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Della Cerra Development

A member registered Nov 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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"There is also a private Ghosts' Choice for the hosts to identify games that were especially innovative or unique!"

Can I get some more clarification on this? What part has to be unique or innovative? The gameplay, story? or overall?

Good for you! I've got a fun and scary idea, can't wait to use it!

I think you can, the rule on the Jam Page says:

"Games with mature content are accepted when flagged. For disturbing or inappropriate content, we ask that jammers use common sense and flag this on the game page.

We reserve the right to remove any games that are not appropriate or flagged correctly, so please reach out if you have any doubts."

Either way, I'll definitely be using some blood.

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Seriously, this jam was great! I learned A LOT about horror in general, The games I made are ok in hindsight, but I've learnt from my successes, and yes, my mistakes, I've started looking into horror more and I would like to know if anyone else knows any good sources? I found a few interesting videos here:


I found these quite informative and useful, I hope it's the same for you! And like I said before PLEASE share your sources. :D

With all the information I'm learning in mind, I've started work on a NEW horror game, you might like it, There's a teaser on my profile, or follow this link.

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If you're still having trouble with the monsters I have a little piece of advice:

"The straightest path is not always the right one."

Or in simpler terms, the monsters gain speed on the straights, turning poses a problem to them, you know the classic cartoon chase where you take a sharp turn? where there stuck in one spot slowly turning and running super fast?

The stream didn't seem to play any games... What happened? Are we still going to see you play our games?

Will you record and upload your playthroughs so that we can see you play them fully?

Judging by the video thumbnail it seems that researched Trevor Henderson, good on you!

Ah, ok, thanks!

Link works for me too!

Hold on. What will you do about games that are more than five minutes long?

OOOOOH! Can't wait!


SINS OF THE FATHER: Improved an Animation.

FEAR: Fixed fog that wasn't showing up.

Wait, for the phone: Did you click the locked door without a key? It only triggers if you do that...

Alright, again, thanks for playing! Let's see... The fog should still be there, but I'll check, idk why the phone booth isn't working but I'll check that as well. No, there is no way to kill the Cartoon monsters, they pop out of nowhere PURPOSELY (As they are cartoons they naturally defy all reality), and to use the cinema tape player you need to find the tapes, (try looking in the bathrooms) .


They are useful, for a time I did a Sins of the Father web build. But it was a mess so I stopped.

I recommend that you experiment with the mouse sensitivity before the stream, to make sure it's just right, I found that somewhere in the 400's worked best for me.

I recommend that you experiment with the mouse sensitivity before the stream, to make sure it's just right, I found that somewhere in the 400's worked best for me.

Thanks! I can't wait to see them played! Everyone else has done really good as well!


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SINS OF THE FATHER: Improved UI positioning...  Added some better UI explaining certain minigames.

FEAR: Improved positioning of collectable objects.... Upgraded the player camera controls.

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When do you start downloading the games for the Stream? I know we a seven day period for new submissions and I have been using it to update my games, (PATCH NOTES HERE), 

so I'm just trying to make sure the game is the best it can be for the Stream... Gotta give your viewers some content  ; )


SINS OF THE FATHER: Improved the camera controls.

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SINS OF THE FATHER: Fixed several bugs that stopped Night 4 from working.

You cannot use audio in your game. Build intensity in other extravagant ways! (+50xp )

-Make a game where You unknowingly help the monster. (+50xp)

 -Make a game where YOU BECOME THE MONSTER. (+50xp)

-Create a horror game where YOU are the monster. Can you reverse the average, "player hides from monsters" horror theme?(+25xp)

And I believe: The Game's Average Playtime Must Be Over 20 Minutes. (+50xp) (I may be wrong... tell me if I am!)

 175XP total (+ 50XP if I am correct about the playtime)  

You cannot use audio in your game. Build intensity in other extravagant ways! (+50xp )

-Hide the main enemy from the player for most of the game--this will improve gameplay as well. (+25xp)

Use creatures from Urban Legends as monsters.  (+10xp)

85 XP earned in this game!

Ah, I understand now, thanks!

Rather cute, although I could have done with a few more instructions like with the first room and the key. There was no prompting to use it...

This is a fun little game! The noises and the scares are terrifying (They really made me jump)! And the death screen? Awesome! There were some times when I was stuck wandering finding nothing but they were few and far between. Overall, good game!

Hey, do we have to tell you what challenges we did or do you decide after you play? I'm just curious.

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As I don't have Discord, or permission to use it, I will be posting information on my game patches here. So without further ado:

FEAR: Added a functionality that allows you to customize your mouse sensitivity.

SINS OF THE FATHER: Added a functionality that allows you to customize your mouse sensitivity.

If you downloaded the games and have problems with things like this. please redownload to be able to access these updates.

I'm going to use these seven days as much as I can to test and fix ANY problems you may have. So I humbly request your assistance: If you see a bug, report it either on the game page or here. Thank you! And happy gaming!

There we go! I added a mouse sensitivity option in the Title screen, again, your feedback is VERY appreciated

Oh, and yes, the game has no audio.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll give it a patch right now and tell you when I fix it! I can't seem to find the problem you have with the door... It opens like you say and I can walk through no problem... And i'll add a mouse sensitivity option!

OH and this game can be pretty hard sometimes... The monsters reveal themselves just before they kill you...

No probs! He's a good source of horror material!

No worries! This game might actually help with that as it is a fun recreation of the story.

Oh, and of course this is inspired by some of Trevor Henderson's creations mixed with my ideas!

Thanks! I can't wait to see the Stream!