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A member registered Sep 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Is fully ascending to heaven delusional? Maybe loosing all you sanity to become one with heaven is the true evil.

Is fully ascending to heaven delusional? Maybe loosing all you sanity to become one with heaven is the true evil.

The controls are the game are simple. But the lack of enemy variation makes the controls feel harsh. A method of blocking might give the game a fresh new coat of paint.

The audio is affected by either browser, operating system. or the slider which is in the settings menu within the game. 

You have two active spells you can change between with Q, and E. You had spell 2 selected by default. (it isnt accurate). The first one is accurate. (press Q);

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Firstly, the frame rate which is low is because of the limitations of webGL.  (windows build works fine , unless your using a Pentium and Intel HD graphics).  2, Yes you could exit. the start room has a well with a sign saying 7 souls. You collect souls after killing enemies. 3. Sound. There is a slider in the settings menu. You might have slid that to 0 volume.  4. scrolls change your current spell. and you could've switched between primary scroll and secondary scroll with Q, and E. (in the description of the game.) The one that is selected by default is powerful, but doesn't aim at all. Your second one shoots straight.

Sometimes these are due to some random Lootlocker Requests Thingey.  Its a bug I rarely find, so I cant really diagnose.

Try and click Q, to change to you first spell.

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The 2nd spell that you start with shoots in random directions.  But its more powerful.

Click Q, to change to first spell and click E to change to second spell.

The second spell is selected by default. Didn't fix in playtesting. But cmon , its 1 click to fix.

What ice cubes, I cant see them, its impossible to play.

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INFINITY BEER CUP, Windows and Web version. (Opera GX)

Maybe its because I forgot to make the button click once. So it attempted to upload multiple scores at once. That's probably the issue.

The players weapons are on induvidual timers, do you mean the enemies attacks.

Music stopped looping and then no enemies spawned for like 5 mins.  Boring and buggy.

I have no idea why spamming crashed your browser tab. What specs do you have and when did it crash.

I suggest playing the windows version for a better experience.

The point of the mutations was supposed to be that you had a mutation tree , per mutation, if the mutations stability chance is smaller than a random number, 0f-1f, the mutation will change all mutations below its position and itself. I ran out of time, and as I stated before, I barely made a working game in the time that I had

its not a bug, it heals you 0.5 health, but the display is rounded

Yeah definetly chrome is bugged.

the warping of the camera can be done in unity with chromatic abberation and another one. takes one minute.

You played the fixed version, before this dying was impossible and you would be softlocked.

A game which is speedrunnable and easy is not too intresting, the speedrunner has to take many risks to get a time under 2 min 30 seconds

12 hours have passed and no one has saved earth, it looks like maybe earth will be destroyed.  If anyone wants a map of the world they can have it. (I am posting this because no-one has even beaten my game once apart from me, this is a problem and I want at least some victors).

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Also, if you reach the end you will start to realize how important health is, as going through the giants tower (room 3 layer 3) you will see how important your health, weapons, and jetpack is. And no one has beaten it so far.

Canvas is not correcly scaled and some text is offscreen, this makes me question why I can't shoot, as I also can't read any instructions. (in unity Canvas, change Constant Pixel Size to Scale with Screen Size.)

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Thankyou, this states all of the thoughts I had, the easy to kill enemies was to counteract the people who find the 10 minute timer hard to beat the game in. The gravity is all there just not conveyed well. 

Everyone: I will not be able to reply to any comments for the rest of the jam since im on holidays with a place with no wifi. I might be able to reply to a few at the end of today.

I didn't forget to turn side force to 0. you should be more careful in the rain.


Say like in the description

Cat Meows  by Youtuber name : Link 

Is 243 a good score? or is that bad.

 48.6 seconds, amazing clicker game.

wdym by making a cat a car, do you mean that it drives like a car and can drift, well that was me sucking to create controls for it, and i decided to keep it since it raining and slippery. The visibility has been fixed for a version so if your far behind it lightens up.


Thankyou, the main reason I focused abit more on asthetics is about my theme, cats outside at night. Some never come home because of cars. I am not good at creating good art so I focused more on it this game jam, lacking abit on my controls. (I ran out of time).

Great game! I love the style, but the game is abit slow.

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These sounds aren't yours. You do not own them. They belong to the YouTuber Here. You canno't claim them as your own. Also you have to link the audio in the description. This is breaking the rules.

Also it says that this audio is for youtube use. Not personal use. Do not claim others property as your own.

How do I know, because I was thinking of adding this to my game. 

Change the description of the game immediately.

Try and get in contact with the scorespace staff.

Great idea for a game. Well done!
