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My next plugin will be: "Shapes Recognition"

Greetings to everyone!

My next plugin is something I've wanted to create for a long time, but for various reasons, I kept postponing it. I believe it has the potential to be an exceptional plugin with numerous applications.

Get your brushes ready because it's time to draw! 🖌️

(No, it's not a typical "paint" plugin. That would be too easy and would lose its magic)

What I'm talking about is a system where the game recognizes the drawings you make.

Imagine creating a system where, for example, you can open a door by drawing a key symbol, or perhaps casting a spell by drawing a specific rune. The possibilities are truly endless, and I’m very proud of the progress I’ve made so far.

I'm still working on the plugin, but it's already well underway. I didn’t announce this plugin earlier because I wasn’t sure I could pull it off, but now that I have, I can finally give the project the green light.

The system will require some preliminary steps, and while it's a user-friendly plugin, it will require time and effort on your part.

I’ve developed a model training system where you can draw patterns and train your own models for your games. The more trained a model is, the more precise and intelligent it will be.

All of this will be documented in the plugin’s launch video, but I can share some images of what’s to come...


Our Trainer:

I hope you like the plugin, as it’s a truly fascinating idea that I've wanted to bring to life for a long time!

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Hex Maxi, I have another idea for a plugin if you looking for inspiration! What about a "hide map parts", like you can set which part of the map will be hidden until switch X is ON? By hidden I mean covered by a black tile maybe? Or for a better use maybe we can define which tile to use to cover it, like B3 (tile ID 3 from B tileset) for example. This would be perfect for a hidden/secret rooms to discover so you cna no see what's there, and - most important - for games where you can enter to a house which is the same map, so if you leave the house the inside will be covered by "the fog", and if yo uenter it you'll see the inside. I think thisk would b super useful, but but I leave it to you to decide...

Hello! Thank you for your suggestion!

What you mentioned could be useful, but I have a feeling that plugin might cause me a lot of trouble haha.

For what you're suggesting, I think one option could be to use any of these existing plugins:

The idea is good, but I'd like to create things that don't already exist 😅

Of course, thank you for your answer as always :)

Btw thank you for the links you provided!

Hey Undermax, hope everything is good to you. I have an idea for a new plugin! I hope you'll consider this. The idea is: MAP GRID! I mean an option to show grid on maps. Parameters that we could define would be grid size, grid colour, maybe grid thickness? Also a radius from the player or an event maybe would be nice? This would be very useful for any furniture/building systems in our games. There's some plugins for that, but none of them provides display of grid like that, actually. What do you think?

Hello there!

I'm trying to understand the idea you're presenting. You mentioned that a grid for the map would be nice, but I can't seem to find a practical use for it. I mean, could you try to explain in more detail what it would be used for and how it should function? I'm having trouble finding a useful and direct example. I'm sure your idea makes sense, but I'm not quite grasping it.

Also, keep in mind that the idea behind plugins is to add mechanics or features to the game in general. And if, as you mentioned, you'd like it to work with a building system, it might be complicated to implement due to compatibility issues (Personally, I've never really understood how those furniture plugins work, haha).

But back to the topic: If you could elaborate more on your idea, and if you'd like to attach a picture or sketch of how it should look and what elements it should include, that would also be helpful.

Best regards!

As I mentioned, the grid would be very useful in any building system, no matter if implemented by another plugin or just events, as long as it could be turned on and off with a command. It would be useful both for strategic games and for all kinds of building, or for example a game in which you can dig a field (the grid illustration makes planning easier), also grid battle systems. Iit wouldn't interfere with anything, because this grid would only be displayed (like guides), it would not have the task of controlling anything (this is done by furniture systems or it would be the responsibility of the developer). I'll try to do some sketch, too.

Sure, but what I don't quite understand is what the grid would be used for within the game. I mean, the map editor already includes this feature and indicates the coordinates.

For example, I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but try this:

Best regards!

Yes, I'm using this, but I want the grid ingame, not in the editor :) So you can ingame turn on furniture mode and place events or buildings or furniture, while you can tell where it's gonna be with the help of the grid. 

I'm not entirely sure I fully understood the idea, but try this plugin I quickly put together to see if it works for you and meets your needs...

Thank you for you help and effort. Gonna check this out later when I'll be home!

Dear Undermax, tried to check the plugin, but it just does nothing for me. It's turned on and configured, but the grid isn't visible at all. Checked on new project in newest version of core (1.8.0).

Remember to save it with the name "MapGridOverlay.js" and make sure everything is installed correctly. At least it works for me.

Yup, saved like this, it's in correct place and it's turned on - everything looks like on your screenshsots. Just don't see any change ingame / can't see the grid. 

Try with my project folder:

Thanks you so much Maxi for this, that was really helpful. I was that dumb that I didn't used plugin command to show the grid ^^'

This is perfect for me, exactly what I wanted! Can I buy this plugin? I would love to use it in my game. 

I'm glad it's working for you now! 👌🏻 Don't worry, consider it a gift for your continued support! 🥳

Best regards! I wish you success in your project.

Very impressive

OMG, I've never seen anything like this before. So excited! XD

Crazy, Harry Potter and Ni no Kuni used something similar.

I still remember writing the user name like this on nds. It seems to be a mock mayor