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A member registered Jun 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Woah! Thank you very much! Glad you liked it and showed it to your community, :D!!

I fucked up every curse my first couple of rounds, xD. First I clicked only once in the perform ritual and waited... So missed a customer. Second try I screwed up every formula. Third customer said he wouldn't pay for subpar formulae.

In summary, the game kicked my ass and I loved it. The theme is spot on, the UI is nice although some stuff is a bit anti-intuitive but with a couple of tries is easy to grasp (I thought the customer was on the left side at first... obviously wrong). Love the shine effect on the customers!

Great usage of assets too, the font is well integrated and the icons for items and descriptions are good!

Really liked it, :)

It's a different spin to the cookie clicker genre. Fits the theme (you gotta be really unlucky to hit a cursed cactus though, XD) and the assets used don't clash with the gameplay, which is nice.

Kinda confused with the menu / missions scrolling, sometimes did the same map a couple of times because I forgot you had to scroll to get to the next level, xD.

All in all fun experience and it's fun to play!

Damn, I loved the play on words, pun intended. There's a lot of mechanics hidden right there in plain sight and it's beautiful design wise. Seems like a lot of thought went into all the interactionss!!!

I liked the art style, mix and matching different asset packs and separating monochrome for enemies and color for useful items / powerups was a nice touch too!

I enjoyed the curses too. What the cabbage might be my go to expression to avoid cursing, XDDDD
Great one!


Loved how punishing the game was! Presentation is nice, assets were perfectly integrated in the theme! Maybe missed having some basic animations for the main character (movement and jump) but the assets probably limited you on that front.  

Played it for a bit, the game kept me on my toes all the time... I thought I survived a level after dodging all the traps... And then the final trap hit and I laughed at my assumption that I was safe to leave the room, XDDDD.

By the way, what's with the changing name in-game? Does it mark in which level you are or is kind of a code? Really enjoyed it!

It does seem similar!! Great minds think alike, hahahaha!

Yeah, we toyed with the idea of screwing with the diary after a couple of levels (staining the book, stripping pages, getting a page stuck so you couldn't scroll to the next one, etc) but we thought it was hard enough... Which clearly isn't the case, XD. We understimated both the time and the ability to remember certain recipes by memory!

Fun fact, initially there was a total of 64 curses, which allowed us to make give more posible combinations for runes as a recipe (and some very dumb curse names, xD). Considering that the player had to move pages by clicking, that we wanted to have as many legible curses in each page as possible and a limited amount of assets for icons we could use (that we could have modified to have more, but time keeps running!), we cut more than half of that list and left it as it stands today...

More feedback to add to our "things to consider for release" list, :D!

Thanks for the kind review, really appreciate all the feedback, :D!

Hi! Thanks for your feedback!

The inspirations were clear it seems, :D! We thought on Magicka and as a player of Dota 2, Invoker inmediately came to mind! Another source of inspiration was "Papers, please!" (hence the name).

Yep, text can be a bit hard to read on the curses diary, maybe some more contrast between background and text could have helped. Finally for the keyboard shortcuts, I vouched for giving both control schemes, but the team decided on a single one to get kind of a sense of urgency, which ultimately failed but for other reasons. More players feel that the game is really lenient with how much time you get for aiding villagers. Time to cure each gets reduced every 2 rounds and first and second level serve kind of as a tutorial with a reaaaaaaaaaally forgiving timeout counter (around 40s or something like that).

Will add the keyboard shortcuts to the list of things to consider if we give the game a second spin, :D!

Thanks again for your thoughtful review and for checking out our game, <3!!

Thank you very much, :D!

Hi! Thanks for the through review! 
Under what little playtesting we could do, we felt too that it was really forgiving, but we thought that as a proof of concept it could work like this. Some other players and reviewers mentioned mechanics we didn't even think about (like messing with the curses diary, lossing pages, allowing the player to select only a handful of curses to be shown in the diary, etc) but sadly they where a bit out of scope for our team at the time, :D!

A score would have really helped with additional objectives, for sure. At first we wanted to put in a system where the cursed villager would have a description of his problems instead of icons for each hex. There's quite a big space to the left of the hut where the description could have fit and it would have made the process of deciding the cure for them more challenging (and in my honest opinion, more engaging). Issues with how we handled text in our diary made clear that it was a bit difficult to read in most instances and we were missing the chance to use more assets from Kenney's packs... So we went ahead with visual clues instead of descriptions.

Really glad you all enjoyed the game and we appreciate all the feedback we've received, it's amazing <3!

Hey there! Thank you very much for your feedback!!

Not sure what was happening in that round, but I have a feeling our visual feedback could be a bit lacking regarding when the round has truly ended.  Could it be that you're waiting for the timeout of the last villager in the hut? Normal behavior should be, when all the current queue is finished, the next round begins almost instantaneously. The symbol on top of the hut shows what ails the last villager to enter the hut (and the one in need of a cure).

We'll check what is happening regardless and give a reply shortly, :D!
Once again, thank you for playing our game, :D!

Awesome, thank you, :D!

Thank you again, :D! We will check it out for sure!

First time checking this Jam out, I have a small doubt about sound files regarding the rules as writen.
We can use custom made or found elsewhere sound files, the question is does that include paid sound files we have permission to use?

I'll be checking this out in the mean time, :D

(1 edit)


That sounds awesome, we're thinking about it and if any we may submit it later this week. I have a question though, is it okay to use a game developed in another GameJam? We just want to avoid any legal repercusions related to this as much as possible, :D!

Thank you for your message,