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A member registered Aug 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you everyone who helped answer my question about the artifacting, I actually solved it when paroozing through quality settings and noticed Anti-Aliasing on, that would explain a lot XD

It seems that you can jump through it from below, a one way platform

The thing is that as far as unity is concerned they were each 1 unit apart at 8 pixels per unit and all my sprites were 8x8, they should all be perfectly lined up but the slicing seems off and I can't pin down the issue.

I'll have to see if that option is available to me through my software of choice Pyxel Edit, its going to be awkward making 9x9 Tiles and only filling out 8x8 of them XD Thank you for the Suggestion though I will definitely try that!

Hey this has been my first ever Game Jam, I had so much fun working on this project and thank you all for taking a look and rating my game along side everyone else! I do have a question though, I've been having an Artifacting problem on all my Sprites in Unity where even though they were cut from a Sprite sheet there are small lines, not even a Pixel wide, that overlap from the sprites adjacent, if anybody has a solution to this or any thoughts please let me know, they occur in almost every game I make so I am wondering is my Unity settings are Borked somewhere.

Beat it first time without losing a Single Villager, this is a great example of Simple Mechanics making a very fun game

No no no, Its Perfect as is


I wedged myself between two blocks in every level and flung myself to the exit, good fun if not broken.