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CURSE & CARRYView game page

A shop that sells curses. You work there!
Submitted by jp00p — 2 hours, 30 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Cursed (theme)#34.3134.313
Presentation (visuals)#94.1884.188
Concept (gameplay)#104.0004.000

Ranked from 32 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Challenging game! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the games from the Kenney Jam, if you’d like to take a look. :)


Looks great!


I like It ! Good job


Bah! I really enjoyed this despite being awful at these types of games! The game is nicely polished and fits the theme really well. I saw that your team might continue to work on it and will definitely check back in to play again if that is the case!


A really polished final product considering its made in just 2 days! Nice one.


I think my only problem is on the last day when I don't have much time to create Curse(s). =))

I personally like the gameplay and the idea, so even though it's difficult (Momo will be very disappointed when he returns, yes) and need to be tweaked a little, I think it's a great work. :D


Let's just say Momo will be very disappointed in me when he returns from the Abyss.

This was really well done.  I agree with some earlier feedback about the difficulty.  The timer almost felt unncessary.  I would have liked to take my time to read and examine the ingredients more closely.  Your idea of a static menu on the side is a good one.

I'm glad to hear you've added music.  It needs silly spooky music and sound effects.


Thanks so much for playing and for the feedback! I'm sure Momo will understand, he's a patient task master (Cat tax available here)


The landing on the game is a supreme masterpiece of UI ahhaha I love it! The game is original but I felt to complex on understanding what they want, BUT I think it's a great idea and a great visual approach! Nice job!!


Nice idea; but a lot of the time I couldn’t figure out what I needed to use to fulfil the person’s request, even after hovering and reading all the descriptions. And by the time I’d done that, I’d run out of time. So I ended up trying some at random to get the curse made in time, and had a similar success rate as before.

It would be nicer if the pop-up appeared immediately on hover so sslloowweerr folks like me get a chance to read it, and maybe extend the time and/or decrease the clicking requirement at least on the first play through (since the ingredients change every time so there’s not much chance to get used to them). Maybe with more practice I might get it, but it’s difficult to keep playing when it feels like I’m being punished for either not understanding which ingredients to use in the first place or for not finding the right ones quickly enough. The kinds of people who come to buy curses are mean :( lol

But it is a cool idea; would like to try it again.


Hi Will, thank you for playing and for the feedback! I agree, the tool tips would benefit from a faster response time and/or clearer hints.  Dev jp00p is into punishing games while I am not, so it's a tricky  thing to try to balance.  We're planning to continue dev for funsies (We added sound yesterday!)  so your feedback is very very appreciated. 

Brainstorming but -- maybe a static inventory  to the far left with all the items + descriptions noted, so you can review them at a glance?   I'd love your thoughts on that. Thanks again!


Really great, well done guys!


the game is so polished! congrats! I felt like the biggest challenge was to read the content, tho. The time limit felt a bit harsh because of that. but the dialogues were so cool, even not being able to make any curses haha


Thank you!!!  The time limit is definitely a little too cursed


Great concept, had so much fun playing the game, the dialogues are wicked good!


Very nice. Lot's of polish and the descriptions of the items were very well done. Love the use of the 1-bit tiles to build basically a UI


This was great! The polish was fantastic! I posted my thoughts on the discord, but I'll post them here as well:

I didn't like having to spam click the mix ingredients. I don't felt like it added to the experience for me?
The mouse over I would have liked to be faster for information, especially as I'm learning what everything does. It was slow enough that for the first few customers I thought the mouseover was broken because it didn't populate fast enough!
Loved the small things, like the customer walking up and into the store.
Really enjoyed the lighting effects, and the ghost popping over to each item.
The character of each of the items was great!
The game length was also really good, I feel like if it was longer I would be less inclined to play again to get another score, but it's short and sweet enough that if I wasn't going through and checking out a bunch of games I would want to get onto the high score board. I think that's a great design choice!


+ Love the concept
+ The mechanics are great
+ The random requests are well thought out
+ The difficulty is just right as the game progresses
+ Having a high-score table is a great idea

- Some sounds would have been nice
- Fewer clicks to perform the ritual (at least in the earlier days) would make it a bit simpler to complete orders within the customer's timescale


Thank you for playing and for the feedback! We added sound yesterday and I can't wait to share once we can add updates :)   Excellent suggestion to ramp up the clicks required when performing a ritual.  We're planning to keep developing for funsies so the feedback is very appreciated!


Fun game, leader boards are a very nice touch.


Great game concept and use of the assets!

I couldn't make any curses at first and when the customer "farts and leaves" I was laughing my ass off!


hahaha I'm glad you liked the text! That's def one of my favorite lines from the game lol 


i can't read


I absolutely adore the look of this game and the lighting effects are really cool! It could have really benefited from some sound effects though. The curses were fun and clever, but I have to admit I didn't get a single one right! The tips were useful but I couldn't read them all before my time was up.

Thank you so much for playing and for your feedback! We added sound effects and music yesterday and I cannot wait to share that update.  Your comment about reading the tips is one of our most common pieces of feedback, so  adjusting that is on the agenda.  We're discussing the idea of adding an ingredients book or some other static element so that information is readily available. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that possible addition, or if you have other suggestions that would make that element more user friendly. Thank you again! 


I fucked up every curse my first couple of rounds, xD. First I clicked only once in the perform ritual and waited... So missed a customer. Second try I screwed up every formula. Third customer said he wouldn't pay for subpar formulae.

In summary, the game kicked my ass and I loved it. The theme is spot on, the UI is nice although some stuff is a bit anti-intuitive but with a couple of tries is easy to grasp (I thought the customer was on the left side at first... obviously wrong). Love the shine effect on the customers!

Great usage of assets too, the font is well integrated and the icons for items and descriptions are good!

Really liked it, :)

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