Thanks! Yeah I had about 5 bosses planned and I had a bit of a story. I just ran out of time to get everything done.
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Thank you for the feedback!
Yeah there was a lot I wanted to add to the game and didn't get the chance to do. For the lightning attack, there should be logic to prevent you selecting it if you don't have enough mana. Unfortunately that logic isn't working 100%, so it plays the animation and the particle effect but doesn't actually do any damage to the enemy, the option of that button should be greyed out to prevent you from doing the attack. The enemy doesn't attack because the logic still thinks it's the players turn as the attack wasn't successful.
The camera shake is to indicate that either the enemy or player is being hit, but a simple animation/shader/particle effect could have been added for both the player and enemy, I just ran out of time. Likewise the same for a health bar for the enemy.
Thanks for the feedback on the animations, I feel like art and animations are two of my weaker points so at least I'm doing something right but I get your point on the idle animation.
Sorry for the confusion, I'll definitely play test as I develop more in the future. Because I'm the dev, how to play the game is obvious as I have designed all the systems, I guess this is why tutorials or on screen prompts are so important. I know that I overscoped this game and there was so much more I wanted to add but just didn't have the time. So at least it has taught me that!
Thank you for taking the time to play The Shaman! I have certainly learnt a lot from competing in this game jam.