JD thanks for the feedback. That makes me happy to hear you're having a great time and thanks for recommending it to your friends. I think it's a good idea about the starting credits, I think you're right but that is easily house ruled. I'll be doing an updated version at some point.
DR Games
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You can pick up a printed version at our website here: www.drgames.co.uk Thanks!
You can pick up PB and HB here at our store Mark, as well as expansions. Hope this helpes
You do start with two Flume Cells. So hopefully that's enough to get you going. Also if that is a problem then add a third to help out. Hopefully you will be on the way by then. There is a good bulk of the game about getting started and getting yourself set up. Once that is done you won't worry about the flume cells and then you can focus on upgrading yourship and completing your Trade Awards. Good Luck!
Hi CorduroyZebra (love the name)
Thanks for starting this topic and I appreciate the kind words. The manuals were always meant to be designed to make the game portable and streamlined, whether that is the case I'm not sure yet, but I'm pleased you're enjoying this aspect. I did also hope to avoid having a rule book as such and have the player encounter it as if a computer game where you have no rules and can just dive in.
It's a good question. Can it be less maths dependent? Great point. Something I'm going to have a think about. There is an inevitable crunch to this game but thinking of new ways of tackling the elements that can be a barrier will only help its development.
I'll be keen to see other peoples' take.
Thanks again my friend!