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A member registered Feb 19, 2024 · View creator page →

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Two games in one! The graphics and style was cool. For the rage note game, it was fun but when you get stuck between two disks you then realise you can just stay in the gap between speakers not moving at all and never get hit.

Rage fps is a cool, it was great when you turn and there’s a enemy right behind you when you weren’t expecting it! Maybe having the enemies all move slightly different speeds would make it a little more unpredictable and that happen more often 👍

Like others mine froze after a few minutes, played the less buggy version so got to play a little longer, but hit the same issue. I really like the graphics, the creatures, I saw 3 distinct types were all cool and I liked how as soon as you got too comfortable staying still more enemies would come. The rage mechanic also sort of forced movement to avoid losing all your health.

The different upgrades were good too, a nice mix and being forced to choose from 3 sometimes meant you had to branch out and choose something you didn’t already have.

A pretty simple but challenging game, it struck the right balance between difficult and complete-able. You gradually figure each section out so it works really well! I liked that the character seems to pick-up speed as they fall, it makes it a lot harder to judge how early you need to use the jetpack.


The graphics and music went well together, I liked that as you got further up the music sort’of distorted making it sound more uneasy feeling.

The left/right hand controls and the character spinning made it easy to forgot which button to press, making it harder - but part of the challenge. I didn’t manage to make it any further than the 3 moving grates like in the screenshots but it definitely makes you want to try again. The ‘Save?’ button is pretty mean haha

For some reason I couldn’t get the win screen at all, despite clicking the Angry Man 🤷

I think there’s potential in the idea, like a Wii Play style spot the specific person series of mini-games, but there isn’t really much there at the moment.

The game is tough, best I could manage was 8 seconds left (and I think that was a fluke, definitely got lucky). I like the music and it got a few plays as you get closer and closer to winning.

Noticed that the score maybe doesn’t reset when you retry the game, so it keeps building the more you retry. Perhaps intentional? You could add a shop that uses the score as currency to buy things to help win the game. IDK like a rattle to distract a baby for X amount of time.

I’m not sure if I understood the game, I think 2 carrots was the max I ever managed to collect. My assumption is that there’s an order to collect them in maybe (though that changes every reset?)

So it feels just like playing the odds. Perhaps there could be multiple levels, but without changing which carrot is cursed on each? Then when you fail, and get reset to level 1, it’d be more tied to remembering with carrot is cursed as you attempt to beat the previous level you got up to?

Music matched the graphics which was nice, maybe making it loop would make it end less abruptly. Though given the game loop is quite short it nearly always doesn’t need to!

Loved the story, the joke at the end was great! Also liked how the enemies tied in, being “evil” toys. Rage mode was also fun (on the last level against the toys that follow you especially).

The attack animation is really cool, the dog kinda pounces before actually completing the attack, but the hitbox seemed very generous. I think having the attack not happen instantly when clicking and more lining up with the animation could make attacking a bit more tactical / more risky if ill-timed.

I liked the art in this, almost sticker like, and the eyes following the mouse was a nice touch!

Having to use the spatula to swat the flies was cool, think the concept of having to grab different items to deal with problems if expanded could be really challenging.

As you don’t seem to be able to win, having some metric to judge how well you did would be nice. Perhaps how much food you managed to feed the monster before game over?

(Also items you need spawning on top of the bin is evil haha, so easy to bin it by mistake! Which works, as once you know, it’s easy to avoid - but then also easy to forget again)

Encountered the same as others RE: ending up out of map on fist try - though knowing that going in today I stuck to the walls and think I got a closer to intended version.

The limited shooting angles + the how the car turns in that it sorta whips round makes you have to really think about how you engage the enemies. Loved the atmosphere of the game and it’s hard.

As a QoL thing, when you die, it’d be great to have a retry button to make it a little easier giving it another go (you have to refresh the page atm)

I liked the concept of the character sprite changing as you get more damaged, though maybe the different sprites could be a little more distinct?

I think I got to the end - the white rectangle right? Some kind of end screen would be good, maybe with a game like this your score could be tied to how long it took you 🤷


Game was really fun - love the graphics. Played it yesterday and I wanted try again to get further today.

I wasn’t able to complete it - skill issue haha, so no idea how much further it goes but made it here at least!
