Yeah, the shortest time anyone has beaten the game for a first time was 900 seconds. So yeah. most people can't spend 15 mins on the game.
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With your discord post in review my game, I have seen a os with a game. Made it around a month ago.
This is a comment stating all of the known bugs in this game, most bugs don't impact the gameplay but I would like to make you all aware so you may not abuse some of these bugs.
Minor bugs:
-A few text objects that don't change / empty with "New Text"
-Few issues with auto built buildings.
Major bugs:
-Debug command enabled that absolutely breaks the game.
-Background Audio doesn't loop.
-After playing the game once, you have to exit the game to play the game again or the game scene doesn't fully load.
I am working on a patch that I will upload as soon as the voting period ends.
Firstly, the frame rate which is low is because of the limitations of webGL. (windows build works fine , unless your using a Pentium and Intel HD graphics). 2, Yes you could exit. the start room has a well with a sign saying 7 souls. You collect souls after killing enemies. 3. Sound. There is a slider in the settings menu. You might have slid that to 0 volume. 4. scrolls change your current spell. and you could've switched between primary scroll and secondary scroll with Q, and E. (in the description of the game.) The one that is selected by default is powerful, but doesn't aim at all. Your second one shoots straight.
The point of the mutations was supposed to be that you had a mutation tree , per mutation, if the mutations stability chance is smaller than a random number, 0f-1f, the mutation will change all mutations below its position and itself. I ran out of time, and as I stated before, I barely made a working game in the time that I had