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A member registered Dec 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hmm, that's weird, this is the permanent link! if you'd like to try again, if not have a temporary one:

Apologies Wiz, I got mixed up with the jams! I’m running my own and when I saw the notification I figured it came from that one! No, I’m not sure you can use other engines ahahehahah sorry

You offer 500$ for us to make a game each before the jam? I'm a bit lost

Absolutely! Feel free to use any engine :)

Hey, just a quick update, I just found this if you'd like to check it out:

Hey DeDev,

Unfortunately this jam will be video games only, so sorry!

Hey Zilver!

Yep, money will be gotten to you in one way or another!

Hey, thank you! Really glad you liked it! What kinda things would you like to see in the game?


Yes, you absolutely can! If you do win a prize, we'll get in touch and you can make any requests you like then!

Hey! Basically, you'll be prompted to create a new page for your game and submit that!

Hey all, so sorry! is the new link!

The Code for a Cause game jam is coming up on February 28th-March 7th! This is a charity event where the total prize pool collected from generous donators and sponsors is split between the winners and a charity of your choice! If you’d like to win money while making a real world impact, make sure to check it out! Come help us make games for good!


Hahaha thank you so much! Yeah I figured having 16-17 units on screen wouldn't be amazing for performance ahahha but I'll be sure to bring  it to PC!

An animation is a really good idea, I'll be sure to add that! Thank you so much for playing, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Hey just letting you know I think something in your fix screwed up the collisions, I can now walk through trees and rivers

Aww thank you man! So glad you enjoyed it :) Any feedback or features you'd like to see in an update?

WOW thank you so much for your kind words! Yeah, the jitter is really annoying and no clue where it comes from but I'll look into it further! And as for the window, I fully agree that would be awesome,  I think the only way if I'm not mistaken is to make a downloadable version of the game so I'll get on that ASAP!

Hi there, thank you so much for your recommendations! Yeah, I have no idea why for some people the Wave Manager is waiting so painfully long to spawn the next unit. I will fix that up now!

Really silly and cute artstyle! I found the game to be really hard , which can be seen as a good thing or bad depending on the player so I'll list out some of the reasons for you cool devs to decide ehehhaheha

1. Because of how slowly you make money and the small variety of traps to place, I usually found myself with 3-4 spike traps for the majority of my run, and maybe a crossbow if I survive long enough

2. Speaking of the traps, for the price (10 enemies for the spike trap and 20 for the crossbow) they really feel weak. I tried one run placing down just a crossbow and it took a ton of shots just to kill one of 5-6 dinos (which side note I would die for those dinosaurs those are the cutest things I've ever seen)

3. Maybe a speed ramp feature could be nice for when the enemies get past my defenses?

Honestly most of these are nitpicks, so really really good job I'm just bein' picky ahahhah you should be really proud! Kept me playing for a good 20 minutes trying to make the perfect build!

Really fun silly game! Great job using the theme, very clever use of a very broad theme!

Very fun little game for a while, but I'd highly suggest adding some variety into the gameplay, because after a while the only thing keeping me playing was the mystery of the next ability which honestly props for that! The longggg waves made it a chore to walk around the map, shoot a bit, then walk back and so on, but still somewhat enjoyable! The real fun came from the abilities! My only complaint is WHY DID YOU TAKE AWAY MY TELEPORTATIONNN ahhahah I loved that ability and lost it for the triple shot which felt like a massive downgrade, I really didn't find any situations where the triple shot would ever hit more then one arrow. I also tried to use it as a quick burst shot (shoot my usual one then subvert the timer between shots by using my ability) but it seems to follow the same timer (well played, caught my exploit before I used it!)

Nice adventure game! A few things bugged me: The controls being the main one. When moving, I can't use two keys at once, per example if I'm moving forward then realize I want to go down as well, the down key does not work. I have to let go of forward then go down! Also, the spikes should have a little extra display of when they come up, maybe a small charge up animation?

All in all, great job! You should be proud!

Really cute game and fun for a while! A bit of difficulty scaling could be nice, and also I have no idea how to deal with those friggin' blue beetles, I can't stop their shot for the life of me! Some upgrades, permanent incremental stat boosts after every run and more enemies and you've got quite the game on your hands! Great job!

Cute little game and I loved the concept of how you get upgrades! It's definitely a "easy to learn, hard to master" style game and you really have to pick your choices wisely upgrade-wise. I think it would be really really cool if instead of just stat boosts you could have the occasional cool ability unlock from that little menu, something like a revolver instead of a whip or like enemies drop gold on death and so on, making the upgrades feel a bit more meaningful since in any game a stat boost needs to be gotten over and over and over for the player to start feeling the effects. Great great stuff here, amazing job!

First off props for actually using Miniscript!

Second, really cool game concept! A surprisingly large amount of polish and content for a game made in Miniscript, very impressive!

There were a few bugs like when you collect one ring it says you won and fighting the rats that moved at the speed of light was less of a challenge and more of a button-mash-and-hope-i-kill-them-before-they-kill-me situation LOL but really really impressive stuff!

Awesome game graphics! Felt really juicy! I think you definitely were onto something with the minesweeper concept and might have missed the opportunity to add a really cool twist on the game like uncovering artifacts while dodging the traps or even just multilayering minesweeper games to show you progressing down the cave and make it a high score chasing game, but a cool game nonetheless!

Just a few technical things too: many times I end up clicking once and getting one block revealed or end up clicking a bomb first try and every 2-3 runs I'm left with a handful of situations where I'm forced into a 50/50 (a really common one is two blocks covered surrounded by "one" tiles forcing me to guess which is which)

Just a few things I thought I'd bring to your attention (if it wasn't already found hahahaha) All in all amazing job!

Thank you so much! Really glad you liked it! Any recommendations for refining?

Heyyy thank you so much for playing! I'm really glad you liked it! Yeah, I completely agree the pacing is very very slow even after upgrading Greed and Gem Spawn a ton, definitely at the top of my to-do list now!

Yeah this bug was brought to my attention, no clue why this keeps happening and it's so frustrating cuz I can't seem to replicate it in engine. Will dig further in the post-jam update!

Thank you! Yes, you’re right that the health bars could’ve helped! Anything else you’d like in a post jam version?

Thank you! Any features you’d like to see added in a post-jam version?

Yeahhh the A* was definitely slapped together way too fast and doesn’t work the best, number one on the postjam list!

Thank you! So glad you liked it! Other than some of the key bugs found already, any feedback you’d like to add in a post jam update?

Ahahha thanks for the positive outlook on the game! PS. you can drag and drop units around

Ohh yeah there was an issue like that, the only fix right now is either drag the unit away and then it works fine OR restarting the game, sorry about that! Will be the first thing on my to-fix list post-jam!

Thank you! That means a ton ahhaha

Ahahahh mine too! Haven't done one for a jam so I decided to go for it with this one!

Made before the jam started, as proven by the like 300 other jams it was submitted to.

Aw man thank you so much! That means so much to me, I'm so glad you liked it :)

Very cute lil game! I think it definetly needs more work design-wise but there is potential here! Most of the time spent in game is just trying to catch up to the ball, even after I got the bowling ball upgrade it was still super hard. There were a lot of situations I felt I SHOULD'VE hit the ball but didn't somehow, like when it is immediatly above me and so on and the last thing is the impact of the ball. I'd highly suggest looking into making the ball piercing or something along these lines because it feels very unsatisfying to chase a ball for half the wave just to finally hit it and kill a single enemy LOL

Other then that you have an amazing base for a game here and I can't wait to see where you take it!