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A member registered Dec 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very cute lil game! I think it definetly needs more work design-wise but there is potential here! Most of the time spent in game is just trying to catch up to the ball, even after I got the bowling ball upgrade it was still super hard. There were a lot of situations I felt I SHOULD'VE hit the ball but didn't somehow, like when it is immediatly above me and so on and the last thing is the impact of the ball. I'd highly suggest looking into making the ball piercing or something along these lines because it feels very unsatisfying to chase a ball for half the wave just to finally hit it and kill a single enemy LOL

Other then that you have an amazing base for a game here and I can't wait to see where you take it!

Wow this is absolutely amazing feedback! Will be sure to add all of this in the post jam release! I love the suggestions and would also like to ask you a few questions that have been bouncing around in my head for a while:

1. How would you suggest the introduction of new content into the game? I have a new huge secret feature coming pretty soon that I think will change the game completely (for the better) and I think it will help with this, but what would you suggest?

2. Should I lean into the incremental side of the game or the strategy side of it? AKA should I add more and more semi-automation mechanics or more and more ways to defend yourself, RTS-style

Thank you so much for this awesome feedback, this is really such valuable insights!

I’ll add that ASAP thank you for the suggestion!

Hopefully yeah! I'd love to turn this into a full game, I'll keep you posted!

Yeah I’ll buff up the mobs and nerf the barracks a little more, and make sure that the mobs can attack houses and barracks and such

Ahh yeah you’re right I see what you mean, will fix!

LOL yeah I do agree the clicking is a bit much, and for the post jam version when I don't have to follow the theme so closely I'll definetly decrease it ahahah thank you so much for playing!!

Hey! Thank you so much for playing, glad you liked it! Yeah the balancing is an issue, in the initial release the spawning was WAY too fast and now it's WAY too easy, definetly the first thing I'll fix post jam! Really glad you liked it! I was wondering, for the full release do you think the barracks are good as they are, or should I add another layer to them? Instead of them spawning every X seconds, maybe the player has to buy them? IDK, thinking out loud!

Very cute little game, great job! Didn't quite get what to do, the water bowl worked like 20% of the time but for 48 hours it's great!

Definetly a cool concept, I felt like it lacked a lot of the "strategy" aspect, waiting for them to get close then dropping a sandstorm seemed to get me through every level no problem but definetly could turn into a fun game if expanded on it! Maybe giving the player more agency over his resources or something?

It didn't quite work too well for me so I won't rate it for fairness sake, but it looks cute and the bit of the game I managed to play was pretty cool! You have a cool concept on here!

Cute graphics! I did find that there isn't really much to do, but still fun for what it is! I'd suggest maybe clearing up the plants mechanic because right now I don't really understand it  much but great job nontheless!

Great job! It's pretty fun for a while, but I do feel like the water mechanic is very punishing, there we're a lot of impossible scenarios like a cactus right after or before the water making it not possible for me to grab it, but great job anyways!

Also for future games, I'd suggest looking into something called Parallax background, which basically just means each layer of the background moves at a certain pace making it look deeper/3D! Could be cool!

Fun little arena shooter, there are a few things I found either annoying or unfair (ex. my hitbox is huge so weaving between enemies is super difficult, and it also felt like the enemy spawn rate went up but the bullets didn't, could just be me) but it feels like a game with a lot of expansion potential! Upgrades, new guns, new enemies and you've got a pretty fun time-waster!

Thank you so much! I agree that the clicking is a bit much,  but since the resources are already not super scarce I thought it would help with the theme

Thank you for playing!

Oooh these are some great ideas! Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback!

I just realized how rude I sound, please don’t take it badly I am VERY tired lol

Thank you so much, this means a ton!

Thank you for your feedback, friendly reminder we had 48 hours but I will definetly work on it further!

Hey! Thank you so much for playing! Yeah I think I could've started the resources off a bit scarcer because the "worship" concept is to remedy the resource issue, the higher your level the more resources you get every day but I see where you are coming from

Glad you liked it!

That's a good idea, now the issue I could see coming up is what is the insentive for the player to crawl deeper in the mines? Thanks for bouncing ideas around with me!

Thank you so much!

Hey there! Thank you for playing! I see where you are coming from with the scoring system, but the issue is that in my opinion it was kinda the lesser of two evils. On one hand, you have the system I implemented where you spend most of your playing time optimizing and maxing out your build and then making on big run for the high scores OR make the money the score and have players simply mine a bit of the environment, go backwards into the lava and repeat over and over again (since the money saves between rounds)

However I did make most of this game overnight so there is 101% chance I missed other options and would love to hear your ideas!

Hey there! I use Unity for most of my games :D

Hey! Your music sounds amazing! I'm working on a mining game and your style would match really well with the vibe of your game, let me know if you'd be down!

Great job! Fuck (pardon me) all these mean comments, you deserve it!

(1 edit)

I'd be honored! Thank you so much! Drop the link in here when it's done!

Super cute art style, this deserves more ratings! It was pretty laggy, and I do wish the camera followed me a bit more especially on that second level where the camera was real zoomed out it was hard to see what I was solving. Other than those nitpicks, this is a great entry! I loved the bobbing animation on the candle too 

Thank you so much!

The amount of depth you managed to put into this game in 96 hours is absolutely insane! Every level it feels like a curveball, I think I've got it all figured out and all of a sudden there's portals, the level grows, things like that! A few of the mechanics are a little unclear (orb thingy is the most prominent) but really for 96 hours this is incredible! And the sound and art match up with the quality of the game super well, amazing submission!

Thank you so much! I actually plan on adding mouse controls as soon as the jam ends, so I'll let you know! Thank you for playing <3

Yeah the carrots came on last minute, they felt too complex but I forgot to change the info panel haha
Thanks for playing, hope it didn't affect your experience too much <3

Me and my sister had so much fun playing it! Great job!

Super cute little game, and an excellent take on the theme! Maybe some coyote time would really help the platforming!

It was a very cute little game, I loved the how to play screen! Super charming!

I did get pretty confused with the big force field guys, no matter what I threw at them I couldn't get through them! Eventually, a big wall of em covered my entire screen and I died...

Great entry! Thanks for the fun cheddar game LMAO

Thank you so much for playing! The accidental press is sorta what I had in mind, but people didn't quite like the feature so I do have to go back to the drawing board on that one. Glad you liked it! <3

Fun little take on the theme, and I love this spaceship building type game that came up in the jam! Here are a few points that could help the game a bit in the future!

  • The camera is pretty dizzying, and the fact that the entire world is constantly moving around makes it impossible to really tell where I'm going, I think this is a game that would need one of those zoomed out static cameras.
  • The simplistic art is totally a valid approach, but at one point I can't really differentiate what is what. Maybe adding some color sprites or something to make it more obvious?

All in all, very fun game that has a lot of room for expansion! Great job!

Very cute game, super funny and addictive sound effects! A few ideas I had if you'd like to take the game further (which you should):

  • It would be cool to see some powerups, maybe longer run speed, faster walk speed, etc...
  • One of the things I found pretty annoying was the zombies going wherever they pleased, but it does make for a fun game of like "oh, I SHOULD be going down here but I think I have to follow my horde and hide behind them" and so on, so maybe you could add different human types that when captured turn into follower zombies or something, zombies who follow the player!

Amazing submission, with a few more mechanics and some more levels I could totally see this become a fun Steam time-waster!

Thank you for playing! :)

This art style simply oozes with charm and personality, one of the cutest games in the jam!

A few points that could help potentially if you take this game further:

  • A lot of the time it felt like a fifty fifty when I was hitting an obstacle, either I would lose health or knock the whole thing down
  • I feel like maybe making either the food smaller or the map bigger could help with giving the player more of a choice on whether to eat or try and dodge the food, right now there's not much space to make a choice

Other than those two little nitpicks, incredible game, I had a ton of fun making it to space LOL