Thank you! :D
Dee <3
Creator of
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A great little story! The minigames were pretty fun - I recognise the lack of an indicator for the button mashing one was due to the deadline, so that's fine. Although, at one point, I did clearly miss the green section in the timing minigame and still get a tick; might be something to look into?
Sprites and dialogue were lovely, too! All in all, good job.
Got a lil' puzzle game if you'd like.
Checked out your game too, as is tradition - it's quite lovely!
I liked this game! It's funny how mundane, boring tasks can become stressful given a time limit.
Although; where was the quota? You lose when you get too stressed, not if you miss any quota - perhaps the game should have been named something stress-related instead? Minor nitpick, really.
Great game and great job!
I like the idea of a platforming puzzle game where you have to push crates around, and I can see some potential in the concept from the puzzles at the start.
I found most of the following puzzles could be circumvented just by jumping over everything and pushing the boxes on their side, though; perhaps this could be fixed by carefully considering how high the player can jump and disallowing box rotation? It would also be nice if the pushable boxes were a different colour to the walls, too.
That said, this game is a fun little playground, and it's nice for the amount of time you were allowed to spend on it.
I, like one of the people below, didn't realise you could carry multiple animals. I also didn't realise you needed two of each species to save said species; while that should have been obvious in hindsight, both could likely have been clarified somewhere ingame.
Also, requiring 2 of a given species does make the game slightly luck-based, as you don't know where the other member of the species is when saving the first one, and may not find it. Perhaps the location of the second member could be revealed after the first one is saved?
The rain and eventual flood appearing on-screen was a nice touch. Giving you point for both theme and graphics for that.
The NPC which said 'I hope it doesn't rain too much' was great, too! Honestly - love that. Hilarious. 5 fun score for that alone.
All in all, great work! This is quite impressive for a first jam game, at least, in my opinion.
I, like one of the people below, didn't realise you could carry multiple animals. I also didn't realise you needed two of each species to save said species; while that should have been obvious in hindsight, both could likely have been clarified somewhere ingame.
Also, requiring 2 of a given species does make the game slightly luck-based, as you don't know where the other member of the species is when saving the first one, and may not find it. Perhaps the location of the second member could be revealed after the first one is saved?
The rain and eventual flood appearing on-screen was a nice touch. Giving you points for both theme and graphics for that.
The NPC which said 'I hope it doesn't rain too much' was great, too! Honestly - love that. Hilarious. 5 fun score for that alone.
All in all, great work! This is quite impressive for a first jam game, at least, in my opinion.
Everyone praises the voice acting, and I don't disagree; it's great.
I think this game captures the feeling of having several plates spinning at once fairly well. However, I also agree that the number of tourists to keep track of and how far you had to go away from them at times to collect resources made the gameplay a little tough. Perhaps the game would have been more manageable with a wider camera, or a mini-map (although that may defeat the point)?
I'm also not sure why there's a sprint button, as there isn't really any reason you'd ever want not to sprint. As is, it's just something which you hold down the whole time.
Of course, all these are footnotes; you made a pretty fun game. I'm impressed by the level of polish - nice job!!
Here's a link to the source code!!!