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A member registered Jul 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello! Thank you for your kind message! It's really incredible to hear that so many people at your school are enjoying Plug Away.

I think you'll be excited to hear that I have been working on a sequel for Plug Away. I can't give you an exact time as it's not entirely up to me, but if all goes according to plan it should be up on at some point this year.

I am impressed, not concerned


Glad to hear you liked it. Thanks for the comment and thanks for listening!

You're welcome! Thank you for sharing your work!

I love the bluesy, ragtime aesthetic you went for. It's very reminiscent of music from games like Super Mario World and Earthbound.

Well done!

Thanks for the feedback!  I definitely agree with your suggestions; Its something that I will be keeping in mind in the future.

Thanks for listening!

This was a really enjoyable listen. I really like how varied each track is; They all feel like they have their own unique place and identity in your imagined game. I think the track "Amethyst Forest" was my favourite. I liked the energetic, upbeat nature of it and it really painted a vivid picture of a lust forest in my mind. Starry Cave was another one I liked. I love when the drums kick in.

Also something in your submission's description stuck out to me:

I challenged myself to write music for me that I enjoy listening to rather than writing what I think other people want to hear.

That resonated with me as I find that in a general creative sense, that is something I struggle with as well. I would say based on your submission that you really succeeded at that challenge!

Great job!

I like the addition of a growling/noisy synth element in the second track. It adds a gritty texture and gives it a darker tone from the other tracks, which I think fits your description of the track well.

Nice job!

You've done a really good job at creating an dynamic range of emotion in these tracks. I really like how the more whimsical tone of the tracks "Innocence" and the first part of "Unexpected" contrast with the more intense moments from the second half of "Unexpected" and "Northern Light" all which in turn also contrast with the more reflective, somber tone of "Slumber".

Well done overall!

You're welcome! Thank you for sharing your music!

I really liked the reverb on the bells (bleeps?) you used across the various tracks; They really added a cool sci-fi, space-y aesthetic to the music. The use of sampled vocals on the second track was an interesting addition as well.

Nice job!

I really love this submission; It's probably one of my favourites. You've really conveyed a wonderful ambiance with these tracks. It has such a vividly sorrowful but hauntingly beautiful atmosphere. Some of these pieces genuinely gave me chills.

I think the track "They Touch The Skies" was my favourite. I can't really describe it, but it struck a chord with me and I found it really moving.

Well done!

Although I like the vocal section in the first half, the second section was my favourite. I love the ambiance you created with the layers different slightly detuned synths, the bird song sound effects and bells. Its just such a cool shimmery, ethereal sort of aesthetic that has this relaxing, but also kinda alien feel to it.

Cool submission!

Really cool track! I can totally image this being in a high-speed racing game like Redout like you mentioned in the description! I really feel like you captured that sort of vibe. I love the way the synths sound and the aggressive, driving nature of the bass line!

Great submission!

I really like the way you gradually introduce and layer various instruments during the beginning of the song. I especially like how the bells eventually replace/layer over the piano melody. I also really like how the drum beat is introduced part way through the track. It adds a nice bit of variation and interest over the repeating melody.

Nicely done!

Ah, I've never heard of art-breeder before. It seems pretty neat. Thanks for the info!

Thanks for the feedback. I agree that I could have done more in terms of mixing and effects to improve the overall sound of the instruments. Its something I will definitely be keeping in mind going forward. I'm glad you liked the composition overall, though!

Thanks for listening!

Hey glad you liked it! Thank you for the kind words and thanks for listening!

Hey thanks for the feedback! Definitely something I will keep in mind for my future work.

Thanks for listening!

Really dramatic score! I liked the drums on the first track. Also, I liked the used of the pitch bending strings as a motif across multiple tracks. They sort of sounded like sirens which I felt fit the tone of your plot. Although, I felt that there were a few points where it became a bit repetitive.

Overall, well done!

I immediately remembered your submission to the previous OST Comp Jam upon listening to these pieces. What can I say, you seem to have a real knack for creating these creepy horror ambiances.

Also did you make the cover images yourself? I'm curious as to how they were made. They really add to the tone of your music.

I really enjoyed the mixture of acoustic guitar, synths and chiptune sounds you used; I think it gives the music a lighthearted, silly tone as you described. I especially liked the use of chiptune in the second track, The Forest. Overall, I got kind of an Animal Crossing vibe from the OST which I thought was pretty cool.

Nicely done!

Hey, glad you liked it! Thanks for listening!

Maze of Thorns is my favourite track. I really like the drums on that track.

 Overall, I like the contrast between a sort of dark fairytale ambiance and the more energetic, riff-y moments created by the use of guitar, bass and drums on certain tracks. I also like the use of the crunchy, computerized bell sounds to tie several of the tracks together.

Well done!

Really interesting tracks! I like the choice to go with an orchestral composition.

Some parts of the compositions felt a little too chaotic; There were a lot of voices doing a lot of different things and I think that diminished some of the compositions clarity.

Overall though, this was well done. I think you've done well to really create some dramatic pieces with strong emotional moments, especially with Face to Face with Danger and Sanctuary.

Well done!

This entire OST is phenomenal! 

I wish I could offer some constructive criticism, but honestly nothing really comes to mind. The composition, mixing, sampling and overall vibe of each track is really outstanding. Everything just fits together in a really cohesive way and the overall aesthetic has this great laid-back but energetic duality.

Really great job here! 5/5!

Thank you very much! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it and I really appreciate the in-depth feedback for each track as well as the overall submission. I think you're right about the addition of a snare to the percussion of Fight or Flight helping the rhythmic drive of the piece; Something for me to keep in mind in the future.

Thank you for listening!

I appreciate the kind words! Fight or Flight was the track I spent the most time working on as it was the first of the three I made and it took a while to figure out how I wanted to arrange everything and the sort of tone I was going for so I'm glad to hear you liked it.

Thank you for listening!

Thank you for the feedback! Mixing is something that I could definitely improve for my future work, however I am glad to hear that the composition of the pieces stood out to you as that was what I ended up focusing on over any sort of mixing due to being pressed for time.

Thanks for listening!

Thank you for your kind response and thanks for listening!

Thanks for the feedback! This was my first time doing any sort of string composition in a DAW and I know exactly what you mean about adding in imperfections to make the string sound a little more dynamic. I would have liked to work a bit more on that aspect of the composition, but I ended up being a crunched for time towards the end of the jam and decided to leave it as is. This is definitely advice I will keep in mind for my future work. 

Thanks for listening!

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for listening!

Hey thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for reaching out! I have sent you an email response. I look forward to hearing back from you!

You're welcome!

Really cool visual aesthetic! The transition fade effect was really neat too. The gameplay was rather simple but I think in combination with the dialogue and narrative with the bunny character, it was paced well.

Nice job!

Really cool 2D platformer!

The basic controls felt pretty solid and the grapple was a neat mechanic. The sprites and music were nice, too.

Nice job!

Really neat puzzle game!

The visuals were cute and I like the optional objective of collecting the diamonds. It really adds an additional layer of challenge to the puzzles.

Well done!

Short, but simple and fun! Reminds me of a WarioWare or Mario Party minigame.

Nice job!