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A member registered Mar 13, 2022

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I think it's sensible to keep mobile releases for full releases or milestones. Also this is the best bug fix comment ever: "Fixed an issue with facial expression when you bop Millie’s nose."

Just a heads up; I got word today another popular.... cultured... game was no longer shadowbanned on Itch.
I tried a few of your games, including this one and Calvin and they now appear in search results.

Shadowbanning possibly removed from Itch?

(1 edit)

Just a few small bugs i've seen. I assume the project files are the same for the downloads? Downloaded the Win/Linux one.

Seems the shop calls for "beer" / "wine" when it should be beer_1 and wine_1 respectively for Porter Beer and White Wine. So can't buy these items currently but not a fatal crash. The cheesecake, seems the only way to get this item is throught the cheat code that adds 10 to all items right now? Not sure if there'll be a proper way to get this item in the future but I quickly copied pasted the snack_2 shop code and made them snack_3 to progress relationships with the girl that requires this item.

Cute girls as always. Looking forward to future updates.

(2 edits)

Just to confirm from my end, the Mixdrop link works fine for me. (Linux/Windows (prototype))
I'm on Windows (I know, spare me please) - I have both NoScript and uBlock, I gave MixDrop temp script permissions and the download button worked fine for me first-time. Game is up and running, it's a fairly straightforward installation.

Found it, lol. Main menu, heart icon is how you toggle preferences for anyone curious.

I got the glasses, but I don't see a way to disable this in settings. I don't see the glasses in the inventory.

For the restroom minigame, what am I doing wrong? 

There's T: 0 and S: 200.
I guess T stands for the tug of war, if it hits 200 you lose since it'll slam open. I guess.
But nothing happens once S goes to 0.

I'm late to the party, but the special episode was great! A nice little bonus indeed. I prefer her with her long hair too just like Joel, but it was cute all the same and i'm a big fan of the shared bed situation!

Plus the addition of the cinematic videos were a great touch! 
Excited all the more to see what you can come up with in the future. 

I agree, a 'collabortion' is necessary but we're about 8-12 years too late.

I've recently been interested in setting up llamas on windows, using KoboldAI and Silly Tavern as the medium to hook into it. The main thing I found was that fully offloading the model on to your VRAM is an insane boost in performance and the sort of 'end goal' you want to have with loading models. Having high RAM is a bit of a red herring since the ram speeds are meh in comparison. Even if it's just 1 layer you'll feel the difference.

For 7b models, you'd need at minimum 6gb vram. And even then, you'd probably need a model of about 3gb large because not all 7b models are born equal.

So is this something your software will do automatically? In terms of figuring out context sizes, layers, blasbatchsizes, etc, to determine the optimal loadout for the best speeds? Are different quantasized versions of models available depending on VRAM availability?

The only error I saw was in Chapter 2's gallery but with the last image, but we already know that's a WIP so whatever.

Played through completely fine for me and it was a fantastic update. Good way to round off the night and fresh off me playing for the first time earlier this week. Keep them coming! :)

Having just discovered this game, I do love how crazy indepth and how much content this game has.

It took a little while to get used to the UI but once you do it's pretty intuative. Then any sort of issues you have are sorted later by spells such as teleporting, knowing where girls are on the map constantly, etc. 

Good luck for your sequel.

I've just looked it up and i'm downloading it as we speak.

Saw investments and harem in the same sentence and that's me hook, line and sinker.
Good shout out.

Following this with interest for a Windows release.

I love the fact you included a screenshot of someone instantly going for the "can I kiss you" with their waifu, you know your target demographics that's for sure.

This is a solid RPG game.
One of the best RPG maker games i've played, period.

It took a little to get comfortable with the day system. However, eventually you settle into the swing of doing your "dailies" which is collecting your daily rewards, gifts, torturing and doing your own gifts to raise affection.

You also accept the fact that the sheer amount of quests in the game means you won't be hurting for ways to end the day, so don't over think it.
The investments are extremely cool, one of my favourite mechanics in games like Fable for instance.

My current favourite party is Papachi, Healbot (Felix), Elaiya and Browyn.

Papachi in either form works. As a warlord, he can assist in keeping your party alive and can go Def / Atk buffs. I'm currently doing Phantom Knight to raise that character's affection, but I actually like this playstyle too. The ghost party is extremely defensive and turns him into more of a leading DPS role too.
Healbot is a great healer and utility, give him the rhinestone relic that recovers MP in combat and when walking and you'll have smooth sailing in all missions with infinite healing out of combat. In combat, he can potentially stun, increase MDF and MAG, but also give whole party Agility buffs, huge for our next two characters.
Elaiya is huge single target damage, late game she'll one-shot most enemies in the 1st round of combat. Her whole role is just huge single target DPS. Who needs AOE when you kill someone every round?
Round 2, that's where Browyn comes in. She is a great assist to Elaiya, as can apply a lot of debuffs. Now for a long time I used her to put bleed / acid / burning on high HP tanks. Now, I actually just use her to Pin targets. Pinned targets lose all dodge / crit dodge so Elaiya guaranteed hits all 3 shots, and most likely crits 1/2 times. It's one-shot territory maybe!

All this, which is to say, i'm not playing this for the H. It is a nice bonus. :)
Now if the H had the budget and resources to be fully custom art and consistent (and most importantly finished!) then this could be a god tier H game but eventually I found myself just opening this every day to quest...

Great game. Like. Actual 'game'.

Just had this happen and recalled your comment. Sure you've solved it since but for anyone else.

It means you're horny.
Go to any of your homes, your main bed will be interactable. From what I saw, it only works in your main original home. You have sex with one of the maids, Lilac, for 3 satisfaction. It does not end the day.

(1 edit)

Definitely pretty unique. Found myself playing a couple of times to see the ending illustrations. Some of them are pretty darn cute, like Harvest, Moth and the Fairy.

Some funny interactions like between Mouse and Cat princesses. I love the art style.

One thing though; the fact the Oni princess was accepting any and all drinks was probably canon, lol. Though I understand the need to slow her down.

(3 edits)

Ah, sorry, didn't see this. I think I told a lie actually. I didn't use Cheat Engine. I tried to but couldn't get it to work.
What I used was this: and this is probably better for you honestly.

It's a save editor for Ren'Py. Allows you to modify the values of certain things.
So what you need to do is start a new game, go to work, talk to Valorie so you get some love and then watch a dating show so you get some valor. Save the game then upload the save file on that website and it should be fairly obvious from there what values you need to modify.

money_points = Money
amor_points = Love
Valor_points = Valor

Those are probably the main three you want to modify.

Take the modified save file back in game folder and you're sorted.

You can cheat engine easily enough if needed but no inbuilt cheats as far as i'm aware. Used it for one save file to see high valor but no love reactions (rejections)

(2 edits)

Love the new scenes! You know what players want, lol, very nice. Even in new games, where you don't have the Valor / Love to do anything, it's definitely much better to actually see her in the bathroom rather than just staring at a closed door. Great idea! Thanks for the update.

I look forward to your new project and will patiently wait for however long it takes. Please take your time and have fun. :)

You're the best! No issues anymore.
Thank you for so quickly looking at all this.

(2 edits)

Not an inconvenience, I want to see this game succeed, I want people to experience this game, it's honestly amazing.

Respect the quick fixes too! I appreciate how quickly you look at this, thank you!
The English is getting a lot better as well I noticed, thank you for putting in the effort to improve it. It's definitely noticed.

I've decided to take a deeper look at the translations to help find any issues, hope you don't mind.
I've compared them to the 1.0 release so I can see all the recent changes, you've done a lot!

Few more untranslated english lines:


Just a few suggestions based on the changes you've made:

puerta_valorie_abfcf936 - It seems like she *is* getting dressed.
ValorieA_a98f29ab - I think "I have no arguments." fit better.
ValorieA_ab409bde - I think "What to do..." might fit better if she's trying to think of a 'fix' to the situation. Otherwise, you've called Joel "Hopeless" in other translations, maybe "You're hopeless..." might fit in better?
ValorieA_8e8c3b73 - "At your command." was correct and cute, I liked that translation better.
RoomDoorPN_cf8cdec9 - I think "It's too risky." was a better translation. Alternatively "I would be playing too much." might fit translation better.
QueTalLaEscuela_4fad22db - Replace "don't they?" with "right?" and it's more natural. Rest of changes is fine.
Peliculas_5fea389e - "We will see a horror movie!!" was fine before.
Peliculas_279f240c - "Eeeeh?! But I... I'm scared." would fit better.
Peliculas_39aba6f6 - "Don't worry, I'll be with you little sister." was fine before.
PostTerror_d9df0d75 - "Night" over "Evening" would sound better.
For the TV,
"watch dating show" was correct before.
For the TV, "watch cooking program" sounds better too".

You fixed quite a few of these, but still call Valorie male prefixes a few times. (He, Him, His, etc)

ValorieD_a3d75d48 - He (She)
InstalarCamara_ba9fabed - He & He'll (She and She'll)
Tarea_d06a52c1 - He's (you're)
BadEndingB_2790da18 - His (Her)
BadEndingB_b559d910 - He & His (She and Her)
Playa_2353ff6a - He (She)
ValorieA_6e421816 - Him (Here)
DuchaJuntos_8126c0d4 - Him & His (Her & Her)
DormirConValorie_7786d12e - Him & His (Her & Her)
DormirConValorie_7786d12e_1 - Him & His (Her & Her)

GoodEnding_d6a96659 - He (I - Think it's an I anyway, seems to be talking about himself, not Valorie)
BadEndingB_7fbd71b6 - He (I - Talking about himself again?)

Quite a lot this time, but I'm being more picky now. Hope you don't mind.
Just a few translation issues.

Is it just the maping.rpy file you need to update for translations? If it is, do you want to send me a copy of this file and I can proof read and check it before you update game files again? Just to try and save you time.

(1 edit)

Thanks again for the very quick bug fixes! I have loads of save files so I tested the game, I've played again and noted a few more:

English bugs:
- Beach, the rejection if you don't meet love says "amor" instead of "love"
- Horror movie bug fixed, but the line that caused it is in Spanish.
- Ending B, we see the line "Fui muy feliz..." during the flashback to hospital
- New Error with homework:
File "game/tl/english/maping.rpy", line 4141, in script
Exception: Open text tag at end of string '{Could you do something?'.

The rest of the English script seems fine. I ran a regex to look for similar issues.

Thank you very much! :)

Ah I understand.

(4 edits)

This is an absolutely fantastic game. It's 10/10.

I love games like this so i'll be keeping a close eye on this and your future projects. Very good!

If you're on the fence, there's hours of content here to keep you hooked. There's good variety between sex scenes, some exclusive to the weekend and there's in general just great writing, great pace and genuinely wholesome slice of life fun. It's very, very rare and I treasure developers who put the effort into building character and who has realistic goals behind character actions. They won't just have sex with you on day 2, you need to build a relationship. Which makes the pay-off all the more exotic and exciting.

Oh, and it has to be said, brilliant designed and coded. Custom UI and everything. Genuine talent here. One to follow for sure!

Then you downloaded the wrong version

Still build 55

I LOVE that game. I love this style of game and very happy i've found this early on, instantly knew it'd be something i'd be interested in.

As fun as it may be instantly jump to H content, there's a pay off to doing to slice of life content and falling in love over time.

Looking forward to what's in store. Game and environment looks beautiful, still on my list of favourite developers because the games you create are very unique and visually impressive!

Your 3D depth is so good it gives me a feeling as though I could be standing there, as if it was or could be a great VR game. Which I find very appealing!

You're a god of 3d environments my man. Glad I followed you.
Something about them just look so inviting. I love the creativity as well. can host viruses. This isn't disputable. It's a fact.
I don't care to entertain your personal experiences, assumptions or accusations. I'll call it naive and leave it at that.

The fact remains. Is perfectly safe? Absolutely not.
So my comment stands in it's entirety.

That aside - Let's address your final paragraph.
If it's gets to the point where your anti-virus needs to be actively preventing the virus then you've already failed to protect yourself. You've just had a gun pointed to your head and the trigger pulled, but the gun jammed. Do you consider that safe? I certainly don't.

Do your due diligence people.
It's not much in this day and age. Even trusted developers can be compromised. Don't just run every single .exe you download...

At the very minimum, you should be scanning the file prior to executing it. It takes literally seconds.

Anti-Viruses aren't fool proof solutions either. So you shouldn't rely on it as your last line of defence. If you have the know how, set up a sandbox and test new installs there first.

Plus, for the record - one of the viruses I downloaded from had the capability to add itself to the Exclusion list for Windows Defender. It also disguised itself as a windows program amongst various other 'features' it had. Point being; It would bypass the bare minimum of security that most PCs will have by default. Which is already going to be a huge infection success rate.

The claim is safe or that you'd be safe downloading viruses anyway because you should have an anti-virus is so extremely wrong, it's not just stupid it's dangerous and criminally neglient.

All of this though? Besides the point. My original comment you somehow took issue with is 1000% correct and still stands. is NOT perfectly safe. So check your downloads.

Nope. Absolutely not. Always check your downloads. I've downloaded full blown viruses from Some that try to delete window files like System32 (No joke) and plain boring old Crypto miners.

This has amazing potential and is probably one of THE most unique and thoroughly well implemented ideas i've seen on this site. Extremely interesting and stands out from the rest to be honest.

My one and only gripe is with the rarity for the legendary cards. I swear I spammed so many purchases and I haven't got a single one. Typical Gacha I suppose!

I dream of the idea of this being fleshed out into a full game. Think "Welcome To The Game" but with lolis and you're the invader. :)

Virtually none. Milf and a bit of loli.

Very, very alpha version.

June / July!
I don't know if I can wait that long. I've only just in the last few week found this. I'm only day 90 or so but i've LOVED the writing so far. If you're saying this isn't up to your standards I can't wait to see what awaits me but i'm stuck in a hard place right now.

Part of me desperately wants to keep playing. Another part of wants to see what you have cooked up. Especially with all the new content you mentioned. 

In terms of Patreon, i've always hated that site... 
It's a repeating theme. They ask creators to change who they are, what their content is. The creators, sadly, oblige. In this case we lost 45 days of development. Then, Patreon pulls the plug anyway. I sincerely hope now that that site is behind us, you won't censor yourself going forward. Keep your vision true to yourself.