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A member registered Dec 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Loved the parallel world mechanic, from when I first noticed it (praying) to the ending / level 4. Luckily I found the exit of level 4 instantly haha. The introduction scene and flavor of the game are neat as well!

"I've always been rather nondescript" xD

I enjoyed the writing. I like the word lugubrious. The sounds chosen were fun. (The eating sound effect in ending 9 is comical yet gross!)

Nice little game, good job! Fish jam buddies!

(1 edit)

This game is fun! The controls are like a 3D version of the fish in the game I submitted, flopping around with .. some amount of control, haha

I knocked down my bridge before getting over it unfortunately :(

Awesome game! I enjoyed it all the way through! The gameplay was fun, the aesthetic was nice, and the music was rad!!

This game is rad! Good work on all the assets, we made ours too although we had a smaller team. I enjoyed this quite a bit! It reminded me of the game Zombies ate my Neighbors

Nice game! The music was good and the animation when jumping was especially fun! The death sounds were silly haha. I think the last level was a bit too tight with time (repeatedly saving the enemy from going to the spikes,) but overall solid entry!

Nice game, I like the concept. I could see this take a darker edge as you watch the human world crumble, still only capable of remaining loyal to your task of maximizing engagement whilst lacking the empathy to realize why sharing fearmongering "us vs. them" political hogwash is detrimental to mental health at large...

Neat game! Cool concept and execution, I like the simple rendering, you've probably got the best FPS of the whole jam! Could have used some more sound effects and music, and perhaps some indication of where the shooter is when off camera (especially in the second level, second shot I don't know which way to go.) Overall, cool!

The animations are sick! I'm glad you participated and you can reply to this comment when you complete it and I'll check it out!

This is cool I love the art! I would like more feedback for knowing that I'm damaging (or healing?) the ghost things. After they were gone I wasn't sure if I won or not. But I enjoyed playing and the music is rad!

It depends on your hardware, I believe. Some keyboards do "ghosting" and certain combinations of keys don't work together. I'm sorry you were having trouble, maybe you'll have another chance to play!

Well done! It's a cute game, I like the art and music. I got 51!

I also made a fish game, although a bit more challenging as it is like a QWOP / Getting Over It kind of vibe. Check it out if you want! Let's go fish games!

Nice fish game! That was funny, I wish there was some music. This made me wonder if fish had houses if we would design fishing hooks that surgically extract the fish from their abode. 

My team made a fish game too! You should check it out :)

This is really cool, good work!

That was pretty fun! I liked the vibe. I felt stuck in the underground for a bit, but I eventually figured it out.

Fish game! I like the variety of fishes and the simple gameplay, was quite relaxing

Fish game! I like the music a lot, cute game!

Fish! It's a fun game, I like controlling the school of fish although I wish it was easier to tell how damaged a boat is. I saved up a lot of fish and then got demolished by the boss lol

Fish game!

Fish game!

Nice game! I enjoyed it through to the end. The art is super rad and the inclusion of music is greatly appreciated. I think luck was involved but not an unfair amount.

Gameplay was simple, but I really liked the atmosphere created with the visual and audio effects. Zombies never win,  huh :C

Unintuitive to figure out how to play, but it's a little fun. I like the spells/power-ups, although I broke out of the level easily. Also, the changing arena is cool, though kind of frustrating with the sword being the main attack. Also, enemies spawn faster than you can kill them as you can only kill one at a time. I enjoyed the music! :)  

I was intimidated by the giant wall of text at the start of the game. There could be a better way to teach me that stuff, also I had no idea the generators would explode. It is a fun concept and it was enjoyable to play. Could have used some music too!  :)

I also enjoyed the art style, and found the controls a bit confusing. It was hard to tell if you were even moving, and the jumping is very slow. I would have preferred inverted Y controls or at least a toggle. And some music would have been good. Cute animations tho!

I enjoy the game. I wish I could restart the game without restarting the program, though. Some music would also be nice, maybe screen shake when you damage an enemy.

Easy to learn; hard to master. Truly a pioneer of the fishlike genre.  🐟 /10

Beat me I DARE YOU

If we finish our intended full version of this game, it will become more clear who the player character is. He has a bit of a story to his name as well :) And yeah, there is the slight "error" of Dante being able to "remember" stuff from when he was sedated, but I'm not really gonna bother fixing that. I can make it more clear that it's still part of the same cutscene in another way.

Neat! What all did you do yourself? The engine? The modeling? It was pretty neat. I did feel a sense of atmosphere when I found the really large room. Though, the guards weren't really threatening, which I think could be complemented with audio. And, the camera was very "horrifying" to use in the tighter corridors.

I am so glad you enjoyed! Yeah, we had better plans for the gameplay, but you know how jams go. For some reason we thought we could finish 4 stories plus a whole gameplay system, lol.

Neat game! I actually struggled with it a bit more than I anticipated. Very cute though, though I think the pace is a little slow, especially for how much I had to reset. Moving is slow, and using the runes. I think using the runes could have a quicker and more punchy animation that seems very impactful, perhaps even with a bit of screen shake. These runes contain unfathomable ancient power!

(1 edit)

Hey Z, I like this a lot. There a few typos but that doesn't matter. My favorite poem is #4, Broken Dreams, because I can relate it to a specific event in my past. Especially the first stanza and the lines "We don't ever think about // those who we hurt // even if for a moment // or how their lives are"

I have a remarkable ability to "get over"/forget people - I think I have problems manifesting certain emotions and having empathy sometimes. Paired with a bad habit of completely cutting people out of my life if they are not currently benefiting me, I have made some bad decisions in the past. With some people, I was able to make up, and with others, I have only heard stories of how their lives have gone since I abandoned them. Your poem helps me realize that my actions may be hurting people. This is something I need to learn.

Additionally, I like that your goal was to exemplify negative emotions in a new perspective. When I write poetry, I am incredibly negative and edgy. I am not typically like that. In my submission to the poetry jam, I embraced these feelings and went as hardcore as I could. If you wanna check that out, you can!

Hey! I can't believe the itch algorithm suggested me this - it's so similar to my game I just updated! I like your game's style, and the narration through memories. I am inspired to work with this idea sometime.

As for "my game" that I mentioned, it is also a mystery involving a missing food item... if you wish to check it out, it is here!

Hey Vimlark, I have a new version of my game that is a lot more clear about what is happening and what to do next. This should improve your experience. There is also a completely redone first level with a lot more to discover. If you enjoyed the writing and the story (for which there are now 7-ish endings) you should check it out!

Hey Jorava, I have a new update for my game with a better parser (less superfluous arguments) and less tedious gameplay! Check it out if you like!

Hey BlueRookStudios, my newest update for my game includes this very feature that you suggested (among other improvements)! Check it out if you like!

Hey Olivia, I have a new update for my game that addresses your issues from before! (Thanks for your feedback, again.) If you would like to, you can check it out!

Hey never_k, I finally updated my game to be have more obvious feedback about what is happening! There is also a completely redone first level, along with other improvements. You're welcome to check it out, if you like!