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A member registered Jun 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! :D

Thanks for the feedback! If you have a controller connected to your computer you can't move the camera with the mouse.

Great visuals and mechanic! Well done!

Thanks! In some way we managed to call our games the same XD

Not bad game for starting in one week Unity! Cool sprites, also cool idea of putting the code to explain what to do.  At the start of the second level i tried to dodge the bullets, but in some way i managed to jump on the blue robot and finish the level.

Great job!

Thanks! :D

Great idea and visuals! Well done!

Great game loop and visuals. Well done!

Great platform, but the movement doesn't feel nice. Also in some way i got a bug where i can't see the player. Great job!

Nice game! Great work!

Great art and idea!

(1 edit)

Nice sounds and easy to play, but maybe you could add more. Well done!

Great idea but is a bit hard. Well done!

Great visuals and idea, but the loading screen takes too much time.

Well done!

Great game, cool art too.

Amazing visuals, i didn't really know what to do, also it lagged on my computer whit potato's graphic.

Great visuals and idea, but sometimes you push an object and it doesn't work. Well done!

Great pixel art, the first level is way too difficult than the others and the hitbox sometimes felt unfair, but is a great game for a second game. Great job!

Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to fix the movement on day 3, but i wasn't in time so it's a bit buggy.

(1 edit)

This was the best game of the jam i played. I loved how many death voice lines you did. Well done! Also i snailed.

Thank you! :D

Great visuals, but really short. Great job!

It lagged a bit on my laptop and the mouse sensibility was too high. Cool game by the way. Well done!

Thanks for the feedback! If you have a controller connected to your computer you can't move the camera with the mouse.

Great card game. Great job!

Thank you so much! 

I love the art and when you kill an enemy it feels really JUICY. Well done!


Thanks :D

Great idea and art! Well done!

Great visuals, but a bit buggy.

The animations and the art style are AMAZING! Well done!

Cool idea and great art. Well done!

Really fun game, it fits perfectly the theme! Well done!

Cool art and concept! Great job!

Great pixel art, the concept is nice and fits well the theme. Great job!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! This was my first game and game jam, so i have a lot to improve.

I know that the game doesn't really matches the theme, it seems more "Helped from AI", also i will fix some bugs (like this one) after the jam.