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A member registered Aug 31, 2015 · View creator page →

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Great game, I’m glad I got to make it to the end. I really liked the bright colors of the game. I also really liked that you could see the various platforms in the background as you progressed, good work!

Great work! I know a few other people have said it, but I have to agree the felt felt really polished, great work with that.

All the art looked great and the gameplay was really fun!

Really cool game! I like that as you progressed you didn’t just add more and more Qegrits but added in the different hearts to mix up the puzzles. Great work!

I enjoyed playing the game, the art looked great and the sound effects were great too.

Good game I really liked the art. The protest was a great use of the theme!

Really nice and heart felt story. I liked all the different characters and their personalities. The art and sound effects really helped with the atmosphere of the game.

Thank you!

Good game, it has a lot of potential and was fun to play. I really like the isometric layout and Ester was my favourite character.

Good use of the theme, I liked the idea of making use of the collectables in the level. The art and the lighting effect was also a nice touch!

I liked the play on the theme and the bright 3D visuals were good.

Loved the art, the game looks really good and it was fun to play and a good experience.

I really enjoyed the game and the concept of it was great.

Really fun to play and the art looked great!

Great job with the stories from the different characters. They all felt different from one another.

Awesome game I really liked the puzzles and the art is great!

Great use of the theme and I really enjoyed the puzzle.

Great use of the theme and I liked the touch of adding the spam/scam callers and the setting with the art.

I really enojyed the story and the art style was very cool and stood out.

Hey, I am looking for a 2D and or 3D artist who would like to team up and work on some casual projects to gain more experience. I will be programming the games in Unity and I am looking to just make whatever comes to mind. My main aim is to make small quick games and put them online for free but I wouldn’t be against making something larger in scope, I also have a Google Developer account so I could put the better games on the Play Store.

Ideally I would like to find someone free during the week after 7PM UK time to work on the games for an hour or two; this is due to my job. At the weekends I’m free pretty much anytime so we could plan out when is best for you.

If you want to know anything else send me a PM or leave a comment, you can also see some of my projects here