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A member registered Mar 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is so cool

Yes, this is an "alternate world" story of the Mount Olympus Comics graphic novela. It's not a fan game, it's a collaboration. More official information about it will be posted soon! 

hey Crevanille

Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to make it work. By your nickname I assume maybe you're a fan of Growlanser IV? If so, great game. 

Does this acknowledge the player being in dialogue or will it play the idle animation as well if the player is not moving and is in dialogue?


Please make suee that there are multiple ways to determine when the actor completes the expedition and don't make it only tied to a day-night system.

For example I could use it like "actor stays away until switch x is turned off"

Great idea!

Hi, unfortunately I haven't tested it with Joiplay so I can't guarantee it. 

hi Sascha, what version of the game are you playing? The Teleporter unlocks a tiny bit later in the game

Hi! I'm planning to add a "Recipe Shop" in the game. Is there a way to check if the player has a recipe enabled/learned already or not? Maybe with some script command? Thanks

Seems to work flawlessly, impressive job!

(1 edit)

Hi, it's working well so far. Strangely, only bug I've encountered, pressing "W" makes the search bar go away, but the letter is still registered.

Also, it would be awesome if it used the game's font and/or we could control the size of the help text.

Still, it's a wonderful addition to my game. Thank you!

Best of luck!

Cool, I will probably try it and let you know.


is it compatible with the Visustella MZ plugins? (menu core, item core...)

hi Bropower, the game will be available here once it's out of Steam Early Access and has reached its ULTIMATE, PEAK FORM

Thank you for asking and happy holidays!

I bought the other one and I'm looking into it. It doesn't look like it has what I need. 

Basically, I would like to call a Quick Time Event during the battle, but I can't bind it to a skill, because I will set different total number of buttons in the QTE based on the status of a switch in the game.And then it is perfect to me if the plugin turns a switch on and off.

Or can I do it with the other plugin?

Any chance that you update one of the two plugins with a plugin command to call a QTE during battle?

Bought and really enjoyed it. One problem. I wanted to use it during a battle, but it doesn't come up. Is it possible? Or will it only work outside of the battle scene?



i never thought of that! :O

Thank you, you saved me some time

thank you for your interest.

Yes, I will update the game a few more times to fix some things and then it will be available here as well

Hi the plan is to release in the second half of this month!


Hi, I bought this plugin, it's ALMOST perfect for my game, but I may be doing something wrong. So,

- I'd like to disable auto-restock and only do it via plugin command when a certain point of my game is reached 

- I set the default stock maximum to 5

But if I use a plugin command to add, say, 10 items, it will go above the stock maximum! Is there a way to control this?

Thank you


I see. Do you think the "attention" message at the beginning of the page is not clear enough? What could I change? Thanks for the feedback

Please don't die

Found! "Category Behaviour" was left blank in the plugin parameters.  Thanks

Actually, after some trial and error, I believe is is when one of the ingredients is not an item, but a category.

In some instances, it won't show the category name and display a blank space, but stll display the recipe  (is it actually an option or with this feature we can only list items as ingredents?) while in others, it just crashes with the abovementoned message.


can you help me? When I open the recipe menu, some recipes give me this error


Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

And the game crashes. It happens sistematically with certain recipes but I haven't been able to figure out what's wrong with them.


I just bought the plugin. I really appreciate the complexity and the features and I am planning to use it for a future project.

Nice job!

Hi FoxGirlFan

these are the requirements for tracking the vampires and reaching their lar

  • Vampire Lair = S R S R S L R R (Need to be attacked at night and see the scene with Akane chasing them)

Is this what you've been doing in your game?

yes, according to my tests, it can be in the demo, but it's fixed in the full game


Sorry to hear that, what's the error message?

thank you so much! I'm working on it daily

ok thank you!

For example can we make it so that a character who has high mastery receives a 20% attack boost with that type of weapon?

Low mastery, -20%

I think that's how it works in Disgaea

Interesting plugin.

To make it simple, you can increase a ln actor's mastery towards an equippable weapon. But what does it do?

Higher mastery -> higher damage?

I suppose it's customizable, but what's the default?


I'd definitely buy a MZ version.


Sadly, games developed in rpgmaker mv aren't compatible with mac osx catalina and later versions (it's stated in the download link but we will do a better job making it clearer).

You can still play using a windows virtual machine and/or apps like Parallels.