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A member registered Jun 01, 2021

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Every piece of the game fits for the atmosphere you were going for and its fucking mental you guys managed to make this in less than 2 weeks, congrats to all and specially to the sound designer/composer and the artists who made a fantastic job.

Fun game, functional and with good visuals,

It really works wich to start is a lot, but i struggle having something to look for apart from leveling up, and the fact that leveling up doesnt add to much taking into acoount that the enemies level up as fast as you so you will never feel more powerfull Regardless of all that solid work 

Love the doom and serious sam vibes although sfx need some work, but it got me right in the atmosphere pretty quick.

A surprisingly good idea and funny gameplay. Love the twist in the flappy birds. shame you didnt had any audio, i would have loved to help you with that.

Pretty well rounded and executed, also the graphics were so good.

I would give 6 stars to fun if i could. Nice job.

Entertaining and functional, and gives a good idea about the concept. Just a good game jam entry in every aspect.

Its intended feature to only be able to obtain rocks and sticks?

Although the game idea its not complete, i would love to see the concept expanded and executed completely.

Ojalá y hubiera más juego que jugar, porque es una idea interesante

es muy disfrutable el juego, aunque me gustaría ver un poco más, en cuestión de más niveles o un generador procedural 

Con diferencia lo mas gracioso y divertido de la jam, hay detalles que seguro que con un poco mas de tiempo estarian mejor pero para 48 horas es un muy buen trabajo

No se si soy yo el que no entendió bien como se juega, pero cuando selecciono el equipo más barato disponible se sale ya del propio presupuesto y no permite validar el equipo.