slideshow for me), which is really unfortunate cause I was really interested in playing this one (Obviously not gonna rate it since I literally can't play it).

I will say tho, the art style looks really nice imo. As I'm familiar with the MV RTP, I tell a lot of it is heavy edits of it, and it's done really well. Nice music at the start too. I just wish I could comment on the game itself.

Edit: It does run on my phone, but that method doesn't really help since it wasn't designed for that and I can't move (I can open the menu, since MV has a way of doing that by default, but that's it).

(1 edit)

really liked this one! The mechanics are fun, the floor layouts are interesting, and the little bits of lore here and there are interesting. The only criticism I have is that, in Solitude, party members may or may not leave you. On its own, that's fine, but they wait until you take a few steps, so you can upgrade someone and have them immediately leave you two seconds later. This only happened to me once (3 total left tho, with the last two being back-to-back right at the end), but it's worth mentioning.

Really damn good game! Makes me wish there was more of it tbh.

(Btw, at the time of making this comment, I'm #18 on the Hall of Fame. Wonder how much that may change in the next 3 days)

(1 edit)

This is pretty good! It was a bit more difficult for me since my computer's keyboard is broken (Specifically L, O, and P, which every spell uses (Not letting that impact my rating though, since that's unrelated to the game itself)), so the typing speed option is very appreciated since I had to use a mix of my actual keyboard and a virtual one.

I love how the game looks, really nice spritework and effects. The speech is also a nice touch, and the name is clever. Good music, too.

Honestly, my only real criticisms are that you can't heal outside of battle and that you can't escape combat. I'll mention that older spells quickly become outclassed, but that's fairly common in games anyway, so it's not a huge deal. Tho Teleport seems kinda pointless, unless I'm misunderstanding how it functions.

Overall a fun game with a fun concept. :)

Glad to hear you enjoyed it, and it's cool seeing physically-drawn versions of my maps, especially since I can immediately recognize which floors they are just from the layouts. Lol.

As for the shop issue, do you have any idea what could have triggered it? I never ran into that during playtesting, or even while making the planned expansion. I'll see if I can recreate the bug or not and fix it from there.

There's two switches on every floor, partially because the floors are randomly shuffled at the start of the game (I'm assuming your BF3 was either the Lava, Electric, or Plant floors since you mention the jumping puzzle).

If I could add an option to run or something, I'd have added it. I've tested it in the past, and the script I used to do the first-person stuff doesn't seem to allow for different movement speeds, unfortunately. 

Glad you enjoyed yourself, even if you couldn't find that second lever. Lol.

Thanks for playing!

I probably should have pointed attention at it, but De' Lor has a skill that opens up a limited map if your surroundings (About 10 tiles around you iirc), if that helps any.

As for the "self-destruct save," that is a thing here! In this version, it's tied to the Alt key, tho once the judging period is over it'll be moved to the S key.

Ok, thank you. It helps a lot.

Oh, Itch hadn't updated with your reply, sorry about that. Would have directly responded to this reply. Lol.

(2 edits)

Sorry for the second reply, but I can't seem to reproduce this on either floor that has the bandits. Did you find both switches on the floor already? That's the only thing I can think of at this point.

Asking cause the bandit's switch on the poison floor opens the second door.

(2 edits)

Thank you for playing, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Which floor did you have the issue on? There's two floors out of the possible 6 where the bandits exist. If it's on the poison floor, I could have sworn I'd fixed that... Well that sucks. :/

Guess I'm gonna have to make a v1.0.1 when the judging period is over.

Just remembered to respond to this. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if there's a way to change the fullscreen resolution with RMXP games. Maybe there is and I just haven't seen it (Since I never used fullscreen in general while playtesting since it just gets a bit blurry), idk. I've tried looking it up but the closest I've seen is a controls setting (Which isn't very close at all).

I guess it makes sense, as XP was originally released in 2005 (2004 in Japan), but still.

Late to responding, but thank you for playing my entry (Same to everyone else who has)! And for the kind words. I appreciate it. :)

As for the whole revival thing, there's both an item for it and a place to revive party members in The Depths. You gain the ability to buy the revival item once you hit Lv. 3 or so. Two of the 6 possible floors have one you can find in a chest hidden away.

Out of curiosity, which floor with the jumping puzzle did you have? Three of them have one (I almost always end up making a jumping puzzle like this. Lol).

(2 edits)

Really pretty asset pack. I love it and am definitely considering using it!
Edit: Originally asked about license stuff, but I've since bought it and read the READ ME file and understand now. Sorry about that. Lol.