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A member registered Sep 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yeah, the shortest time anyone has beaten the game for a first time was 900 seconds. So yeah. most people can't spend 15 mins on the game.

Fire OS Playthrough

Is it the wall of fire or is it the actuall platforming.
Keep trying and eventually you will get there.
The platforming is difficult but the boss battle after is rewarding.

Keep going, there are 5 platformer levels.

Is there any way you can quickly make a windows version of the game, I will be streaming this game soon so I feel like it might help. Also, are the spikes using a box collider?

Don't lie in the discord server saying that you have 0 rates.

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With your discord post in review my game, I have seen a os with a game. Made it around a month ago.

Amazing game. Amazing theme. But if you spam space you guarentee win.

Amazing. It was very funny. But the gameplay is quite repetitive.

The ui doesnt scale correctly blocking me from playing the game to its full intent.

Have you heard of auto clicker

That is the biggest issue I had, the score is based off how much people you have / how much time you spent. If i had one hour I would have probably changed that, also making them not tiny decimals.

This is a comment stating all of the known bugs in this game, most bugs don't impact the gameplay but I would like to make you all aware so you may not abuse some of these bugs.

Minor bugs:

-A few text objects that don't change / empty with "New Text"

-Few issues with auto built buildings.

Major bugs:
-Debug command enabled that absolutely breaks the game.

-Background Audio doesn't loop.

-After playing the game once, you have to exit the game to play the game again or the game scene doesn't fully load.

I am working on a patch that I will upload as soon as the voting period ends.

Grow your city, don't let your reactors go critical or run out of money.  Get high score. Repeat.

I have an issue with the different levels of pixilation for all sprites, as well as the collisions between objects and collectables and their sorting layers.

Why don't you pair your pc with my os and we would be complete.

Its very funny, but the actual playable gameplay is quite lacking

Is fully ascending to heaven delusional? Maybe loosing all you sanity to become one with heaven is the true evil.

Is fully ascending to heaven delusional? Maybe loosing all you sanity to become one with heaven is the true evil.

The controls are the game are simple. But the lack of enemy variation makes the controls feel harsh. A method of blocking might give the game a fresh new coat of paint.

The audio is affected by either browser, operating system. or the slider which is in the settings menu within the game. 

You have two active spells you can change between with Q, and E. You had spell 2 selected by default. (it isnt accurate). The first one is accurate. (press Q);

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Firstly, the frame rate which is low is because of the limitations of webGL.  (windows build works fine , unless your using a Pentium and Intel HD graphics).  2, Yes you could exit. the start room has a well with a sign saying 7 souls. You collect souls after killing enemies. 3. Sound. There is a slider in the settings menu. You might have slid that to 0 volume.  4. scrolls change your current spell. and you could've switched between primary scroll and secondary scroll with Q, and E. (in the description of the game.) The one that is selected by default is powerful, but doesn't aim at all. Your second one shoots straight.

Sometimes these are due to some random Lootlocker Requests Thingey.  Its a bug I rarely find, so I cant really diagnose.

Try and click Q, to change to you first spell.

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The 2nd spell that you start with shoots in random directions.  But its more powerful.

Click Q, to change to first spell and click E to change to second spell.

The second spell is selected by default. Didn't fix in playtesting. But cmon , its 1 click to fix.

What ice cubes, I cant see them, its impossible to play.

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INFINITY BEER CUP, Windows and Web version. (Opera GX)

Maybe its because I forgot to make the button click once. So it attempted to upload multiple scores at once. That's probably the issue.

The players weapons are on induvidual timers, do you mean the enemies attacks.

Music stopped looping and then no enemies spawned for like 5 mins.  Boring and buggy.

I have no idea why spamming crashed your browser tab. What specs do you have and when did it crash.

I suggest playing the windows version for a better experience.

The point of the mutations was supposed to be that you had a mutation tree , per mutation, if the mutations stability chance is smaller than a random number, 0f-1f, the mutation will change all mutations below its position and itself. I ran out of time, and as I stated before, I barely made a working game in the time that I had