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A member registered Nov 22, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hey! We're going to show off the submissions on stream tomorrow. Do you have any social media you'd like us to shout out?

Hey! We're going to show off the submissions on stream tomorrow. Do you have any social media you'd like us to shout out?

Hey! We're going to show off the submissions on stream tomorrow. Do you have any social media you'd like us to shout out?a

Noted! Thanks for the feedback.

Not in the foreseeable future, sorry! We've moved on to more achievable projects for the time being. I hope we can come back to it, though!

hey! I'd love to add IO Interloper to the bundle if it's not too late:
this is such a great idea. thanks y'all.

Oh no, I haven't seen that before! The minimize button should move windows to your taskbar. Sorry about that!

i love this so much. thank you

Yes! we'll put up a Mac version once voting is over & we're allowed to upload new builds. sorry it's not up yet! thanks for the kind words.

working on it

Sorry about that! Should be fixed now.

(2 edits)

Hey folks! The above build has an obnoxious lighting bug in it. It won't affect gameplay, but you can download a fixed version here if you like. thanks for playing!

beautiful! I love the concept. I had some trouble parsing what was happening sometimes (both because of the super intense screenshake and all the bloom), but that's a nitpick, especially in a game jam scenario. lovely stuff!


(1 edit)

Heck yeah! so glad you liked it. make sure to sign up for the newsletter if you want updates about the full release!

Oof, sorry you had to bruteforce that -- you should be able to knock the cup over. I'll look into it and see if there's a physics issue. thanks so much for playing!

wow, that's fantastic. So glad you like it!

Thank you! we'll definitely have a better save system in the final game. Good luck!

Thanks so much!


thanks a bunch! I think that computer issue was a bug, actually -- I just patched and the bruteforce should go much faster now.

wow! thank you so much! i'm flattered. that's a good idea. maybe even a way to set a permanent name so the score gets counted automatically without a pause? hmmmm...

yeah, great idea! definitely gonna put up a more polished, fully featured version in a week or two. glad you liked it!

Oh, great! glad to lend a hand.

Sure, no problem. I get this right away on launch:

probably not super helpful, haha.

I get "a java exception has occurred" when I try to run this (windows 10)! let me know if you figure out a fix. i'd like to try it

thanks! hope you like it!

(1 edit)

Huh, that's strange. Thanks for the bug report!

spike is life.

Wow! Thanks so much for all the detailed feedback and notes! Lots of stuff here that none of us realized. We're working on a much bigger, more elaborate version of the game now, and I think we'll definitely try to keep a closer eye on realism going forward (as far as anatomy goes, anyway). Yeah, it's a silly and stylized game, but you're right. There's no reason to spread misinformation, and attention to detail is never a bad thing anyway.

Glad you liked it! Thanks for caring. <3