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A member registered Feb 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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I dub thee Blobby!

that was fantastic! Very difficult to solve!


These are good resources for AI’s future:

The AI Revolution is Rotten to the Core

AI does not exist but it will ruin everything anyway

that would be awesome!

Thank you!



sorry i’ll change it

To my 16 followers and those who may concern,

I will no longer be publishing or updating games until further notice. I’ve developed severe psoriasis all over my body. I have been trying to change my diet and medication.

Best of luck

The game is good, but my memory sucks. First score: 11

I like the scorn style


This my little clicker mini game, Myco Magic I also have a rock paper scissors style battle, Cyclicus

I did not know about the “simulation speed”, thanks! I hope you keep updating the game!

I liked it! It was fun. It’s a just a slow sometimes with the enemies. Like when this bug gets stuck on this tree, he eventually knocks it out. Or when this robot has to build this bridge, that takes far too long.

I would think that person wants better for you than for him/her self. Just because you gave up on yourself, doesn’t mean everyone else has to.

I sent a friend request to your discord

I liked them! Constricted was made in only 14 hours which is impressive, but it’s also the one that could use an update if you wanted to. It’d be cool if you could see the body you pull out of the closet, maybe in a fertilizer bag. I also notice the drawer and the 2 closets always loop the same actions. It’d be nice to have a text when things are empty. A restart button would be nice.

If you ever do an update, it’d be cool if you could name your game at the end.


Thank you so much for playing my game! You got it, the point of Myco Magic to see how many solutions you can find! The numbers on the mushroom corresponds the coordinate system of the shape. It is possible to fail, but it’s more likely that you find the same solution!

I tried it out and stopped when I got this message

I like it

I cannot bean-lieve this

I made it 23 hrs first try lol Just a lot, it’d be cool if the options would randomly change positions.

Sorry, trade secret.


Thank you for the info

is there a significant difference between Aab vs apk file for users?