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Dawit Thepchatree

A member registered Sep 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the great feedback!

Are you sure you’ve beaten the game? That doesn’t sound like the very last battle. The last chapter plays after the credits roll. Did you get to play as Seal’s gunslinger form?

There is a fake-out ending and a true “post-game” ending.

There is no walkthrough, and plenty of secrets. The robot dog can be revived and brought to a foster home, which unlocks an item later on. The sealed chest in the desert world can be opened once you get Micra’s second form. Lilli even has an “ultimate” weapon. And did you ever bring Eve to visit her friend’s grave?

You can’t get the helicopter.

Thank you! Having a few people really enjoy the game means so much to me!

I've finally set up how to run Windows RPGM MV on my Mac. Is this a good and stable version of your demo to try?

Don't apologize about RTP usage. Some players don't mind at all, as long as you do interesting things with it. That first forest area though, is not interesting. Keep in mind that most RPGM YouTube reviewers only spend 1 hour on a game, so that first area should be the most interesting to explore, not the least.

My biggest regret with my game is that I reserved the coolest moments towards the end game, instead of doing more to spruce up the opening hours.

Oh yeah, I didn't mention that part about parallel storytelling. It's great. It all adds up to the good pacing of the story.

Yes, I tested this on 3 games and they all work fine. Really old MV games (5+ years old engine version) might have performance problems, but they will still run.

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First Impressions

I spent a couple of hours so far and I like the story. It's not too fancy, but it's got a pretty strong forward momentum and the build-up is pretty good so far. What I'm a little disappointed with is the core cast, which lacks a little personality and feels a bit stiff. Again, the plot itself is good, and the backstory is solid.

The pacing is good overall, but having to backtrack the first area is a little repetitive. It would be nice if there's an alternate route back or some sort of fast travel option.

The combat is a bit uninspired and feels broken. It is it intentional that members randomly get extra actions? I don't see it mentioned, so is it a bug?

I'd really like it if start abilities are available right away instead of after leveling once. Only having the option to spam Attack is a bit boring at the start.

Overall, I'm having a good time. The strongest point is the pacing of the story, and I'm looking forward to playing more.

EDIT: Oof, that roof access at the big building in Trill was confusing to find. I think it needs to be more clear. Also, you have to check your collisions. Near the gate where Eiuleen ran off to the lab, I was able to climb into the wall of the building.

I've figured out this workaround for Mac users, so that it's not necessary for creators to export the Mac version at all. Once set up, it only takes 3 quick steps to play any Windows RPGM MV/MZ game. There is no need for a browser version as well, which is actually more annoying to setup for.

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This version doesn't work either. :( Give me an hour. I'll try the process on my Windows.

EDIT: I ran out of time this weekend and got caught up in some other work. I'll try to figure this out when I have time again.

I think I’ve found the problem. It seems like you’re not supposed to unzip/extract osx-unsigned on Windows, as it ruins filepaths. 

Here’s a different workaround, but it won’t work as the NWJS version provided is way too old. I might have to do that step for you and then upload the file. The steps are similar: edit package.json, download Normal NWJS (from me?), but instead of exporting the Mac version, you export the Web version instead, then place all your files into a specific folder in the zip without extracting it.

That’s a bit annoying. I thought MV only had a problem with newer Macs, but the Mac export button doesn’t actually work to begin with if you’re on Windows? I wonder if MZ has the same problem as well.

Hmm, it still doesn't work, but I don't think it's your fault this time. It might have something to do with Windows not playing well with Mac again. I'll look into it tomorrow (it's 2am here).

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Nope. I'm not sure what you did wrong, but I looked inside and the file structure isn't correct. See below. The top is the Game →  Contents folder of my exported game. For yours at the bottom, Game → Contents has only Resources, and there is a separate Contents folder at the top level that shouldn't be there as well. 

My guess is that you did something wrong around steps 5, 6 or 7. It looks like you downloaded the correct NWJS, but maybe you repackaged the folders incorrectly. I mean, how come there is Contents next to Game? I'll try it on my Windows machine tomorrow and see how it looks there.

I think you took Contents from the new NWJS and just put it inside the old one before zipping them. The correct thing to do is delete the whole NWJS zip folder for Mac, then replace it with the new folder you downloaded (following the instructions closely).

In step 6, you select both Credits and Game, then right-click → zip. Rename that new zip file as

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Hi, RPG Maker MV no longer supports newer Macs, so your Mac version doesn't work. The good news is that it is very easy to fix that. Please follow the steps below.

All you really have to do is replace NWJS, which is an old engine file, and then change an additional setting in a text file called package.json

Update RPG Maker MV for M1+ Macs

1. Before deleting any of the files/folders below, copy them and put them somewhere else as a backup. Should you mess up, you can copy/paste them back.

2. Find the folder for the core RPG Maker engine, then delete This is wherever you've installed it in your computer. If you use RPG Maker MV through Steam, you can access it via Right Click → Manage → Browse Local Files. You might have to look around a bit for that file.

3. Download NORMAL (Mac ARM64 version) from

4. Unzip NORMAL (it will look this "")

5. Inside the unzipped folder, rename nwjs as Game

6. Select the files inside the folder (not the folder itself), and zip them.

7. Rename it as Place it where the old file used to be.

8. Find a file called package.json inside a folder called NewData for the core RPG Maker engine. Open it with any simple text editor, and you should see:
"name": "",

Change that to (and save, you can put the name of your game where it says my-rpg. be careful to not remove any other symbols!):
"name": "my-rpg",

9. Find package.json in your game project folder, and do the same.

And that's it! When you export a Mac version, it should be up-to-date and compatible with modern Macs now.

Love the description. Probably don't have time to play, but I can already tell this is one of the good ones.

You need to have Omnicron (the robot) rejoin you (if you didn't find him yet, he's in the sewers of the half-sunken town), then take him to the crater ruins to the East. Look around there.

Hey man, thanks a lot for the video! Really appreciate it. I enjoyed watching your antics. :)

Although, earlier in the video, you said "I don't need this tutorial!" Not long after that, "I have no idea what's going on!" Erm, well... (>_>);;

In case you want to keep going, you're not expected to grind. At the boss you're stuck at, you're told to use a certain item at the right time (hint hint). Something cool might happen. ;)

Anyway, thanks again.