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A member registered Feb 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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That's a good point, didn't think about that for the ASCII. Not developing this further at the moment but will keep that in mind for any other projects. :) 

Thanks for playing!


I like the mix of shooting and driving/platforming. Really cool use of physics. 

Cute game, I like how smooth the animations and everything felt, very responsive.

I really like the level design and art, everything fit together really well.
Couldn't find the key for level 3 and wasn't sure what to do with the book, but I enjoyed the first two levels!

Ha this is very unique and creative! Nailed the 'dog going to vet' atmosphere. :)

The atmosphere and music are great! Fun to play and watch your dog pals grow in numbers.

Don't see co-op games very often, fun overcooked style gameplay!

Really interesting mechanics! I like how it has a distinct style as well and everything fits together.
Was fun!

It's a great little time waster,  could totally picture playing this on my phone. Is it supposed to be super hard after you retry? My hamster keeps dropping and sliding off immediately like a rocket and I can't save it for the life of me lol.

Really unique and difficult in a good way. I like the snake mechanics you worked in.

Very challenging and I like the art style - reminds me of don't starve!

I totally missed the instructions and tried to cut some trees down first :)

Really cute art and gameplay is well done!

Really cute game, I really like the music and sound effects!

I like that you have an intro to tell the story, it was very well made!

Reminds me of 'I wanna be the guy' 

Neat platformer, my mushroom broke in the caves and I couldn't proceed :(

Pretty unique concept, I had fun and wish there more levels after the tutorial!

Those are some savage birds.

Really cool art and map design. I love how many pets there are!
I felt the chance combat with the mashing clashed with each other, and wish I could just use keyboard controls for everything.

Cute art and fun puzzles, I like that you can carry the bunny on your head. 

Very polished and quite addictive!

I like the atmosphere, and the dice rolling changing your weapon is a cool mechanic. Fun trying to survive! 

Very unique puzzle game, I like it!

Glad you like the concept! We did have more planned to not make it as flat but did not have time to implement. Maybe next time!

We had one, just weren't able to squeeze it in with the time we had :)

Ha, guess we found a new niche. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you!

Super polished and interesting new mechanics! Enjoyed it a lot.

I am addicted

Really interesting puzzle game and really awesome art
As some reviews mentioned the dice rolling mechanic seems redundant, but otherwise really neat!

Really creative take on dice, very stressful lol

Cool Sudoku-like dice game! Really enjoyable

You have to think outside the box hahahaaahhhhh
In all seriousness, thanks for playing and glad you liked all the elements!

Really enjoyed the drifting on the cars. In a way the simplicity of the visuals worked well since it was easy to keep track of which car was yours. If you ever flesh this out I think it could be really interesting with more mechanics. Good stuff!

Thanks! So glad you enjoyed the game. To be honest, while testing we also forgot some of the solutions, so it is hard! 

Sweet, it's much better now! Was able to beat it this time around :D
Really like the last level and having to time the platform movement. Great stuff!

Ah thanks that compliment means a lot! Glad you liked it!

Thank you!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! Would definitely like to come up with more levels using the last two mechanics introduced in the last level. Hopefully sometime in the near future :)